80. You get "married"

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"Y/N, do you want to play house? You can be the wife!" A seven year old Niall asked as the two walked to the jungle gym hand in hand.

Before you could answer Harry cut in. "You can't play house unless you're married!"

Niall frowned. "Why not!? Who said that Harry?"

"My mom said so!"

"That makes no sense!" Nathan said before adding, "My dad and our house keeper play house all the time when my mommy's gone and they aren't married!"

"But my mom said so!" Harry whined.

Nathan frowned. "I'll ask my mommy about it when I get home. Mommy and daddy usually have different answers anyway..."

Niall frowned, letting go of your hand. You looked down at your hand and frowned sadly. "What's wrong Niall, you look sad. Don't be sad."

"I really wanted to play house..."

"Oh...But Harry says we can't unless we are married."

Niall suddenly smiled brightly at you. "I have an idea!"

"What is it?"

"Lets get married! Then we can play house!"

You smiled. "Okay!"

"In the movies there's always someone with a big book reading and the girl always has flowers!" Harry said as he looked around. "I have a book in my cubby and there are some dandelions over there." He said pointing to his left.

"Okay, go get your book Harry! Hurry!" Nathan said. "And there are always people taking pictures at weddings."

"Ask Ms. Watson for the camera! You can take the pictures Nathan!" You said excitedly.

"Okay!" Nathan said, running off.

A few minutes later Nathan returned with a camera and Harry with a Dr. Seuss book.

"Okay, Y/N, Niall, stand and face me. Nathan, go behind them and take the picture after they get married, okay?" Harry asked.

"Okay." The three said.

"Good. Okay, Niall, do you want to be Y/N's husband?"

"Yes!" Niall said squeezing your hand.

"Y/N, do you want to be Niall's wife?"

"I sure do!" You said returning the squeeze.

"Okay, Nathan take the picture!" Harry said as Nathan clicked the button. "Good, now you have to kiss."

Niall took your other hand into his and gave you a light kiss before turning to Harry. "So, now can we play house?"


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