Life Never goes as Planned

By alexannam16

93.1K 6.6K 3.9K

Other than being an amazing Fashion Designer at Fashion Avenue Institute, Emma Swan is a very closed off woma... More

Promotions and Interns
The Welcome
Night Time Blues
First Day
Stressed Out
Fashion Show
Morning News
Lunch Date
A Favor and A Surprise
Shocking Morning
Old Habits
Unexpected Bond
A Shocking Decision
Back Home
A Surprising Visitor
Happily In Love
On Bended Knee
For Reals This Time
A Little Getaway
Back to my Normal Life
Wedding Bells
Sealing Our Love
Reception Time
Unexpected Arrival
A/N. Not an Update
A Surprise and a Heartbreak
Unbelievably Heartbroken
Could it be?
Surprising The Family
Is This Really Happening?
Little Additions
A New Opportunity
Goodbye California, Hello New York
It Can't Be All Work
Surprise Visit
The Social
Heart Broken
Asking For Forgiveness
It Happened Again
A Christmas Surprise, Part 1
A Christmas Surprise, Part 2
Hurt Once Again
Heartless Again
Not An Update
Secrets Revealed
Heartbreaking Decision
This Can't Be Happening
Trying To Survive
Too Late?
Frustrated and Confused
A Little Princess
I Deserve This
Not An Update
A Nice Evening
Shocking Revelations
She's Here
Finally Free?
Imprisoned Once Again
My New Family
Not an Update💕
Welcome Home
Finding A Way Back Home
Not An Update😘💕
Adapting To a New Life
Not An Update❤❤❤
We Made It Back Home
Not An Update😩💔
My Decision
Not An Update💕
Moving On
Not An Update!!
Anxious and Frustrated
Not an Update😍❤️🙌🏽😭
Shocking Turn of Events
Ahhhh *Dead*🔥😏
Forgiveness & Resolutions
Our Family Reunited
A Very Good Morning
Not An Update
A Special Night
Reliving Pain
This is the Story of How I died😭 (A/N) ❤️
Not Again
Season 6 Finale😭❤️
Love is a Powerful Thing
Home At Last
Together Forever
New Lives
Many Surprises
Good and Bad News
Some Secrets Remain
Growing Friendships
A Helping Hand
No More Secrets
More Secrets Revealed
Happy Holidays?
Am I the Cause?
Today was Supposed to be Special
A Not so Jolly Christmas
Mind-Blowing Turn of Events
Too Late?
Gone Forever?
Another Chance?
A Gift
Our Little One
Home, Sweet, Home
Life Never Goes as Planned
Hi My loves!!! ❤️❤️
Hi Again My Loves!!! ⚓️🦢💕

In Reality, I'm to Blame

365 41 13
By alexannam16

I wake up and I'm in a room that I don't recognize. That's when I felt someone's arm go around my waist. I guess I'm back with Emma in a different room. That's when I felt kisses on my back. Curiously they felt odd, I wondered why? I turn around and I see Regina. I gasp.

"What's wrong Killian?" "What are you doing here?" She chuckles. "Killian, I'm your wife." I gasp. "What?" She nods. "Yes we've been together since we were kids and have been married for 18 years." I gasp. "What?" She nods. I quickly got off the bed and ran out the room.

That's when I see kids running around. "Dad really you're not wearing a shirt?" I hear a young boy say. "Dad?" He chuckles. "You tired there dad?" That's when Regina walks up to us. "Daniel, go get ready." He nods. "Oh and by the way Daniela is making breakfast," Daniel says as he walks away. "Daniela?" She nods.

"Killian we have three kids, our twins Daniel and Daniela and our little one, Millie," she says and that's when I see a little girl that looks exactly like me walking towards me. "Daddy!" She screams and jumps into my arms. I was so confused. This can't be real? Where's Emma? Where are my twins, my Leía and Liam? And my Rhea?

I put Millie down and she runs away. "Tell you what instead of standing there, you're going to be late for your job at University." I gave her a weird look. "What?" He nods. "Yes you work at the university, you're a Biology professor." I gasp. "What?" She laughs. "You sure are confused today, aren't you?" I stood there completely baffled.

"Maybe you should take a sick day." I was still confused as can be. "The university is close to this fashion avenue institute in case if you want to know." I gasp. "Thank you," I say and ran back into the room and changed. I went and ran towards the door. "Dad?" I over hear someone say. I guess it was Daniela who had called out to me. She then throws me the keys. "Have a good day dad." I nod.

