The New Beginning: Nunsignor...

By NxnsxgnorsDxmon

18.6K 1.8K 66

Meanwhile her lips pouted as partly the song's line jingled in her ears by sighing. All of a sudden, the com... More

Briarcliff's Escape
Nightmare's Darkness
A Romantic Dinner and the Light Kiss
Breakfast and The Precious Bracelet
Shopping and Finding a new job
The Interview and Finally Being Hired
Good News
Winter Picnic in the Lovely Night
The Worst Day at Work
Unexpected Meeting with 2 former Briarcliff Inmates
Christmas Eve 1 + Damned Feelings
Christmas Eve 2
Christmas Eve 3 + "...Remember Our First ever Encounter?"
Back in the Late 50s- The initial Encounter
Christmas Eve 4 + Confessions
The First Kiss Before Christmas
Merry Christmas
An Ordinary Christmas day
The First Working day after Christmas
Back At Home Reassured
The First encounter with Mother Superior after Briarcliff's break
The Wise Mother Claudia
The Prominent Sweet First Time
New Year 1 + Surprise for Mother Claudia
New Year 2
A Week later It's planned the Wedding Cake
Choosing a Wedding dress
Demonstrating the Wedding dress in front of Timothy
Wedding 1
Wedding 2 + Officially Married
Wedding Night
Taking Family Photos at home
1st Month Wedding Anniversary + Is Jude Pregnant?
Amazing News
Visit a Doctor + 2nd Encounter with Missy Stone?
After Doctor, Back at Work again
The Mid 50s- Emigration
The Baby's Room
Watching Old Photos
First St.Valentine Along
Timothy's job Interview
A Special Occasion
John 1
John 2
What a Surprise!
Visit Mother Claudia's Office Again
Tomato Soup
The Baby Moved
A Prominent Night
Old Friends= Guests
Kindergarden Visit
Picnic Invitation
Apple Pie
Later that Night
An Apple Pie Night
The Picnic 1
The Picnic 2
The Picnic 3
In The Middle Of The Night
Double Trouble
Abbigail's Bouquet for the Rare Bird
Flower Crown
Weekend Plan
Romantic Hike in the Woods
Baby Twins 1
Baby Twins 2
Baby Twins 3
Baby Twins 4
Baby Twins 5
Back at home After Labour
Some time Together
Mother Claudia and The Twins
Halloween 1
Halloween 2
After Trick or Treat
Hiking Outdoors
A Day With Mommy
Their Night
Thanksgiving 1
Thanksgiving 2
Thanksgiving 3
Thanksgiving 4
A Night Out
First Children's Christmas
First Wedding's Anniversary
A First Wedding Anniversary Present
A Common Rival 1
A Common Rival 2
Home Sweet Home
Timothy's Birthday
4th of July 1
4th of July 2
4th of July 3
Apology 1
Apology 2
Apology 3
Apology 4
Apology 5
"Somebody Special"
Tristan and Ellie's First Words
Visit in the Hospital
Summer Lake Vibes
Children and Home Before Ireland
Ireland 1
Ireland 2
Ireland 3
Ireland 4
From Ireland to Home
Twins' First Birthday
A Friend in Need 1
A Friend in Need 2
A Friend in Need 3
An Old Danger
An Old Friend Is Part of the Family
Family and Friends
Lana's Reborn 1
Lana's Reborn 2
Maniac 1
Maniac 2
Friends will be Friends 1
Friends will be Friends 2
Who's Father McKenzie?
Mourning 1
Mourning 2
Jude's First Home
Touring Jude's First Home
Howards' Christmas
Lana and Valerie's Christmas 1
Lana and Valerie's Christmas 2
Agnes Jude's Second Birthday
Usual July Summer
Summer heats
Family and Roots
Champagne Orgy
Feels Like Summer
Just like Summer
Pleasure and Vigor
Oblivious Pain 1
Oblivious Pain 2
Realism and Illusive Dream
Briarcliff Exposed
Escape 1
Escape 2
Return To Salem 1
Return To Salem 2
The Answer We're Looking For
Slumber Ordeal 1
Slumber Ordeal 2
Incubus 1
Incubus 2
Nightmare ends: Atonement
Salem 1
Salem 2
Sleepless Night
Father McKenzie's Dinner with his Family
Halloween 1969
Winter Holidays
5th Wedding Anniversary
Regular Days
Foes in Bond 1
Foes in Bond 2
Family Together 1
Family Together 2
Family Together 3
Jealousy 1
Jealousy 2
Bright Eventide
Art of Forgiveness
Hallowed Wedding
Nemesis (Epilogue)

Initial Wedding Plans

157 12 0
By NxnsxgnorsDxmon

Timothy's POV

As I proposed to Jude in front of not only Kit and Grace, besides their children, furthermore they were astonished, wearing glistening smiles on their flashy faces. Eyes pupils' widened inenvitably, scarcely believing on their eyes what Jude told us especially to Kit about me by defending me, clashing him via the last phone conversation. As the both lovely children of Kit curled in their parents' legs with amused childish faces, being pleased to behold the most enchanting moment. are so ciute together,aren't they?- Julia asked her parents by turning her face to them, looking with persisting stare, starving for many answers without an exaggeration. 

