The New Beginning: Nunsignor...

By NxnsxgnorsDxmon

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Meanwhile her lips pouted as partly the song's line jingled in her ears by sighing. All of a sudden, the com... More

Briarcliff's Escape
Nightmare's Darkness
A Romantic Dinner and the Light Kiss
Breakfast and The Precious Bracelet
Shopping and Finding a new job
The Interview and Finally Being Hired
Winter Picnic in the Lovely Night
The Worst Day at Work
Unexpected Meeting with 2 former Briarcliff Inmates
Christmas Eve 1 + Damned Feelings
Christmas Eve 2
Christmas Eve 3 + "...Remember Our First ever Encounter?"
Back in the Late 50s- The initial Encounter
Christmas Eve 4 + Confessions
The First Kiss Before Christmas
Merry Christmas
An Ordinary Christmas day
Initial Wedding Plans
The First Working day after Christmas
Back At Home Reassured
The First encounter with Mother Superior after Briarcliff's break
The Wise Mother Claudia
The Prominent Sweet First Time
New Year 1 + Surprise for Mother Claudia
New Year 2
A Week later It's planned the Wedding Cake
Choosing a Wedding dress
Demonstrating the Wedding dress in front of Timothy
Wedding 1
Wedding 2 + Officially Married
Wedding Night
Taking Family Photos at home
1st Month Wedding Anniversary + Is Jude Pregnant?
Amazing News
Visit a Doctor + 2nd Encounter with Missy Stone?
After Doctor, Back at Work again
The Mid 50s- Emigration
The Baby's Room
Watching Old Photos
First St.Valentine Along
Timothy's job Interview
A Special Occasion
John 1
John 2
What a Surprise!
Visit Mother Claudia's Office Again
Tomato Soup
The Baby Moved
A Prominent Night
Old Friends= Guests
Kindergarden Visit
Picnic Invitation
Apple Pie
Later that Night
An Apple Pie Night
The Picnic 1
The Picnic 2
The Picnic 3
In The Middle Of The Night
Double Trouble
Abbigail's Bouquet for the Rare Bird
Flower Crown
Weekend Plan
Romantic Hike in the Woods
Baby Twins 1
Baby Twins 2
Baby Twins 3
Baby Twins 4
Baby Twins 5
Back at home After Labour
Some time Together
Mother Claudia and The Twins
Halloween 1
Halloween 2
After Trick or Treat
Hiking Outdoors
A Day With Mommy
Their Night
Thanksgiving 1
Thanksgiving 2
Thanksgiving 3
Thanksgiving 4
A Night Out
First Children's Christmas
First Wedding's Anniversary
A First Wedding Anniversary Present
A Common Rival 1
A Common Rival 2
Home Sweet Home
Timothy's Birthday
4th of July 1
4th of July 2
4th of July 3
Apology 1
Apology 2
Apology 3
Apology 4
Apology 5
"Somebody Special"
Tristan and Ellie's First Words
Visit in the Hospital
Summer Lake Vibes
Children and Home Before Ireland
Ireland 1
Ireland 2
Ireland 3
Ireland 4
From Ireland to Home
Twins' First Birthday
A Friend in Need 1
A Friend in Need 2
A Friend in Need 3
An Old Danger
An Old Friend Is Part of the Family
Family and Friends
Lana's Reborn 1
Lana's Reborn 2
Maniac 1
Maniac 2
Friends will be Friends 1
Friends will be Friends 2
Who's Father McKenzie?
Mourning 1
Mourning 2
Jude's First Home
Touring Jude's First Home
Howards' Christmas
Lana and Valerie's Christmas 1
Lana and Valerie's Christmas 2
Agnes Jude's Second Birthday
Usual July Summer
Summer heats
Family and Roots
Champagne Orgy
Feels Like Summer
Just like Summer
Pleasure and Vigor
Oblivious Pain 1
Oblivious Pain 2
Realism and Illusive Dream
Briarcliff Exposed
Escape 1
Escape 2
Return To Salem 1
Return To Salem 2
The Answer We're Looking For
Slumber Ordeal 1
Slumber Ordeal 2
Incubus 1
Incubus 2
Nightmare ends: Atonement
Salem 1
Salem 2
Sleepless Night
Father McKenzie's Dinner with his Family
Halloween 1969
Winter Holidays
5th Wedding Anniversary
Regular Days
Foes in Bond 1
Foes in Bond 2
Family Together 1
Family Together 2
Family Together 3
Jealousy 1
Jealousy 2
Bright Eventide
Art of Forgiveness
Hallowed Wedding
Nemesis (Epilogue)

Good News

177 12 0
By NxnsxgnorsDxmon

Timothy's POV

30 minutes later...

