59. He reads your child to sleep

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"... and so the prince took Cinderella back to his castle and they lived happily ever after," Niall read. "The end." He brushed an airy kiss on the top of his six-year-old daughter's head, her soft hair still damp from her bedtime bath. She nestled closer, wiggling her little toes in her blue footie pajamas. "And now it's time for little girls to be in bed."

He closed the book and hugged Diana tightly. Diana frowned and wriggled out of his grip. "Wait, wait. Then what, Daddy?" She asked.

"Then what what?" He asked.

Diana sat down facing him, her small hands holding onto her blanket. "Then what?" She repeated. "What happened after they went to the castle?"

Niall blinked. "They got married, I suppose," he said.

"Then what?" She pressed.

"Well, I don't know, Di, maybe they-"

"Did Cinderella go to college?" She inquired.

"Well, she-"

"What did her wedding dress look like?"


"Did they have babies? Did they get a puppy? Did the stepsisters ever come to visit? What about the stepmother? Did they-"

Niall covered Diana's little mouth with his fingertips. "Hold on, chatterbox," he smiled. He gathered her up and set her on his knees facing him. "Cinderella went to college and got with a degree in textile merchandising, and waited to marry the prince until after she graduated because that is entirely more practical than getting married during school. They had a small but very pretty wedding, and Cinderella had a white lace dress but no glass slippers, because Prince Charming accidentally knocked one of them over and broke it. Then they moved into a very nice starter castle and adopted a puppy from the shelter."

"What did they-" Diana began.

"They named him...um, Spot," Niall interrupted. "And then they had three children, two boys and a girl, and the prince became the king after his father died and Cinderella ruled with him as his queen and they raised their children to be smart and kind and polite, and to always eat their vegetables at dinner."

Diana, who had been caught hiding green beans under her napkin that very night, squirmed sheepishly.

"The stepmother and stepsisters were invited to visit, but they were too embarrassed after how they treated Cinderella so they moved to...Las Vegas and were never heard from again," Niall finished. "There. Does that answer all of your questions?"

"For now," Diana said. She snuggled closer and rested her head on his shoulder. "Will you read me Sleeping Beauty tomorrow night please?"

"I'll let your mommy read to you tomorrow," he grinned, rubbing her back.

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