The New Beginning: Nunsignor...

By NxnsxgnorsDxmon

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Meanwhile her lips pouted as partly the song's line jingled in her ears by sighing. All of a sudden, the com... More

Briarcliff's Escape
Nightmare's Darkness
A Romantic Dinner and the Light Kiss
Breakfast and The Precious Bracelet
Shopping and Finding a new job
The Interview and Finally Being Hired
Good News
Winter Picnic in the Lovely Night
The Worst Day at Work
Unexpected Meeting with 2 former Briarcliff Inmates
Christmas Eve 1 + Damned Feelings
Christmas Eve 2
Christmas Eve 3 + "...Remember Our First ever Encounter?"
Back in the Late 50s- The initial Encounter
Christmas Eve 4 + Confessions
The First Kiss Before Christmas
Merry Christmas
An Ordinary Christmas day
Initial Wedding Plans
The First Working day after Christmas
Back At Home Reassured
The First encounter with Mother Superior after Briarcliff's break
The Wise Mother Claudia
The Prominent Sweet First Time
New Year 1 + Surprise for Mother Claudia
New Year 2
A Week later It's planned the Wedding Cake
Choosing a Wedding dress
Demonstrating the Wedding dress in front of Timothy
Wedding 1
Wedding 2 + Officially Married
Wedding Night
Taking Family Photos at home
1st Month Wedding Anniversary + Is Jude Pregnant?
Amazing News
Visit a Doctor + 2nd Encounter with Missy Stone?
After Doctor, Back at Work again
The Mid 50s- Emigration
The Baby's Room
Watching Old Photos
First St.Valentine Along
Timothy's job Interview
A Special Occasion
John 1
John 2
What a Surprise!
Visit Mother Claudia's Office Again
The Baby Moved
A Prominent Night
Old Friends= Guests
Kindergarden Visit
Picnic Invitation
Apple Pie
Later that Night
An Apple Pie Night
The Picnic 1
The Picnic 2
The Picnic 3
In The Middle Of The Night
Double Trouble
Abbigail's Bouquet for the Rare Bird
Flower Crown
Weekend Plan
Romantic Hike in the Woods
Baby Twins 1
Baby Twins 2
Baby Twins 3
Baby Twins 4
Baby Twins 5
Back at home After Labour
Some time Together
Mother Claudia and The Twins
Halloween 1
Halloween 2
After Trick or Treat
Hiking Outdoors
A Day With Mommy
Their Night
Thanksgiving 1
Thanksgiving 2
Thanksgiving 3
Thanksgiving 4
A Night Out
First Children's Christmas
First Wedding's Anniversary
A First Wedding Anniversary Present
A Common Rival 1
A Common Rival 2
Home Sweet Home
Timothy's Birthday
4th of July 1
4th of July 2
4th of July 3
Apology 1
Apology 2
Apology 3
Apology 4
Apology 5
"Somebody Special"
Tristan and Ellie's First Words
Visit in the Hospital
Summer Lake Vibes
Children and Home Before Ireland
Ireland 1
Ireland 2
Ireland 3
Ireland 4
From Ireland to Home
Twins' First Birthday
A Friend in Need 1
A Friend in Need 2
A Friend in Need 3
An Old Danger
An Old Friend Is Part of the Family
Family and Friends
Lana's Reborn 1
Lana's Reborn 2
Maniac 1
Maniac 2
Friends will be Friends 1
Friends will be Friends 2
Who's Father McKenzie?
Mourning 1
Mourning 2
Jude's First Home
Touring Jude's First Home
Howards' Christmas
Lana and Valerie's Christmas 1
Lana and Valerie's Christmas 2
Agnes Jude's Second Birthday
Usual July Summer
Summer heats
Family and Roots
Champagne Orgy
Feels Like Summer
Just like Summer
Pleasure and Vigor
Oblivious Pain 1
Oblivious Pain 2
Realism and Illusive Dream
Briarcliff Exposed
Escape 1
Escape 2
Return To Salem 1
Return To Salem 2
The Answer We're Looking For
Slumber Ordeal 1
Slumber Ordeal 2
Incubus 1
Incubus 2
Nightmare ends: Atonement
Salem 1
Salem 2
Sleepless Night
Father McKenzie's Dinner with his Family
Halloween 1969
Winter Holidays
5th Wedding Anniversary
Regular Days
Foes in Bond 1
Foes in Bond 2
Family Together 1
Family Together 2
Family Together 3
Jealousy 1
Jealousy 2
Bright Eventide
Art of Forgiveness
Hallowed Wedding
Nemesis (Epilogue)