As I was reading the daily newspaper in the living room, sitting on the goth sofa, the light that beams through the window into the wall like a projector, sipping my water from time to time. I read all the same time nonsence on the newspapers- lottery winners, car crashes, some celebrity rumours and so on. Suddenly I hear the sound of unlocking door until it creaks, being closed. 

I left the newspaper on the coffee table, immediately dashing from the living room to the hall, noticing Jude's euphoric face as her deliriously gorgeous brown eyes meeting mine, forming a long eye contact, she jumped immediately like my wife into my arms, bear hugging warmly and firmly, without letting each other, hearing from her the fantastic news:

-Tim, I am officially hired as a waitress in the retro restaurant! Yasss!- Jude cried out loud hysterically. My heart was near the verge to jump out of my chest due to happiness.

-Yes! Bravo, Jude! You did it! Congratulations!

A several seconds later, we withdraw our bodies, facing each other by gazing at each other's eyes with broad and serene smiles. Likewise we have kissed each other's cheeks, thereafter heading to the kitchen along, discussing the remarkable ocassion.

-Thank you! You were absolutely right...*taking a deep breath, hardly breathing due to the ectsas* They are going to hire me! They did it!- We sat against each other. 

-Don't you know how happy am I to hear that about my rare bird? I was absolutely right, of course! You should be moderate between the pessimistic and optimistic line, without crossing either of the far points.

-You were right! I think I needed to believe in myself a bit more. Of course, I do know how blissful are you for me! But can't you realise my infinite gleeness after the interview, can you, Tim?- Jude was faintly emotional than the usual, thanks to the elation. Anyway I am tolerant towards the overemotional moments because she can scream, shout, yell or whatever, nevertheless I cannot live without her and I cannot throw her out of my house like a stray dog.

-I know and I can realise it, dear! How your interview passed? What about your new boss?- I asked with tranquil voice whilst holding, squeezing warmly and toughly her hand into my palm, warming it. 

-It passed...well. He was more than rigorous, to be honest! *caughing coldly* - She uttered aloofly while cupping with her only free hand palm my hand.

-What do you mean with this?- I enquired confused.

-Sometimes his speech is too weird. Also I would dislike him but I should endure him, regardless if he is either my boss or even a stranger. His name is Mr. Smith! *exhaling acutely* In the beginning of the brief interview, he mentioned the fact that I am not married without children and his last question to me was rather useless to being inquired. - Jude didn't dramatize. She is rather outspoken in what she is saying especially recently.

There was a strenous silence between us awhile whilst squeezing her small but lovely and fragile hand. She rolled her eyes in other angles of the kitchen, thus returning her stare directly at my eyes with her down to earth and formidable hazel eyes, her perfect face flushed like a blooming rose. Every time she blushes, it renders me to fall in love with her even more.  I love how she blushes. 

-Mr.Smith is might attemtping to mock you for being childless and single woman or who knows? I hope he didn't hurt you because you have a chance to have your own family even a child. 

-I assume! He didn't hurt me but it was rather annoying and infantile of his side to mention it out loud. Furthermore, he asked me do I live by myself. Then I replied his question by sharing a roof with you though we are something like friends and crushes. It was one of the oddest questions that he has ever asked me. - Jude was struggling with her emotions, opting to be as calm as possible but it didn't work. Luckily, I am here next to her so that to soothe the situation. Her emotions are due to her interview and that is why I find it for perfectly normal to see her a bit emotional now after being hired.

-Oh! I don't know what to say with exception of trying to ignore his weird speech when he starts and to obey his rules and orders as much as possible. That is my piece of advice that you can receive from me. - I advised Jude wisely, kissing her left cheek tenderly. 

-In spite of knowing what are my obligations on my working place, I would like to thank you for the advice, Tim! Thank you for supporting me even if I am not 100% right.

-You don't need to thank me, Judy! You are always welcome anytime to being advised and aided from me. - I told her with serene voice, wearing a composed smile. 

-How do you plan to celebrate this especial ocassion together, Tim?

-Well...*being pensive for a couple of seconds* I am planning to take you in the snowy woods tonight, doing a picnic together if you appreciate the idea.- I suggested. 

-Oh wow! Really? That is wonderful! A winter picnic is something amazing. I believe...*exhaling and inhaling abysmally* it is going to be such a splendid and adventorous experience. - Jude sounded like she will have a winter picnic in the snowy woods with me for first time like she is already prepared to fulfill her miracle.

-You sound like you have never been on a winter picnic, haven't you, Jude? *chuckling together, thereafter she nod by awaring me of that she has never been on a winter picnic* You are going to love it, believe me! It is such breathtaking and monumental experience which is going to leave you speechless for the rest of your life.- I stated with beatific voice, promising to Jude that she is going to fall in love with the winter picnic in the forest.

-Awww! *blushing so hard* 

To be continued...

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