Chapter 122

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"Bruno....stoppp...." she pleaded as he followed behind her touching her butt. "I can't. I just can't Bruno. My heart is breaking...."

" was their job..." he told her. "They knew..."

"No, Bruno. They didn't know. No one knows that the day they wake up will be their last day. Even if I didn't really like the girl...she's not going to be there tomorrow..." Kassie laid her head on a pillow on the couch crying.

"Baby...please...don''re going to stress yourself's's horrible." Bruno said lifting her legs up to sit underneath her legs.

"You don't sound very upset, Bruno." she answered him.

" long have you known me? I'll get there...I'm still in shock." he told her.

She closed her eyes making a loud sigh indicating her frustration. "Whatever."

He leaned over onto her head kissing her gently brushing her hair out of her face. "Go to sleep, baby." He lifted her legs up grabbing a blanket covering her up watching her pretend to sleep.

"Brunito..." she held out her hand trying to grab him before he walked away. "Put your hand here..." she said in a hurried tone moving the blanket off throwing it to the side taking his hand. "Can you feel that?"

"Don't it fell good...don't it feel goooddd, babbbyyyy..." Bruno sang to her. He felt her other hand hitting his head. "Owww."

"I don't want my baby hearing that kind of stuff." she told him.

"Fine...I'll sing something else..." he started rambling about baby kicks and Kassie laying his head on her stomach. "She's gonna be a sanggerrr." Bruno told Kassie.

"She just better not get your unmanageable hair." she told him running her fingers through his hair as he laid on her. "B..." Kassie said softly after a few minutes of their cuddling.

"What?" he asked looking up at her.

"I want to name her Victoria. We can give her a funky nickname...but..."

"Kass...I can aloe that." he said reaching up to kiss her.

"Good, because I wasn't going to take no for an answer." she responded.


"Bruno...I hate these..." she said leaning over whispering to him in the back of the church where they were listening to Victoria's funeral.

"But at least we're safe..." Bruno squeezed her hand.

"'re right...." she answered glancing at several people walking out of the church quickly.

"Can't they take a break?" Bruno heard someone say.

After the short service Bruno took Kassie's hand leading her toward their car where Peter and Pilar (ha...I didn't mean for them to sound like twins...anyway) were to be waiting for them.

"Brunz...where are they?" she asked looking around seeing family and friends gathering. She felt another hand.

"Come with me..." they heard Andy pulling them toward the back of the church.

"What's going on?" Bruno asked following behind Andy.

"Sit down...we'll tell you in a second..." Andy said pulling out a chair for Kassie.

"I'm scared, Brunz..." Kassie said loudly.

"Those responsible for the events of the past few months have been apprehended..." Andy told them from across the table used for Bible studies.

"Who were they?" Kassie asked.

"I'm sorry Kassie...but I can't tell you yet. Your agents will remain with you for the foreseeable future though. " Andy answered them looking at the door seeing the female and male agents walking in the room.

"Ready to go?" Peter asked.

"Pilar..." Kassie walked behind them talking to her agent.

"Yes, Mrs. Hernandez?"

"Is this over?" she asked.

"I hope so." Pilar answered.

"Can I ask you a personal question?" Kassie asked. "I think I can trust you..."

"Go ahead..." she asked.

"Does he not look fucking hot in that suite?"

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