A showcase with @seasaltsecret, author of Royal Rogue

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1 what inspired the idea of your story?

I guess I was inspired by my love of wolves, I first started reading on the episode platform then moved to wattpad and the werewolf stories fascinated me, since then I've started reading other genres such as romance and adventure. I've always loved reading, since I was a kid, I was always going to the charity shops to find a new book for 50p, I guess my love of books and my love of creative writing inspired me. I love the way with creative writing how you can shape and mold an idea in your head into words that can explain it in a completely different way. I'm going to move onto the next point now because this is a really long answer, whoops

 2 what was something you struggled with for your story?

The thing I struggled and am still struggling with is the middle part of my story, my story wasn't really planned, I had a beginning and an ending but the middle part- eh that's kind of rough round the edges. I've got the general idea, it's just trying to get towards the key points I want to include without giving away too many secrets and not boring my readers. I want to try and create a book that I myself would want to read. (Tbf id read a children's book of it was given to me)

 3 what has been the overall response to your story from your readers?

The overall response has been good I guess. I have a handful of loyal readers that continuously praise the book with votes and kind comments that make me smile but aren't afraid to give me criticism.

 4 what did you enjoy writing most of your story? 

I think I enjoyed writing the drama and exposing the secrets- it's the fun part. I'm looking forwards to the ending- hehe plot twist

5 is your story a stand alone novel or a piece of a series?

It's part of a 2 book series. Royal rogue and Rescue rogue. So far only the first book is in the process of being written.

 6 what would you like your readers to take away from your story?

I guess I want them to take away the fact that you choose who you family is and even though people hurt you and lie, they may have a reason. If they don't then you can drop kick them. Be yourself no matter what- the message doesn't become clear until the end of the book. (Sometimes you keep falling because it's the people closest to you who are tripping you up and dragging you down)

 7 what's a piece of advice you would provide to another writer, when it comes to focusing on their story? 

Idk with this since I updated my book whenever I feel inspired - which is never - whoops I'm trying to get a schedule sorted but with college work being irregularly set it's difficult. Maybe just (1) accept criticism, not everyone is gonna like what you write or how you write and that's okay you've just gotta try and move forwards with that comment in mind, implementing it if you think it's reasonable and not just someone hating. (2) don't give up, there will be time when you get writers block or you don't feel particularly inspired, you feel deflated like your book and storyline is going no where, but keep at it, if you really want the book to do well, keep changing it, reach out to a few people, someone if bound to answer. (3) try and set up an area/time when you can sit and focus, whether it's 10 spare minutes a day or a couple of hours on a Saturday night, find some time you're free, relax and see if any ideas come to you- if not it's alright, try again another time.

8 does your main character share any similarities to yourself?

Not really, the overthinking of her brain yeah but not really. If I was a werewolf shifter than maybe I'd share similarities to her

9 what's something you believe would draw in new readers?

If a big account voted, people would see it on their feed and might check out my story or maybe if I won an award (very unlikely, I win nothing)

 10 do you have any future projects?

I have some books in my drafts I would like to publish when I figure out the characters and plot of the story, at the minute everything is rough ideas in my head. I didn't plan this book and because of that I've been writing it for over a year and am not finished. I don't want to start a new book until I get this finished

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