Tomato Soup

94 10 0
By NxnsxgnorsDxmon

A several hours later...

The same day...

Timothy's POV

It was already 8PM in the evening. My wife was gone to work on night term until midnight, unfortunately. As well, I was home alone! I was far too bored, sensing the surrounding coldness and loneliness that had invaded me since I am home alone. 

In this moment, I was reading Saturday's newspaper in the kitchen as I had my eyeglasses on my nose tip, wearing a mere navy blue T-shirt, followed by a pair of jeans and slippers. As I sipped of my glass with fresh, crystal water, all of a sudden the phone rang as I stood off, leaving the newspaper dissolved, heading to the retro telephone onto the kitchen plot, answering directly:

-Hello?!- This time Grace's voice emerged on the phone handset like an echo from the 4th wall.

-Hello! Grace!- I greeted the young French woman kindly as I sipped of the water.

-Hello Timothy! How are you?- She enquired casually.

-I am well, thank you. How about you too?- I pretended like everything is normal while on other hand I wasn't particularly fine for being lonely at home, without the love of my life who adjusts the another part of our bond. 

-I am fine, thanks! Is Jude with you?

-No, she isn't here, unfortunately. She is working a night term until midnight today.

-Alright! So send her greetings! And how she is doing, by the way?- The young lady questioned with her tender voice, mildly notable French accent.

-I will immediately. *sighing in a relief* She is doing well. Probably I haven't told you something which is going to send you on the 7th sky.- I exclaimed with reassuring voice as I smirked abruptly.

-What is it? Is it something to do with you or Jude?- She continued with the questions as well. She was more than curious to find out. 

-Yes with both of us especially her. *pausing for a moment as the French lady asked with a simple "What?" aloofly* Jude's pregnant in the 3rd month! - I stated jubilating as I was extremely proud to tell other people who I know personally that my wife is pregnant and we are expecting the new life like never before.

-Whaat? Pregnant? *woowing, meantime being speechless for hearing my own words, scarcely believing them due to the fact that it is presumably true she heard from somewhere rumours or via the man of her life Kit that Jude's supposed infertility as it was living in a full life for decades, keep believing yourself that you are going to be forever naturally childless, without your own sweethearts who are semblance of you* How's that possible?- Grace posed the question very seriously as she insisted for response quite soon.

-She's actually pregnant, yeah. Nevertheless, initially, we didn't believe Jude could get pregnant until it happened actually. She was so pessimistic the first time unlike me, when I discovered her mood swings, morning sicknesses and food cravings lately. - I replied, explaining tersely the essential information, of course.

-That sounds interesting and wonderful! When do you plan with your wife to see us?

-Urm... *being in pensive mood for a while as the awkward pause appeared from nowhere, tilting my head with 2 fingers under my chin, meanwhile glancing at the ceiling as I was unsure what to say* What about you both with Kit and your children visit our love nest? - I posed the question with a chuckle, thereafter finished with a cackle from Grace's side. She thought I am just joking though the ginormous difference.

-*cackling innocently* Yes, we hadn't visited your house yet. True! I am thinking about the next week to come visit you both.

-Good! What day? 

-How about Saturday or Sunday?

-I would rather choose Sunday. 

-Alright! So we are going to visit you the next Sunday in the afternoon, agreed?

-Agreed!- I answered boldly.

-Well! I am glad that we called each other. Send greetings to your wife and I need to hang off because I need to take care of Thomas and Julia! Bye Timothy!

