The New Beginning: Nunsignor...

By NxnsxgnorsDxmon

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Meanwhile her lips pouted as partly the song's line jingled in her ears by sighing. All of a sudden, the com... More

Briarcliff's Escape
Nightmare's Darkness
A Romantic Dinner and the Light Kiss
Breakfast and The Precious Bracelet
Shopping and Finding a new job
The Interview and Finally Being Hired
Good News
Winter Picnic in the Lovely Night
The Worst Day at Work
Unexpected Meeting with 2 former Briarcliff Inmates
Christmas Eve 1 + Damned Feelings
Christmas Eve 2
Christmas Eve 3 + "...Remember Our First ever Encounter?"
Back in the Late 50s- The initial Encounter
Christmas Eve 4 + Confessions
The First Kiss Before Christmas
Merry Christmas
An Ordinary Christmas day
Initial Wedding Plans
The First Working day after Christmas
Back At Home Reassured
The First encounter with Mother Superior after Briarcliff's break
The Wise Mother Claudia
The Prominent Sweet First Time
New Year 1 + Surprise for Mother Claudia
New Year 2
A Week later It's planned the Wedding Cake
Choosing a Wedding dress
Demonstrating the Wedding dress in front of Timothy
Wedding 1
Wedding 2 + Officially Married
Wedding Night
Taking Family Photos at home
1st Month Wedding Anniversary + Is Jude Pregnant?
Amazing News
Visit a Doctor + 2nd Encounter with Missy Stone?
After Doctor, Back at Work again
The Mid 50s- Emigration
The Baby's Room
Watching Old Photos
First St.Valentine Along
Timothy's job Interview
A Special Occasion
John 1
John 2
What a Surprise!
Visit Mother Claudia's Office Again
Tomato Soup
The Baby Moved
A Prominent Night
Old Friends= Guests
Kindergarden Visit
Picnic Invitation
Apple Pie
Later that Night
An Apple Pie Night
The Picnic 1
The Picnic 2
The Picnic 3
In The Middle Of The Night
Double Trouble
Abbigail's Bouquet for the Rare Bird
Flower Crown
Weekend Plan
Romantic Hike in the Woods
Baby Twins 1
Baby Twins 2
Baby Twins 3
Baby Twins 4
Baby Twins 5
Back at home After Labour
Some time Together
Mother Claudia and The Twins
Halloween 1
Halloween 2
After Trick or Treat
Hiking Outdoors
A Day With Mommy
Their Night
Thanksgiving 1
Thanksgiving 2
Thanksgiving 3
Thanksgiving 4
A Night Out
First Children's Christmas
First Wedding's Anniversary
A First Wedding Anniversary Present
A Common Rival 1
A Common Rival 2
Home Sweet Home
Timothy's Birthday
4th of July 1
4th of July 2
4th of July 3
Apology 1
Apology 2
Apology 3
Apology 4
Apology 5
"Somebody Special"
Tristan and Ellie's First Words
Visit in the Hospital
Summer Lake Vibes
Children and Home Before Ireland
Ireland 1
Ireland 2
Ireland 3
Ireland 4
From Ireland to Home
Twins' First Birthday
A Friend in Need 1
A Friend in Need 2
A Friend in Need 3
An Old Danger
An Old Friend Is Part of the Family
Family and Friends
Lana's Reborn 1
Lana's Reborn 2
Maniac 1
Maniac 2
Friends will be Friends 1
Friends will be Friends 2
Who's Father McKenzie?
Mourning 1
Mourning 2
Jude's First Home
Touring Jude's First Home
Howards' Christmas
Lana and Valerie's Christmas 1
Lana and Valerie's Christmas 2
Agnes Jude's Second Birthday
Usual July Summer
Summer heats
Family and Roots
Champagne Orgy
Feels Like Summer
Just like Summer
Pleasure and Vigor
Oblivious Pain 1
Oblivious Pain 2
Realism and Illusive Dream
Briarcliff Exposed
Escape 1
Escape 2
Return To Salem 1
Return To Salem 2
The Answer We're Looking For
Slumber Ordeal 1
Slumber Ordeal 2
Incubus 2
Nightmare ends: Atonement
Salem 1
Salem 2
Sleepless Night
Father McKenzie's Dinner with his Family
Halloween 1969
Winter Holidays
5th Wedding Anniversary
Regular Days
Foes in Bond 1
Foes in Bond 2
Family Together 1
Family Together 2
Family Together 3
Jealousy 1
Jealousy 2
Bright Eventide
Art of Forgiveness
Hallowed Wedding
Nemesis (Epilogue)

