eighty-four: harriet

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eighty-four: harriet

They stopped at a restaurant just on the pier, both of them wanting something to eat besides hotel room service. Niall ordered for Harry and Harry ordered for Niall, something they had started up recently just for the hell of it. They didn't care if they were that couple, the one that made everyone around them want to throw up because of all the heart eyes. Niall loved Harry, he thought he was the sun, the moon, the whole entire world and Harry felt the same way about his husband. He didn't think it was ever going to be possible to love Niall more than he did before they had Noah, but the moment he saw Niall hold their little one for the first time... Harry knew he was in deep, but he didn't care. 

As long as he had his family. 

"So, any thoughts on baby names?" Niall asks right as Harry takes a drink, the younger of the two choking slightly as he nearly spits out his water.

"Wh-What do you mean?" Harry asks, coughing a little as he tries to catch his breath again. 

"For our fifty children were supposedly having. Did you pick out their names?" Niall asks, a familiar glint in his eyes that made Harry feel like a lovesick fool. Harry pretends to think about it for a moment, tapping his chin as he does so. 

"I'm thinking we just name them all by number, Niall one, Niall two, Niall three, so on..." Harry says, grinning as Niall lets out a laugh that seems to echo through the whole building. 

"What if it's a girl? Are we going to name her Harriet?" Niall asks, a teasing tone to his voice which of course made Harry smile even more. He loved moments like these, where it's just them joking around without a care in the world. It was like old times, but Harry didn't really miss the old times anymore. 

"Elizabeth, I've always liked the name Elizabeth..." Harry says quietly after the laughter dies down, looking down at their intertwined hands that sit upon the table. Niall rubs his thumb over the back of Harry's hand, giving it a soft squeeze. 

"Elizabeth Anne, her middle name for your mum." Niall says and Harry feels his heart swell a little more. 

"What about your mum?" Harry finds himself asking, he'd told Niall he would try to be nicer, more accepting... this was his way of doing that. Niall lets out a sigh, the carefree atmosphere fading a little. 

"Honestly... I don't think my mum is gonna be around for much longer... I think... I think you're right, there's something strange with the way she suddenly just wanted to be in my life again... I won't be surprised if she's gone by the time we get back and... I don't think I'll be all that upset about it because she's not my family... My family is with you and Noah, it's all I need and I was an idiot for thinking I needed anything more." Niall says and Harry's smile falls just a little. This hadn't been his intention when he'd told Niall about his mother... He knew how badly Niall missed them, but he was right, his family was with Harry. 

"I'm sorry it didn't work out the way you wanted it to..." Harry offers up, giving Niall's hand a very tight squeeze which causes the older to look up his husband. Niall's eyes are a darker blue than normal, something that Harry always recognized as his husband being upset. 

"It is what it is, I guess... but enough about that... I think Louis finally started dating someone." Niall says, earning a look from Harry because that had come as a surprise. 

"I thought he was still into Zayn?" 

"I did too, but he met this guy named Heath at our last show and they hit it off... They've been hanging out a lot recently. I don't know if it's anything serious, but I think he just got sick of waiting for Zayn to make up his mind... I mean, that's been going on for almost five years..." Niall says, earning a sigh from Harry because of course Niall had a point. He couldn't blame Louis for wanting to move on, but Harry still felt bad for Zayn. 

"Well, I'm happy for him. He'll have to bring Heath over sometime so I can meet him." Harry says, earning a nod from Niall who thanks their waiter as he finally brings out their food. 

"So Elizabeth Anne and Noah Jedidiah.... What if we don't get the girl? You know it's a fifty shot." Niall says, trying to lighten up the mood as he finally starts to eat. Harry lets out a small laugh as he too starts to eat, shrugging his shoulders. 

"I dunno... What kind of name do you have in mind? I've pretty much named all of our children." Harry says, leaning across the table to sneak a bite of Niall's dish. 

"Hayden... I almost suggested it for Noah's middle name since you were so dead set on not using Jedidiah... But then you came around and I just like the name. I think it would fit you know... Noah starts with N like my name... Hayden starts with an H like yours... It'll be a perfect little set." Niall says, earning a small smile from Harry as Niall goes for a bite of his food. 

"Hayden... I like that. You wanna know what else I like?" Harry asks and Niall looks at him curiously. 


"I was gonna say the food, but yeah. I guess I like you." 



i don't even know how i'm gonna end this book... I'm honestly thinking their second wedding ooooooooooooor Noah's first birthday, either one is gonna be a huge ass time jump lol. 

dedication goes to iguessidek




connie xx 

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