-Either too. Thank you and send to the children and Kit greetings too! No problem. Bye Grace!

Then I hanged off as I headed to the fridge, checking for ingredients. Luckily, they were still here. 

One of the fragments of the house is still missing. The house sank in dead silence like that since 6PM. I know already how Jude is feeling when she is far away from me. It's so heartaching. 

As I was in the kitchen, I decided to prepare a tomato soup which Jude ate the first day when I got her out of the snake pit. Furthermore I would like to surprise her with something healthy and scrumptious in the same time. I determined myself to prepare a green salad with some eggs. The salad didn't take more than 15-20 minutes unlike the tomato soup which took an hour to be ready at least. Anyway I was really relishing the moments when I cook something for us especially my wife which I am deliriously convinced that she loves or likes. 

For a short time we had already discovered ourselves as personalities who used to know each other for its friendship and collaboration in work in Briarcliff. Nonetheless, the things are definitely much different than before. When I betrayed her due to my stubborness and ambition to become an Archbishop of New York, one of my most remarkable miracles, used to live in the past, now it is just a particle of broken dreams which could grant me pride, good reputation, glory and selfish happiness if either I had never encountered Jude in my life or I didn't care about her at all. Once realising how much I harmed her mentally and affecting her brittle physic by stripping her off her position, changing her name, throwing her in a merciless, mortifying  way, locked in the asylum where she used to run and be an inmate in the same time, my conscience couldn't stop haunt me with its dark messages and echoes to me, remiding me that the hire of Dr.Arden as a doctor in the institution was a total mistake. Even Mary Eunice's possession by the Satan himself cannot tuck away my scars which were clearly visible by a naked eye. It's not true that I am rather sluggish or something. I just cannot leave an innocent soul that had given me all of her affection, attention, support and respect, being treated as more inferior being who has emotions, feelings and needs. Just like each of us! Additionally my wish about Rome is never going to utterly satisfy me, compared to devote my life to the love of my life, living an ordinary life, far away from the church and our once time miracles, where we craved for honor, glory and respect.  It is still unbelievable for me how after resigning of the church, we left with Jude the hell hole, moving to live in my villa that I had bought since my arrival in Boston, marrying each other just 2 months after the pain and suffery and nowadays expecting a baby. As a former priest, who had wishes for being the first most glorious Anglo-American priest, now this wish isn't that important to me. It was rather too useless and ridiculous, in my opinion. A former priest with abysmal secrets and yearns for things which are considered as a compulsive sin for religious faces.

A few hours later...

It was 10:30PM in the night. All I could do now is watching an intriguing documentary film on the television, sitting on the couch. All of a sudden, I dimly startled when I heard a sound of unlocking door, muting the television's noise. What it astonished me that Jude is back at home slightly earlier than the usual. I haven't expected that, to be honest. Once I heard how she kicked off her flats, I could sense her behind me as I stood off the sofa, heading directly to take into my arms:

-Oh good evening, sweetie!- She said gleefully as our hug grew tighter than the usual, her both hands clasped around my nape, her fingers delicately touching my smooth, sensitive skin. I could feel on my shoulders how her bended long curly honey locks are tickling my biceps' bare skin. I wore a broad smile across my lips and vice versa. 

-Good evening, rara avis!- I exclaimed euphorically, my fingers from her upper back, sliding slowly through her spine until my hands reached her enlarging waist, as her slight bump was pressed against my abs. 

-I know I might have amused you but I am back at home earlier than the usual.-  Jude uttered once we broke off the embrace, then we kissed each other's lips lusciously but lightly.

-Slightly earlier than the usual.- We giggled afterwards.

-Mmm! *humming as she sniffed the delectable scent of hot tomato soup, coming from the kitchen, shutting her eyes for a while like she was daydreaming*  You have cooked a tomato soup?! *nodding my head in agreement* I can ideally recall when it was the last time when we ate tomato soup.- I was staring irresistably into her big, gorgeous hazel eyes which were radiating rejoice. I felt lost in her unique eyes when the embarrassing silence rocketed up, totally ignoring what was the last sentence that she had said.