Incubus 1

47 8 0
By NxnsxgnorsDxmon

Once Timothy was slowly, gradually approaching with each step Jude's bed and body in the same time, she shook her head as her initial vision after waking up was blurry unlike now, when it was lucid, irrefutably recognizing the tall, masculine silhouette that strolled, perhaps tiptoed. Her precarious hazel eyes were fixed on Timothy as her eyes wandered up and down, noting he held one of her canes with which she punished the wayward patients. 

She was astound what brought him to storm off in her office and most of all, to open the tall, antique cabinet with a collection of whips and canes and gather one of them by his personal choice, and now, entering in the same room where's the sister of the church. Not only the astonishment he floated to her as she was almost paralysed to move a single muscle, moreover opulent questions flooded her mind, unable to answer for herself until they are being found responded at last.

"M-Monsignor?" The blonde stammered, slurring the title she addressed the revered holy man as she wiped her temple with a forearm, gaping flabbergasted at her favorite priest. On one hand, his arrival was unexpected, whereas on other hand, it fueled her felicity. "I am pretty pleased for your arrival." She furthered optimistically as a slight, propitious smile crawled on her face. 

"I am even pleased to see you, my ray of sunshine." He chuckled mischievously as a reliable smile distort across his lips, his darkened eyes darted down to her figure as the moonlight dimly illuminated the en-suite bedroom. Her face peppered in ruddy tingle when he called her for first time my ray of sunshine. "Let's be informal from now on. I mean," He paused as he lifted down the cane as Jude recognized the weird demeanor of the holy man which rendered her a tad apprehensive in this moment. Perhaps hesitating.

"calling each other with our actual names, if you don't mind, Jude?" The monsignor carried on as he was a few inches away from her body.

"Sure." The nun affirmed as her heart raced when their proximity wasn't approximately a feet. "Timothy?" 

"Mmm?" He enquired in a hum.

"What brings you here?"

"I just wanted to check you and there's a bind in the common room."

"Oh my...what exactly?" Jude asked in reluctance, arching an eyebrow as her voice undertone was blotto, shaking her head once again, managing a hand up to hold her temple, rubbing it on circle and sensing a smidgen headache, tormenting her head. 

"A few patients are missing and some of them tried to escape by excusing themselves though they returned back, all soaked from the rain to bones." He declared seriously though her booziness was intentionally oblivious for him, due to the fact he informed her about the common room's hubbub.

First and foremost, Jude expected Timothy to menace her to lose her position or comment her drunkness, howsoever, the things turned in other direction. Disquietness infected her as she didn't know what to say, besides setting free a reluctant chuckle, lowering her head as he stood before the bed. Her irresponsibility for the patients was thanks to her insobriety. 

Timothy loved her and he would give her another chance to not ruin it since he has chosen her as his right hand though the devil inside him wanted something more from her tonight. The years of forbearance were the crucial issue, virtually neither of the both sides have confessed to one another their damned, unconditional mutual feelings. They were stashed inside them with a special key which might unlock them one day, when their confessions are admitted. The evil that found its new home especially inside the vulnerable priest's body not only knew everything, moreover knew what Jude wanted and wanted to reward her but in hyperbolically different way. Perhaps she would like it, according to him. On other hand, she would be exceedingly astounded when she beholds his other side or to be exact...his much different side. The younger clerical face's side which she has never confronted ever before since they collaborated for years. 

