Life Never goes as Planned

By alexannam16

93.1K 6.6K 3.9K

Other than being an amazing Fashion Designer at Fashion Avenue Institute, Emma Swan is a very closed off woma... More

Promotions and Interns
The Welcome
Night Time Blues
First Day
Stressed Out
Fashion Show
Morning News
Lunch Date
A Favor and A Surprise
Shocking Morning
Old Habits
Unexpected Bond
A Shocking Decision
Back Home
A Surprising Visitor
Happily In Love
On Bended Knee
For Reals This Time
A Little Getaway
Back to my Normal Life
Wedding Bells
Sealing Our Love
Reception Time
Unexpected Arrival
A/N. Not an Update
A Surprise and a Heartbreak
Unbelievably Heartbroken
Could it be?
Surprising The Family
Is This Really Happening?
Little Additions
A New Opportunity
Goodbye California, Hello New York
It Can't Be All Work
Surprise Visit
The Social
Heart Broken
Asking For Forgiveness
It Happened Again
A Christmas Surprise, Part 1
A Christmas Surprise, Part 2
Hurt Once Again
Heartless Again
Not An Update
Secrets Revealed
Heartbreaking Decision
This Can't Be Happening
Trying To Survive
Too Late?
Frustrated and Confused
A Little Princess
I Deserve This
Not An Update
A Nice Evening
Shocking Revelations
She's Here
Finally Free?
Imprisoned Once Again
My New Family
Not an Update💕
Welcome Home
Finding A Way Back Home
Not An Update😘💕
Adapting To a New Life
Not An Update❤❤❤
We Made It Back Home
Not An Update😩💔
My Decision
Not An Update💕
Moving On
Not An Update!!
Anxious and Frustrated
Not an Update😍❤️🙌🏽😭
Shocking Turn of Events
Ahhhh *Dead*🔥😏
Forgiveness & Resolutions
Our Family Reunited
A Very Good Morning
Not An Update
A Special Night
Reliving Pain
This is the Story of How I died😭 (A/N) ❤️
Not Again
Season 6 Finale😭❤️
Love is a Powerful Thing
Home At Last
Together Forever
New Lives
Many Surprises
Good and Bad News
Some Secrets Remain
Growing Friendships
A Helping Hand
No More Secrets
More Secrets Revealed
Happy Holidays?
Am I the Cause?
In Reality, I'm to Blame
Today was Supposed to be Special
A Not so Jolly Christmas
Mind-Blowing Turn of Events
Too Late?
Gone Forever?
Another Chance?
A Gift
Our Little One
Home, Sweet, Home
Life Never Goes as Planned
Hi My loves!!! ❤️❤️
Hi Again My Loves!!! ⚓️🦢💕


447 42 46
By alexannam16

A couple of weeks later

Killian wanted to spend the day with Rhea so she didn't go to school and they went to Disneyland together, even though I wanted to go, I had a lot of things to take care of at the institute. Although I can't help but to feel a bit worried about Killian, ever since that night he hasn't been acting like himself.

And by that I mean physically. I keep asking if he's alright and he always says yes. But today before they left I found a bunch of bloody tissues in our bathrooms trash can. I mean I said I wouldn't worry but I can't help it, if something's wrong with the love of my life I want to know.

I make my way to the institute and walked straight into my office. As soon as I walked in I see Damon sitting there. I gasp. "Oh God, Damon what are you doing here?" He smiles. "Well Emma, Lacy said she had the designer picked and I wanted to see if you were ok." I sit down and lifted my eyebrow.

"You could have called you know that right?" He smirks. "I know." I shake my head. "Well if you want you can check out that portfolio for that particular designer." He lifts his eyebrow. "Trying to get rid of me miss Swan?" I laugh. "Need I remind you it's.." He nods. "Yes Jones." I nod. "Are you ok?" I gave him a baffled look. "What?" "Yeah it seems like something is ailing you." I gave him a baffled look. He then walks over to me.