-They are actually, Julia!- Grace replied by rocking gently her precious son's shoudler with a light cackle.

-They are...*Kit sighed dramatically* but that's not enough. - Kit exclaimed mildly outrageously, being blissful for us by the lovely moment whilst not getting out of his head the old Monsignor's manners. 

-Excuse me,Kit! What do you mean with this? - Grace questioned dubiously the man of her life with a perplexed stare. 

-Due to the fact that he proposed her especially now, that doesn't means he had really changed. I hope he doesn't hurt her as much as he used to back in the snake pit. 

-I know. But let's stay away from those pessimistic and negative thoughts, Kit, can't we? 

-Oh okay, Grace!- The younger man replied with a cold sigh whilst wearing an artificial smile.

-Aww, Tom, don't you think that our auntie Judy and uncle Timothy are so adorable together?- Julia asked her brother with her sweet voice.

-I do think,of course. They are just made for each other.

-I agree here either too, brother!

A several hours later...                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     

We stayed in Grace and Kit's house as guests for 3 more hours, conversing about diversity topics that intrigue us mostly, playing with the children, getting to know them better, eventually preparing ourselves to return back at home, doing our usual stuff. 

However, this evening was quite special. As soon as I proposed to Jude to marry her tremendously soon, we started to discuss together the wedding plans in the library on the 2nd floor of my house once I caught her to read an interesting book. 

She had on herself her crimson peignoir with her eyeglasses onto her nose tip. 

As usually, I wore my casual clothes such as a white turtleneck with a mere pair of jeans and slippers. 

She interrupted the reading process, thus leaving the book on the table in her left side, taking a seat against her on the another scarlet red armchair, facing her face. Our distance could be measured within 5 centimetres or hardly 5 centimetres. He face shined once she noticed my presence in the library.

-How are you doing, sweetie?- I posed the question in caring way, noticing her ravishing angelic smile, my eyes meeting her ethereal hazel eyes.

-I am a reading a classical literature. Moreover, I am super blissful, thank you for your concerness, darling!- She responded to my question with her amazing Boston firm accent.

-You are welcome, honey!*extending my arm to hold her hand, cupping* I came to see how are you doing...*she sighed in a relief with her gorgeous broad smile* except to discuss something really serious.- Suddenly Jude raised an eyebrow, whispering with the question "About the wedding?" with playful voice.

-Yes, exactly, sweetie. A serious discussion about it.


-Which month or day do you think it is best to marry each other, Judy?- I inquired gravely whilst holding her hand.

-Well, I think in the beginning of February is the best time when we can marry each other. How do you think?- She enquired a bit insecurely with a soothing smile.

-February? I like your idea very much! I assume the months between January and April are the best. 

-According to me, it doesn't matter which month is the best for marriage because there is neither better, nor worse month for a marriage. 

-It's true but I am just expressing myself. 

-I know, darling! I don't think it is a good idea from now to think what is going to be our wedding cake and outfits yet, do you?- Jude inquired with her adorable and mellow voice though her demureness.

-I guess so! Since it is late December, we have still time to think wisely about the another elements of our future prominent wedding ceremony, my future wife Mrs. Jude Howard. - I teased her, hence, kissing her small, feminine and soft hand.

-That's right, Tim! What are you doing right now? - She questioned with infantile curiousity. All what I could barely resist are her insurmountable hazel eyes that stared at me with glee.

-Me? I am planning to take a fresh air outside since the air is so stuffy due to the freezing weather outside.- I stated, being fed up with breathing the stagnant air per almost each room.

-Good! Do I need to help with something around the house? - She posed the question by trying her best to be helpful and affable with her splendid grin.

-I don't think so. You don't need to exhaust your frail body so much. Especially now! It is your final chance to rest until tomorrow when you should reborn back at your work place.

-Aww, that is really sweet of your side! Nevertheless, I doubt it there is nothing to do around your house. In fact, your villa isn't that small at all. Additionally, I love and I am grateful for your concerness, darling.

-Ahahah! Don't be silly, Judy! It is clearly visible when there should be some things to do around the house, you know!?*cackling along* Aww, you are welcome, my rare bird.