Jude and Mother Claudia were the sole nuns who knew the best Timothy. First of all, he was known as a pure, innocent, bashful, self-conscious and benevolent man of the cloth, who has a strong and persistent personality. Nonetheless...especially from today, Jude didn't contemplate the same coruscation, oozing from him anymore. It was all of a doodah for her. He just significantly changed for one night. The affable, caring, soft-voiced Monsignor transformed in a cold-blooded, obnoxious, sinful and secretive. As an addition, he didn't pay a visit to her office occassionally. 

"Oh!" Jude cried embarrassed. "I think it's better to..." Jude got from the bed as she stretched her arms, aiming her direction to her office, opted to leave until Timothy got on her way as she was incapable to pass his way, lifting up the cane. "...check 'em! Urm, T-Timothy?" She inhaled inconvenietly, sensing her cheeks heating and heating as her eyes looked up at his darkened chocolate ones as an importuning smile loomed on her face. 

"Not so quickly, rare bird!" The cane slapped his other palm as she took a step backward, gasping as she hardly blinked, recognizing his unutterable demeanor lately. A smirk threatened to form on his fresh, youthful face. As Jude was taking a step backward, the more Timothy stepped forward. 

"But Timothy, I must check them. I am so..." He cut her off as she wasn't able to end her sentence like she wanted.

"Don't worry, they will be fine! You can check them sometime later." The younger man attempted to reassure her as his tempting, deep voice swam in her ears, jingling unknown tunes, whether pleasing or outlandish for her. Shivers down her spine of feeling wanted and inflicted bizarre. 

"Timothy, I am sorry for my intoxicity, however, let me go." She didn't want to harm him in physical way, nevertheless, her current opportunities were limited as she felt belittled as their roles switched. The weak, shieldless nun and the potent, possessed priest. Jude insisted stubbornly. "Please!"

"Shu, shu, rare bird! You are safe. Believe me, I am really looking forward to be with you." After her response, he shushed her as he took steps forward to her, trapping her as she was unable to escape his claws, leaning his head as his soft lips captured her feminine, luscious lips in a kiss, snaked an arm around her waist as she surprisingly threw her arms around his neck, pulling him to her as their proximity plummeted. Jude's heart raced, rapidly throbbing in her chest.

As soon as their kisses grew breathless and ferocious, their wet tongues commenced dancing against each other as their eyes were closed, his forehead resting against hers as he dangled his another arm with the cane around her waist, holding her closer to him. They deepened the kiss as she ran her fine, subtle fingers through his dark hair, relishing their unexpected moment. A hand of his moved up to her wimple, yanked it from her head, tossing it carelessly on her nightstand, releasing her long silky wavy hair, a mane of gold waterfall glistening in the almost pitch-black bedroom, dropping down to her upper back. Her curly strands brushing the rigid wool fabric that clothed her shoulders. Afterwards the same mammoth hand of his shifted up to her amorphous habit, unbuttoning it from her chin down to her bottom until pooled down her chunky heels, sensing the freedom of her flesh when the conservative clerical attire peeled off her shoulders and making its own way below.

The lust was a sin but the love wasn't. They had always a platonic and professional relationship in chaste along especially as a priest and a nun. The church has deprived them from having their own family, romantic relationship, personal life and being intimate. Jude has dreamt of Timothy spate times as her impure thoughts infused her minds for years, fantasizing for abundance of sultry dreams between them. For example, tasting his lips, hearing and listening the sacred anthems of their soft, sensual moans, ringing in their ears, their sweaty, stark bodies rubbing together, embarrassing address of their names from the top of their lungs, hoverboarding their lips.

It seemed now Jude's miracle accomplished. The moment she yearned for kiss and experience the passion with the man she loved and vice versa, arrived at last. The unusual between them is they have never kissed each other, dated each other and being intimate ever before.

