Parenting 101- Mary & Greg

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Greg carefully laid Ethan in his crib after having managed to rock the baby to sleep. Mary was passed out on their bed, exhausted after a long night of staying up with Ethan.

Greg crept out of the room, shutting the door and heading down to the living room. He collapsed on the couch, eyes falling shut.

Ethan had an ear infection, and the poor kid had been up the past two nights crying. Greg wished he could do something for Ethan, but they had already taken him to the doctor's and done what they could.

Almost as soon as he closed his eyes, Greg heard Ethan's cries starting up. He forced his eyes open and got up, heading back into Ethan's room and lifting him out of the crib.

"I know, I know," he said with a sigh, rocking Ethan. "You hate being in pain and I hate seeing you in pain. Shhh, you're okay Ethan."

Greg sat down, trying to soothe Ethan into a calmer state. He'd been so excited to be a father, but now that he was one, he was just a mess of anxiety all the time.

Ethan tended to spit out more food than he ate. Greg was afraid he was going to be malnourished. He was also paranoid that Ethan would choke on something or suffocate himself or get hurt if he wasn't watched twenty four seven or...

Well, Greg was just paranoid that something would happen to Ethan. He wanted to keep the baby safe, but then things like this happened. He couldn't protect Ethan from an infection, and it drove him crazy. Not that he'd give up Ethan for anything.

"He was crying," Mary said, sleepily stumbling into the room.

"I got him under control," Greg assured. "Go back to bed. You were up all night."

"He's breaking my heart. I wish we could help him," Mary said.

"Me too. But there's nothing we can do. So go back to sleep and I'll try to get him back to sleep," Greg said.

Mary shot a concerned look at Ethan before leaving the room. Greg sighed and gave a small smile at Ethan.

"You're going to drive us crazy," he said, kissing his son on the head.



Mary leapt forward and snatched Ethan's arm before it could reach the candy on the counter. Ethan looked up at her in surprise.

"Mommy!" he protested.

"No, no, no. Some of that candy has nuts in it," Mary said, her heart racing. Ethan had been hospitalized a few months ago, alerting them that he'd developed a severe allergy to nuts. The doctor said that Ethan could always outgrow the allergy, but that it could be deadly if they weren't careful.

"I just want one piece!" Ethan said.

"Here, have a lollipop," Mary said, handing it to him.

"Mommy, I don't want a lollipop," he said, frowning at it.

"I hate Halloween," Greg said, coming into the room. "I really hate Halloween. I think I'm going to have a heart attack by the end of the night. Don't forget to remind his teacher that he has an allergy."

"I know, I know," Mary said. Ethan didn't understand the severity of his allergy, so they constantly had to watch him. They tried to keep anything that could even potentially trigger his allergy out of the house. It was nerve racking to send him to school, where a kid could offer him food to be nice and end up killing him.

Greg knelt down in front of Ethan. "Do not eat any candy at school. Only eat the lunch mom packed for you. Got it?"

"Got it," Ethan said, dropping his head in defeat.

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