"Is it your husband?" He whispers in my ear, sending a shiver down my spine. "He not satisfying you beautiful because if that's the case I know someone who will definitely satisfy you." I chuckle. "First of all Damon, my husband most definitely satisfies me in my ways I know you can't." He laughs. "Is that so?" I nod. "Well why don't you find out for yourself Mrs. Jones?" I roll my eyes and push him away.

That's when I hear a knock. "Emma can I come in?" I over Lacy say from outside the door. "Yes." That's when Lacy and her assistant walk  in. "Oh good Damon you're here, my assistant Phoebe here will be escorting you to go see Rose, the designer who will be working alongside Emma." Damon nods. "Saved by your best friend miss Swan." Damon whispers to my ear.

I chuckle. "Get out Damon." He laughs. "We will be talking later Emma," he says as he walks out the door then closes it. I scoff. "What was that?" I shake my head. "He's just being a flirt." She sighs. "Be careful Emma." I nod. "Don't worry I know what game he's playing." She nods then I sigh. "What's wrong?" I sigh again. "I'm worried about Killian." "Why?"

"I think he might be sick." She gasps. "How so?" "Well I've been noticing he bruises easily and he's been losing weight." She gasps. "And he's been bleeding." She gasps once again. "Yeah but he says he's fine." She nods. "Well he might just be tired, you know his job is stressful like ours." I nod. "I guess you're right I'm worrying over nothing." She nods.

"Now there is something that we need to worry about and that is this fashion show." I nod. "Rose is working on her designs and let me tell you she is doing an awesome job." I nod. "And I'm sure Damon will approve." I nod but in reality I wasn't paying attention to anything she was saying.

"Emma are you listening?" I stayed quiet. "Emma." I jump. "Yeah sorry." She sighs. "Tell you what why don't you go distract yourself, go down to the workshop to work with Rose." I nod. "Yeah your right maybe that will help." She smiles. We both get up and I touch her belly. "How's Belle doing?" Lacy smiles.

"She won't stop moving." I smile. That's when she sighs. "And hey how are things going with your husband, I know losing his parents took a toll on him." She sighs. "I don't know, he hasn't talked to me ever since he left up north for their funeral." I shake my head. "Ben misses him terribly." I nod.

"I'm sorry Lacy." She nods. "But hey at least I have you guys, my son and my baby is healthy, so I can say I'm more than blessed." I smile. "Love you Lacy." She smiles. "Love you too." We walk out of my office and my stomach starts to turn.

I guess with all these worries my stomach is getting the best of me. That's when I get really dizzy. Oh God this is not good. I stood in the middle of the workshops and felt nauseous. I went and grabbed Lacy. "Emma you ok?" I nod. "Yeah but tell you what I'm a go home, I'm starting to get a headache can you oversee everything?" She nods.

"Are you sure?" I smile and nod. She walks away and I make my way to my office to get my stuff. I walk back out and I start to get real dizzy. I feel like I'm about to fall and that's when I felt someone catch me. I look up and it's Damon. "Emma are you ok?" I smile. "I'm fine," I say as I try to stand up. I take a step and I fall.

That's when Damon catches me again. "You're not ok, let me take you home ok?" I sigh. "Fine." He then picks me up and takes me to his car. If it wasn't for the fact that I was dizzy as can be I would have driven home myself. I tell him the directions to my house and he drives us there. Once we get there he picks me up and takes me inside the house.

He lays me down on the couch and touches my forehead. "Emma you're a bit warm, are you sure you're ok?" I sigh. "I'm really nauseous and dizzy, it might be that I'm getting old or I'm just tired." Damon laughs. "Well if that's the case then we are both getting old." I laugh.

"Let me call a doctor." I shake my head. "No need Killian will be home soon." He nods then sits down. "You can leave, I'll be fine." He shakes his head. "I can't leave you alone, what if a stranger comes into your home?" I laugh. "Well one just did." He laughs. "But I'm not a stranger anymore." I chuckle. "I guess you're right." He then goes and grabs a wet towel and puts it over my forehead.

"You don't have to do this." He smiles. "Just rest Emma." I scoff, then I slowly doze off. Time passes by and I open my eyes and I see Damon there sitting down in the couch across from me. "How you holding up?" I gasp as I look outside and it's dark.

