98. He walks in the rain

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A/N: here's an update to make up for the last chapter. Thank you for all the views and votes! & if you commented on the last chapter, don't worry, I was honestly bawling right after it.

You sat in the living room. You were alone in the house. Your parents were out at dinner and your brother was over at his friend's house for the night, so you were taking this moment to blast music and attempt to complete the pile of homework you had in front of you.

You glanced at the clock above the TV set and frowned. Niall should have been here by now to study. You threw down the pen on the table and reached into your pocket for your phone.

It wasn't there. Of course.

You groaned and checked the other pocket. Then your sweater and finally all over the desk and the couch. Nowhere to be found. You stood and walked down to the basement where your bag was, digging through the side pocket and finally finding your phone.

Seven missed messages and one voicemail.

You frowned and looked at the messages. The first just said that Niall was on his way. Then the next one was that his car broke down. Another few asking if you could come get him. Then two saying that it had just started to rain cats and dogs, because of course it would, "because it's Murphy's law and why aren't you answering me?"

You dialed your voicemail.

"Hey, I have no idea why you're not picking up," said Niall's voice. He sounded annoyed, but also a little worried. "Like I said in my other texts, my car broke down. I have no idea how to fix it and then it started raining. But I'm not too far from your house. I'm just gonna make a break for it and see how that goes." A pause. "Did I mention it's raining a lot?" Sigh. "Ok. I'll be there soon. If I die, you can have my signed football poster."

You bounded up the stairs, grabbing your keys from the coffee table. Maybe you could pick Niall up on the side of the road or something and spare him a bit of the way to your house and -

The doorbell rang. You opened it and braced yourself. Standing on the doorstep, looking like a wet puppy, was Niall. He held an umbrella in one hand, but it was either broken or completely ineffective with the wind. His usually jelled hair was wet and plastered to his head and he was completely soaked.

"Oh hi," said Niall, his teeth chattering.

"Get inside now," you ordered, stepping back.

"Don't mind if I do," said Niall, attempting humor, but failing with the chattering and shivering.

Niall stepped through the threshold, his footsteps making sloshing noises.

"I'm so sorry," you said as you shut the door. "My phone was down stairs and I only just got all your messages. I was about to leave and try to pick you up."

"It's ok," said Niall. "I was kinda worried, honestly. Usually your phone is like, glued to your hand." He was shivering violently now.

"Ok, we need to get you out of those clothes now," you said, grabbing on of his arms and pulling him to the stairs and down to your room in the basement.

"You move fast," muttered Niall.

"Shut up," you said. "Shoes, now." You pointed to his feet. "I'm going to find you something to wear. "My brother's jeans might fit..."

You disappeared to your brother's room, grabbing a pair of ratty jeans from when he was trying to dress like your dad. They were a few sizes too small so they would probably fit Niall. Then you grabbed a black t-shirt and walked out.

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