-Tim? Timothy...darling?- She rocked my shoulders weakly as I came to my senses at last.

-Oh y-yes, rare bird? I am sorry for ignoring you. I just...whatever.- Jude snapped me as I was too inattentive, darting my eyes into her ravishing hazel eyes which could burn somebody who she detests so much. 

-What is it, darling?- Her fingertips started touching the bottom of my hair, her palm caressing the back of my head. Her velvet voice soothed me.

-I just got lost, distracting myself by gaping for too long at your eyes. Pardon me, Judy!

-Everything is alright, darling! Do not feel that insecure!- I really could tell that her hazel eyes stared right at my soul as we giggled, hence, going in the kitchen, pleasantly surprising my wife with tomato soups in large bowls, followed by a green salad with eggs in each dish and sipped in the second glass some natural juice. She was rather too overwhelmed due to my surprise to her.

-Wow! That's amazing, sweetie.- Her petite hand reaching for my mammoth one as she grabbed it into hers, kissing as our eyes met again like cupid arrows, smiling to each other. 

-Thank you! I just decided to prepare something much healthier and more humble for dinner as well.

-*chuckling sweetly like a schoolgirl as I helped her to take a sit on the chair, throughout sitting next to her* No problem! How your day passed when I weren't at home?

-It passed well! I received a phone call from Grace.

-What about her?- Jude asked with a little smile across her naturally beautiful rose lips, tasting from the tomato soup. 

-We just talked and announced her that you are pregnant in the 3rd month. Moreover you have greetings from her. - I answered directly as I sipped of my glass with water, taking a few bites of the green salad with eggs.

-Aww, that is really kind of her side! Thanks! Send her greetings forward from me too. 

-I will immediately the next time. And how about your working day on Saturday?- I enquired enthusiastically.

-It passed well. Without problems or something! The real reason why I returned earlier at home was that my boss told me I can go earlier due to my responsibility, wisdom and stamina. He even showed some kind of compassion due to my pregnancy.- Jude responded.

-That's marvelous and so pleasing for hearing it, Judy! *exhaling sharply* Grace, Kit and their children are going to visit us the next Sunday the afternoon.

-Glad to hear that! We haven't seen them for weeks, if I need to be more precise.

-Exactly! And I would like to suggest you something for tomorrow. You are going to like it a lot, believe me!

-What is it?- Taking a handful bites of the green salad, sticking the lettuces with her fork, consequently extending the fork, reaching for her opened mouth, chewing.

-What about to take you on a private restaurant in the countryside and thereafter drive you to the lake where we spent our first Valentine together?- I suggested as I knew right away that Jude is going to be crazily in love with my idea.

-Oh really? I love it. Let's do it!- She immediately accepted as I was completely sure.

A few hours later...

Shortly after the dinner, Jude washed every dish and bowl, thereafter managing to take a shower before bed as we were exhausted as well especially my hardworking wife. Then put on ourselves our pajamas, therefore brushing our teeth and cleaning ourselves by washing our hands, eventually going to bed as we turned off the night lamps by our side, wishing each other good night as we kissed, cuddling in the bed, our bodies positioned against each other.

It was heavily raining outside, followed by lighting bolts that smash the ground from time to time. I wasn't scared of lighting bolts at all. Unlike my wife who couldn't sleep peacefully! She was scared enough to open her eyes and utter a word which was certainly evident due to her body language such as her trembling, gradually enlarging, frail body against mine. I clasped tightly my both muscular arms around her shoulders, pulling her towards myself closer, milimetres dividing our actual proximity. Her messy, motionless, curly locks tickled my forearms though I didn't react to the tickle at all. Jude's heart was pounding against my naked chest as I whispered inwardly to myself "I hope she's alright! She doesn't needs to be frightened at all especially where she is feeling and is actually safe and secured!". Thanks to the sanctuary where her security is guranteed, she can eventually sleep serenely. Hopefully, she has a nice sleep, of course!

To be continued...

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