"Oh God Damon you should be home." He smiles. "It's ok." I smile. "Hey where's the bathroom?" I chuckle. "Down the hall, last door to the right." He smilies. "Thanks." As soon as he walks away I hear the door knob turn. Rhea and Killian walk through the door.

Killian gasps and drops everything. "Love are you ok?" He asks as he runs to my side. "Yeah I'm fine, I was just feeling under the weather." He shakes his head. That's when Damon walks in. "Who's this?" Killian asks enraged as can be. "Love this is Damon Salvatore, my partner for the fashion show, remember I told you about him." Killian scoffs. "Yes I remember." Damon smiles.

"It's good to finally meet you Killian." Killian nods as he shakes Damon's hand. "Why are you here?" "Love I was.." Damon interrupts  me. "She was feeling sick so I brought her home, and I was taking care of her." Killian scoffs. "Well her husband is here so you can leave now Mr Salvatore, thank you." I chuckle. Killian never liked the idea of me working with Damon and now he will like him even less now that he was here at the house.

Damon nods. "Emma I hope you feel better, I will be talking to you later." I nod. "Thanks Damon." He nods and leaves the house. Rhea then goes and hugs me. "You ok mommy?" I nod. "Of course sweetie." She smiles then yawns. "I'm a go off to bed." I nod. She then goes and hugs Killian. "Thanks dad I had an awesome day." Killian smiles and hugs her back. "I did too Rhea, love you." She smiles.

"Love you too, goodnight mom and dad." "Night," Killian and I say. We see Rhea walk away to her room then we hear the door close. Killian turns to me and gives me a mad look. "Emma, what the hell, why was he here?" I sigh. "I wasn't feeling good and he just helped me." He scoffs. "Emma, he wouldn't stop looking at you in that way." I laugh.

"It's not like that, I love you." He scoffs. "You jealous my love?" He scoffs. "Of course I'm not." That's when he starts to cough. "Killian are you ok?" He nods but continues to cough non stop. I get up and rushed to his side. "Killian!" He continues to cough and I start to worry.

I look at his face and he was turning pale. I pat his back and he finally stopped. "Love are you ok?" He nods. I hit his arm. "Don't scare me like that." He laughs while trying to catch his breath. "I don't know what I would do if anything happens to you." He smiles. "Let's go to bed, I know we both need to rest." I nod.

We make our way to our room and prepared to go to sleep. We were both laying down and I noticed Killian was wearing a shirt to bed, he usually sleeps shirtless. I gave him a baffled look. "You cold love?" He nods. "Yeah it was chilly at the park, so I thought I could sleep with a shirt on." I pout.

"But I love it when you sleep shirtless, and besides I can make you warm," I say in a flirtatious tone. He smirks. "Just for tonight love." I scoff. "Fine." He laughs then caresses my cheek. "Love you are feeling bit warm." I sigh. "Yeah I was feeling really nauseous and dizzy today." He sighs. "Well then we should both be getting some sleep." I nod and placed my head on his chest.

I go and hug him as I close my eyes. "I don't know what I would do if I lost you again Killian," I say and finally dozed off.

Killian's POV
I look down at Emma and sighed hearing her say that. Minutes passed by and I slowly pulled myself away from Emma. I made my way to the bathroom and I took off my shirt. I look at my reflection and I see my whole back covered in bruises.

I don't know what is going on, but I can't tell Emma anything. I can't worry her, if she worries she will get sick again. That's when my nose starts to bleed. I scoff. Damn it. What is going on? I looked back at my reflection and I did notice that I was skinnier.

I don't know but I have to go to the doctor, maybe I'm having an allergic reaction to something. I clean my nose then put my shirt back on and walked back to the room. I look at Emma sound asleep in the bed and I sigh. I don't know what is going on but I have to get better. I can't leave My kids or Emma alone and especially since I have another man going after my wife. First it was Jesse now Damon.

I get into bed and Emma wakes up. "You ok?" I nod. "Yeah, go back to sleep." She nods and places her head back on my chest. "I love you Killian," she says as she slowly goes back to sleep. I kiss her head and sighed. "I love you too, no matter what happens."

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