-I know, I know! Howsoever, I like to be helpful and take an initiative, Tim.

-That is so promising and kind of your side though it is somewhat useless for now. Since we cleaned every room the day before. 

-Yes, you are right. We did it actually! Did you wish somebody "Merry Christmas!" yesterday?- I enquired with an ethusiastic and sympathetic smile.

-Yes, I did! To my family in England and Mother Claudia. - Once Jude heard how I mentioned Mother Claudia's name, her facial expression changed from blissful into shocked, speechless, gaping at me with bewildered face like she was telling me "Excuse me?!".

-Mother...Claudia?- She sttuttered puzzled, raising suspiciously eyebrow.

-Yes!?- I exclaimed fluently.

-What about her? Did you discuss two of you something else except to wish each other "Merry Christmas"? - Jude began to interrogate me with immense curiosity, paying fully attention to me.

-Well, rare bird...she began to question me if we are alright, how and why you are out of Briarcliff including me why I left the church so that to live a normal life with you. Further, she promised to pay a visit here around the upcoming week. - I explained to my rare bird cardinally for what we have talked about with the Mother Superior.

-I see! *exhaling sharply* I would be rather satisfied to see her. Anyway how she reacted as soon as you explained to her why we are out of Briarcliff and everything else which you mentioned?

The day before

Back to the phone conversation between Mother Claudia and Timothy...

-Hello?- A voice of an older woman echoed.

-Hello Mother Claudia! Merry Christmas!- I responded with gleeful voice.

-Oh hello there, Monsignor! Thank you and Merry Christmas to you too!

-Thanks! How are you?- I interrogated with enthusiasm, smiling in daredevil way to myself.

-I am well, thank you! And how about you too?

-I am super, thank you anyway!

-I suppose you sound more than super.*suddenly feeling my cheeks heating* You aren't in Briarcliff to celebrate Christmas with the patients.

-What? Excuse me, Mother? - I questioned puzzled, raising an eyebrow.

-Where are you both with Jude? How did you dare to escape from Briarcliff secretly except the fact that you have spoken to Father Malachi about leaving the church?*swallowing the lump in my throat in jiterry way* I need your honesty to hear your explaination, Monsignor.- Unfortunately, Mother Claudia's tone changed from tranquil into dimly vicious, demonstrating dominance.

-First of all, I am not a Monsignor anymore. I left the church because for my beloved Jude. I couldn't leave her to root in such sinister poverty that Briarcliff sank lately. Accordingly, I realised my immature and dull mistakes with which I didn't believe her initially. Second, both of us have dwelled into my villa, somewhere in the countryside to live a normal and peaceful life by ourselves, creating our own family. Conceivably I promised to her to get her out of this place though our promises and dreams during her nun times to visit Rome, me as a Cardinal whilst my right hand is actually Mother Superior- Jude. I kept one of my main promises to her, by neglecting the another one with Rome.- I argumented myself with serene voice, remaining aloof.

-I comprehend at last, Timothy! Why didn't you inform me earlier about it?*caughing sanely* It would be better and I wouldn't be that anxious for both of you like now. 

-I know...but...*stammering, struggling with what I must say* I didn't want to frustrate you, Mother Superior! I didn't think it was a good idea to tell you in the beginning yet. However, now, I don't care. You know why?*she whispered with a simple "Yes?"* Because I am not in Briarcliff and part of the church anymore, Mother Claudia!

-By the way, let's change the subject. I really would like to see both of you. Do you mind if I visit you the upcoming week especially around Tuesday the evening?

-Of course, I  don't mind. We will be rather cheerful to behold you directly, Claudia. 

-Glad to hear that, dear Timothy! See you soon and send greetings to Judy from me!

-I will, thanks! See you soon, Mother Superior!

Back to the main moment...

-Tim, are you alright? -Jude rocked my shoulders by standing behind me, sensing her small, thin and precious fingers how they were like massaging and rubbing my shoulders instead of rocking. I remained paralised due to my daydreaming about the phone conversation between me and the Mother Superior.

-Yes, I am. Sorry, my rare bird!- She bended her head, our faces facing against each other, staring at each other's eyes in tense way with smirks, thereafter she kissed my lips lightly as her both hands were upon my shoulders. 

-No problem, everything is forgiven, honey! *kissing her right cheek* She didn't react well at all though she accepted the fact that we are away from Briarcliff, having the wish to see us very soon. 

-I know how frustrated she is but we cannot just stay in Briarcliff, struggling with those gruesome conditions where you can scarcely survive as a patient. 

-Yes, that is the point! I hope she understands how truly you mean to me instead of my dedication to the church and Rome. 

To be continued...

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