Chapter 17

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Kassie took a seat off to the side of her Intro to Psychology class sitting next to one of the soccer players she had met during Athletics week. He was what she was attracted to before Bruno. He had a girlfriend too. But anyway…she thought to herself flipping through her cell phone seeing text messages from her friends. Suddenly everything got quiet as a young man, maybe two or three years older than the freshman in the class took a seat at the desk looking at the list of students. She felt someone hit her on the side.

”Kass…is that that guy that was flirting with you on Saturday night?” Allison, a girl from her orientation group asked.

”Umm…I think it is….” Kassie blushed.

”Oh shit…he’s cute. And smart. You have to be in the Honor’s Program to be a TA…”

”I’d rather date a musician…” Kassie told her.

”Fine, dude. I’ll take him. He’s a babe…” The TA stood up after reading over the list. Wearing a red t-shirt, jeans and flip-flops his long brown hair fell in front of his eye. He has to be Filipino…she thought to herself. He has the same eyes as Bruno….

”Alright y’all. My name is Andrew McCullagh and I’ll be teaching this class for Dr. Jordan. He’ll be grading, but you’ll be seeing more of me than I think you’d like to….” Kassie got lost in his eyes seeing Bruno throughout the hour and a half lecture.

”Okay…let me go through the list real quick just to make sure I have everyone here and if you sat in the wrong class, sorry. I’ve got you for the rest of the semester….Jessica Downs, Liz Fredrich, David Green, Eric Massey, Jacob Idrogo….Kassandra Jackson..Kassandra?” he said glancing over in her direction.

”Oh…yeah. I’m here…” she told him. ”Well, it’s fabulous seeing you again, Ms. Jackson…” he flirted with her subtly.

”Oh shit…” Allison responded.


”He’s over there…” Kassie pointed to the bleachers where Bruno was sitting next to his sister and a few guys she had never seen him with.

”Oh..the one in the hat?” Bethany, the setter for the volleyball team asked.

”Yeah…that one…” she smiled to herself seeing him wave at her.

”Oh, lord, girl. He’s cute. Where does he go to school?”

”Oh…he….um…he’s not going to school. ” she answered slightly embarrassed by his lack of an occupation. ”He’s a musician.” she finally answered.

”Oh. Well, that’s cool. But what is really doing?” she asked.

”That is what he’s doing.” she answered Bethany.

”Oh. okay. I guess…” Bethany said disappointed.

They played their game winning sets to zero. She saw Bruno and his friends jumping up and down whenever she touched the ball.

”That’s my girlfriend!” he hit his sister on the shoulder when she scored.

”Bruno…I know that. You don’t have to remind me everytime…”

”I just don’t want you to forget…” he responded.

After the game Bruno walked to the front of the court sitting down in the front row waiting for her to come out. As she walked out in cotton shorts, a t-shirt, her hair in a bun with a sweaty face he about died. Woah. He thought to himself as he hugged her tightly.

”I missed you, Brunito.” she said laying her head on his shoulder.

”I missed you too, baby.” he said. He let go of her watching her sit down next to him.

”Tell me about your meeting, Bruno! I’m so freaking excited for you…” she told him. He paused with a blank face.”Come onnnnn! Don’t do this to meeeee…” she shook his shoulders in anticipation of what he was going to say.

”Come onnnnn….” He started to smile looking at her reaction. ”What happened, Bruno..geeezzzz…”

He started laughing at annoyance. ”They signed me.” he told her.

”OhmygodBruno…” she said jumbled together. ”You’re so amazing!” she said throwing her arms around his neck kissing him.

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