20. You get in a fight with him pt. 2

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The second you reached April's house, you collapsed on her doorstep and just sat there. You weren't crying, you weren't heated anymore. You were just numb. What do you do when you give one person your whole world and without them, you're nothing?

Ugh, you hated him so much.

"Y/N? What are you doing here?" You heard April's voice say when her front door opened.

You shook your head and instead got up in the direction of your car to leave. April wasn't going to help. Niall always told you that running away from problems will only create bigger ones... And you needed to face him.

"I gotta go," you murmured, knowing April was long gone before she could hear you.

You needed to confront him again. There was just no happy ending until you did.


By the time you got back to your flat, it was pouring rain. Through the windshield you saw him.

Niall was sitting on the front steps of the house with his face buried in his hands. Your heart started to hurt and suddenly, the argument didn't matter anymore.

You rushed out of the car and walked carefully to him. Upon moving closer, you could hear him sobbing quietly. "Niall." You say softly.

His head didn't move. Instead he said, "Are you getting the rest of your stuff, then?" His voice was emotionless, almost cold. You didn't like it at all.

You sigh. "You're such a big idiot." You sit down next to him, shivering slightly. "One fight won't make me leave you."

"It was a pretty big fight." He retorted.

"Was it really?" You say almost sarcastically.

He lifted his head up and looked at you, his eyes completely red and puffy. "I don't appreciate your tone." He said, almost jokingly.

You give a small smile and sit silent. You didn't know what you were doing, what was happening, what was going to happen - you didn't know anything.

That changed as soon as you felt Niall reach for your fingers and laced his around yours and in that moment, you knew. You didn't HAVE to know what was happening.

You were going to be okay. Neither of you were perfect but in each other's eyes, you were.

You were going to be okay.


A/N: So this is part 2! I hope you enjoyed it. This was actually the first time I've updated on my iPhone so I hope it's okay. :) Have a nice day!

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