I pressed the button of the alarm and I hear the car alarm go off. I got in and drove to the institute. I parked and I walked inside. It was just as I remembered it. That's when I hear someone's loud voice. Emma. I walked towards the center of workshops and I see her.

Why the hell am I married to Regina and not Emma? That's when I see Lacy walking behind her. I ran up to her and kissed her. She gasps and slaps me. "Who the hell are you?" "I'm your husband." She starts to laugh and in a matter of seconds everyone else starts to laugh. Lacy then comes up to me. "Well he is good looking and he kissed you maybe he is," she says and continues to laugh.

"You see whatever your name is, I don't have a husband, I never got married and never will." I sigh. "It's the truth, I married you Emma Swan." She gasps. "How the hell do you my name?" Lacy chuckles. "It's obvious Emma, he's just a fan of your work you are a world famous fashion designer, who doesn't know about you." She nods.

"Tell you what can you please leave, I actually have no time for this nonsense." I scoff. "Why won't you believe me my love?" Lacy gasps. "Uh oh, you are in trouble mister," she says as she shakes her head. Everyone was quiet and in shock. "Everyone get back to work!" Emma screams and everyone leaves. "Look here just because you're handsome I won't call security." I sigh.

"Emma please you're my wife, we have three kids and one on the way." She looked down at her belly and chuckles. "Does this body looked like it's been through child labor?" I sigh. "Exactly, please leave mister." I sigh. "Then how do I know that when you first got here you did a presentation that promoted you and Lacy." They both gasp.

"Or that you and Lacy have been friends since you were kids." "Or that Lacy lost a baby before all of this." They both gasp. "Who are you?" Emma screams at me. "I already told you." She chuckles. "Someone paid you to mess with me huh?" I sigh. "No..." She chuckles. "Whoever paid this man to mess with me is going to pay!" She screams and you could hear it echo. "You need to leave," she says and I nod.

"Fine but answer me this." She nods. "Are you happy?" She scoffs. "Of course I am, what kind of questions is that?" I sigh. "Are you Emma Swan, happy?" She chuckles. "Yes I am the heartless boss who will spend the rest of her life alone. That's who the real Emma Swan is and that's who I had planned to be and here I am." My heart broke.

"Very well then miss Swan, I am sorry for bugging you." She stood there a bit baffled. I then made my way outside. I got in my car and I was completely heartbroken. Did I wake up from a dream where I was married to Emma but in reality I'm married to Regina? I was confused but heartbroken. That's when I felt a tug in my heart and I got out of the car.

I fell to the ground and I was having trouble breathing. I look up and I see Emma. "Sir what's your name, I'm sorry for treating you..." I smile. "Emma..." I slowly say and drifted away. That's when I open my eyes and I sat up. I looked around the room and I was in a hospital room. I take out the tube and gagged.

That's when Leía and Liam came and hugged me. "Dad, you're awake!" I sighed in relief. "Oh thank goodness kids." I knew I couldn't have married Regina. "Emma where's Emma?" That's when I see my parents. "She's gone son, she isn't who she said she was." I hear my mom say. "What?" She nods.

"She kept all of us out of the loop about your cancer so I drove her away and told her to leave you." I gasp. "I was the one that hid the secret from her and begged her not to tell you all." They all gasp. "You guys drove her away and knowing she's pregnant and she could possibly lose it." They all gasp. I started  to disconnect all the wires and I got up.

That's when I felt a tug in my heart. I didn't care and I pushed everyone away. "I need to find Emma." I opened the door and I see Damon. "Killian..." he says then I fall but he catches me. He then comes and takes me back to the bed. "Killian you can't leave." I sigh. "I need to find Emma, I need to find my love." He nods.

"Let me go look for her, I'm sure she didn't get that far, she had left about 3 hours ago." I nod. "Thanks Damon." He nods. "Can I take Liam with me?" I look at Liam and he nods. Leía then comes and sits at my side as the nurses connect everything back in it's place.

"I am so disappointed in all of you, Emma has been nothing but loyal to this family and you all treated her like crap." My parents sighed and Leía looked down. "If I lost my baby boy, I will blame you mom." She gasps. I leaned back and I was just thinking of Emma. Maybe I was the one that has brought Emma pain. In my dream she was happy without me, maybe I was the cause, I guess I am to blame.

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