When the nun wore nothing but her bloody red negligee and chaplet, her fingers were idly playing with his clerical shirt, politely reminding Timothy to take it off as he removed his hands from her waist as he rolled his garment up his torso, pushing it to his broad, muscular shoulders and pulling the neck over his head until he tossed it on her nightstand with her wimple. In the meantine, she released her feet from her habit, kicking it away from her as a handful of inches divided her with her rigid robe. Once they broke off the kiss, they withdrawn their faces as her arms were still around his neck, whereas his hands cupped her face, admiring one another's faces. 

Jude's hazel eyes with sparkles of love, desire and lust shimmered, eyeing up and down his figure as she was beyond mesmerized of his torso which he concealed it with an ecclesiastical garment. Initially, she thought he was skinny and his torso and arms were flabby. Howsoever, she was bewitched by his charm as her eyes were met with his toned chest and muscular, strong arms. A malicious, seductive smirk curled up in the corner of her lips. She didn't want to temporize if either it was a dream or a nightmare. All she wanted was to be in the reality and she realized it's the reality itself as the blinking wasn't necessary at all. She hoped she wasn't living in a lie. 

"I didn't know you were so..."  Jude was interrupted in the middle of her sentence when Timothy held the cane in the hand which cupped her creamy cheek. 

"You are so beautiful, my rare bird! My Jude!" 

She blushed as she humbly nodded her head, murmuring:

"Thank you but you are so handsome!" The nun admitted candidly.

He smirked as he pushed her on the bed, unzipping his trousers as she spread her legs, positioning herself in the middle of her compact bed, gaping at his swiftly undoing of his slacks until they established on the floor with the rest of the trousers until he was clothed in nothing else than plain white boxers. Further, Jude couldn't be more patient to feel his length inside her as her folds were already drenched due to their first kiss. Her elbows propping her. When he joined her in the bed, he flipped her as he pushed the hem of her ravishing red slip, hugging her magnificently slender body for a middle aged woman, who's still in shape. She was positioned in doggy pose as the younger priest was met with her scarlet knickers which scarcely covered her buttocks. He lifted up the cane as Jude dared to look back as she was already aware what awaits her as his other hand held the silky hem, pushed up to her ribs.

"Before the special part, we shall begin with this, dear." In the interim, she bit her bottom lip once he called her dear as her cheeks heated even more, beginning to acquire more rosy tint. As an addition, he stated with a deep, husky voice which drenched her folds even more. Nevertheless, his voice sounded much different to her especially today. 

He didn't need her consent at all since he knew she will approve it, regarldess the circumstances. First and foremost, Timothy commenced to cane her stark cheeks as she slightly flinched, a first moan and groan of pleasure escaped her plump, rosy-coloured, wine stained lips and sailed up in her en-suite bedroom. The holy man couldn't be more smug with himself, sensing brazeness, oozing from him. 

"Don't worry, Judy!" His other hand that held the cane, dropped it on the bed he ran  his thin, long like piano keys fingers her buttock that endured the cane, sensing beneath his fingertips her milky, flossy skin, whispering in her ear in velvety voice. He stroked it gently. "It won't hurt at all. I assure ya." 

The former promiscuous nightclub singer couldn't be more spellbound and believe what Timothy was doing to her. He was actually doing wonders to her and her body. The other men with whom she used to get laid, craved for her youthful curves and were stripping her off her garments in a matter of seconds without hesitancy and patience, could no longer wield their longanimity unlike Timothy. He was patient, kindhearted and down to earth man though the evil has already smitten his body, commanding him to do unbelievable things. He preferred to be more delicate and considerate when he was giving his virtue to a loving woman...namely Jude. The both lovers have already broken their vows and they overlooked the God's judgmental glares that scrutinized the both pious faces of the church, huffing as they have committed a crime. Furthermore, the glee of the priest was evident by experiencing his first time with a woman who she cared for him, placed every missing part of his puzzle for his golden Rome marvel, cooked for him scrumptious dinners every Friday and had an entertaining dinners along, besides she loved him and had infernally potent feelings. 

To be continued...

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