Chapter 31

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Kassie opened her door to see Bruno holding DVDs in his hand and boxes of Dots and Junior Mints. She raised her hand up showing him the Dots and Junior Mints she had already purchased. "We have a back-up plan." she told him laughing letting him in the apartment. He set everything down glancing at the cameramen who were in the apartment. He leaned it toward her to whisper something in her ear.

"Are they going to be here the whole time?" he asked her. She shook her head no.

"But you know they can hear you because you have your mic on." she pointed to his shirt. He laughed at her realizing his mistake. Nick started to talk to them.

"No, we'll be here for like an hour. So you'll have some time together." he told them.

"Oh..okay..are y'all ready?" Kassie asked.

"Yeah. And don't forget to talk about Clarissa and Jessica and their fight last night."

"Yeah. I won't." Kassie said grabbing the first DVD she could find.

"What are we watching, B?" she asked him.

"I think that's...Little Miss Sunshine..." he said as she hit play.

"Oh...I haven't seen that yet..." she said plopping herself on the couch next to him. He handed her the candy smiling at her.

"I miss this." she told him.

"I do too, Kass." he responded taking a green Dot out of her hand.

"Hey! That was mine!" she yelled at him.

"You'll have to get it from me..." he told her putting it in his mouth.

"Naw. I think I can live." she said turning to the movie. If they weren't here I would have totally gone for it.

Nick made a wrap-up signal to them. Oh. I guess we have to talk about this shit. Even if I don't give a rat's ass..she thought to herself.

"I can't get over Jessica and Clarissa's shit, Bruno. They need to get over it."

"I thought it was hot." he told her. She smacked his chest in response to his comment.

"Girls yelling at each other over spilled drinks during a charity event is not hot, Brunz. It was completely inappropriate. Neither of them know when to turn off the party. I mean, Jess was there as a guest and Clarissa was working there. I don't even want to feel the wrath that is coming for her tomorrow at work." she told him.

"She'll survive it, Kassandra. She has balls of steal." he answered her.

"I sure hope so." Kassie said going back to the movie.

"Okay, y'all. I think we're done..." Nick said.

Bruno paused the movie ripping off his mic. Kassie followed suite handing him her mic pack.

"We'll see you at work tomorrow, Kassandra." Nick said closing the door behind him.

Kassie wandered into her kitchen sitting on a barstool.

"I hate this. It's so dumb. I don't know why I signed up for it." she sighed heavily.

"It is kind of weird, Kittie." he answered her rubbing his back where the mic was previously placed. It's not fair that she doesn't know what's going on. I should tell her. He thought to himself. But it would break her heart again. I can't do that to her. But if I'm honest with her...oh god. I don't know what's going on. I want to be with her. I do. And this gives me a way to be with her. But they push me to make it move faster than it should. I can see her getting uncomfortable. He continued to think about the problems watching her play with her shirt. "Is that a new shirt?" he asked her picking at the glitter on the front of it.

"Yeah. Some new designer sent it to me." she answered.

"It's not you, Kass." he said. "You're jeans...a can't change who you are just because you're doing this..." he told her.

"It's just a shirt, B. I'm not going to magically change into someone else overnight." she laughed. "I could say the same thing about you..." she said pulling his fedora of his head.

"I like your big hair. You shouldn't hide it." she finished rubbing his head running her fingers through his curls. "I missed your curly hair." she smiled at him seductively.

"I missed you, period, Kass." he told her leaning in between her legs where she was sitting. She stood up wrapping her arms around his neck kissing him.

"I missed you, too." she told him. He stepped back from her deciding to tell her what he was thinking.

"I have to tell you something, Kittie." he said in a serious tone. 

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