14. Snow day

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Niall crouched behind the snow bank while his unsuspecting target inched closer. He had to do this with precision and stealth. If he was caught before hand, his band mates would never let him live it down. Harry and Louis, who were on the other side of the snow bank, gave the signal for Niall to get ready.

The crunching sound of the snow gave away the footsteps of his target. Any second now...

Niall peeked from the top of the snow bank before crushing the snow ball in his hand. He couldn't do it - you would kill him. His friends be damned, he had to get you out of this mess as quickly as possible. When Josh or Dan raise the signal, you would be pelted with snowballs until you screamed bloody murder.

Too late.

"NOW!" Josh yelled. All of his friends sprung from their spots and began to aim their snowballs at you, while you stood there in shock. It didn't help that half of Niall's friends had really good aim.

He had to act quickly. Louis, who was right beside him, was an animal. He apparently made a pile of snow balls during the time he spent waiting. Niall ran with all of his might to knock down the smaller boy. "What the hell, Niall?" Louis yelled when he hit the ground.

Niall was desperate. With every snowball erupted a curse and scream from you. Whose side was he on?

"TAKE THAT Y/N! AND THAT! AND THAT! AND THAT!" Harry yelled with every pelt of snow. He was usually so gentle, which surprised every one present, even you. They were taken aback - they didn't know he had all that anger built inside of him.

"I'LL SAVE YOU!" Niall yelled. He realized he was on your side a long time ago. His band mates were his best friends, but you were his princess and that was the only explanation Niall needed. He slid down the small snow bank and grabbed your gloved hand. "RUN!"

It proved unsuccessful when you had fallen in the snow the second Niall ordered you to flee. "I have to surrender, Niall." You said amidst all the shouting from the other boys. Niall ran his numb fingers across your cheek. "Don't give in to them, babe." He felt a sharp sting on his back, followed with screams of, "TRAITOR! HE'S A TRAITOR!"

Despite everything that had happened, you let out a laugh. "They won't know what will hit them." You curiously looked behind your shoulder. Niall strained his eyes to see what you were looking at. There, in the middle of the field, stood Paul, Zayn, and Liam in the lead. Oh, he was going to hear about this later.

That single moment when the other boys had stopped and realized that they weren't alone was the moment the newcomers began to sprint. Niall helped you up to your feet and ran as fast as the snow would let him into an open clearing. He didn't want his princess to get in the way of the disaster about to happen. Instead, you two curiously watched the massive snow ball fight about to take place.

"Look at them go," you whispered into Niall's ear.

Zayn had been targeted the minute he had set foot an inch away from the snow banks. Liam, who always had a soft spot for you, was furious, which caused him to pelt any person that so much glanced at you. You didn't even want to know how Paul managed to throw the snow balls with such speed. Josh and Dan worked as a team while Harry's violent streak seemed to end, with Louis trying his best to protect him.

After a few minutes, the snow ball fight turned into tackling. The moment Louis and Harry had hit the ground, Niall took your hand and led you away from the scene. You weren't going to get roped into this mess; you were better off grabbing a cup of hot coffee and watching a movie. After all, it was cuddle weather.

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