Life Never goes as Planned

By alexannam16

92.7K 6.6K 3.9K

Other than being an amazing Fashion Designer at Fashion Avenue Institute, Emma Swan is a very closed off woma... More

Promotions and Interns
The Welcome
Night Time Blues
First Day
Stressed Out
Fashion Show
Morning News
Lunch Date
A Favor and A Surprise
Shocking Morning
Old Habits
Unexpected Bond
A Shocking Decision
Back Home
A Surprising Visitor
Happily In Love
On Bended Knee
For Reals This Time
A Little Getaway
Back to my Normal Life
Wedding Bells
Sealing Our Love
Reception Time
Unexpected Arrival
A/N. Not an Update
A Surprise and a Heartbreak
Unbelievably Heartbroken
Could it be?
Surprising The Family
Is This Really Happening?
Little Additions
A New Opportunity
Goodbye California, Hello New York
It Can't Be All Work
Surprise Visit
The Social
Heart Broken
Asking For Forgiveness
It Happened Again
A Christmas Surprise, Part 1
A Christmas Surprise, Part 2
Hurt Once Again
Heartless Again
Not An Update
Secrets Revealed
Heartbreaking Decision
This Can't Be Happening
Trying To Survive
Too Late?
Frustrated and Confused
A Little Princess
I Deserve This
Not An Update
A Nice Evening
Shocking Revelations
She's Here
Finally Free?
Imprisoned Once Again
My New Family
Not an Update💕
Welcome Home
Finding A Way Back Home
Not An Update😘💕
Adapting To a New Life
Not An Update❤❤❤
We Made It Back Home
Not An Update😩💔
My Decision
Not An Update💕
Moving On
Not An Update!!
Anxious and Frustrated
Not an Update😍❤️🙌🏽😭
Shocking Turn of Events
Ahhhh *Dead*🔥😏
Forgiveness & Resolutions
Our Family Reunited
A Very Good Morning
Not An Update
A Special Night
Reliving Pain
This is the Story of How I died😭 (A/N) ❤️
Not Again
Season 6 Finale😭❤️
Love is a Powerful Thing
Home At Last
Together Forever
New Lives
Many Surprises
Good and Bad News
Some Secrets Remain
Growing Friendships
A Helping Hand
No More Secrets
More Secrets Revealed
Happy Holidays?
Am I the Cause?
In Reality, I'm to Blame
Today was Supposed to be Special
A Not so Jolly Christmas
Mind-Blowing Turn of Events
Too Late?
Gone Forever?
Another Chance?
A Gift
Our Little One
Home, Sweet, Home
Life Never Goes as Planned
Hi My loves!!! ❤️❤️
Hi Again My Loves!!! ⚓️🦢💕


635 46 43
By alexannam16

It's Friday morning which means Im going with Peter to see if Killian is indeed dead. I don't believe a single word he said. I know he wouldn't lie to me but I have to see him. I asked my in laws if they can take care of the twins and they were more than happy. I gave them the excuse that I wanted to rest but they wanted to stay because I'm on bed rest.

Of course I told them I was going to be in bed all day but that was a lie. I know I shouldn't lie to them but I had to go. I started to pack a small suitcase to take with me on the trip. I looked at Killian's and I picture from the wedding and smiled. That's when I feel a little movement coming from my belly. I smiled as I caressed my belly. Yes baby girl don't worry we will find daddy and bring him home.

As I'm walking out the room with my suitcase in hand Lacy walks in. She gasps. "What in the bloody hell are you doing?" I sigh. "You weren't supposed to come Lacy." She scoffs. "Yes I was your father in law called me saying to come and check up on you." I sighed. "Where are you going Emma?" I sigh. "To go find Killian." She sighs. " know Killian is dead." I scoff.

"I need to confirm that he is indeed gone, I can't live like this. I'm going on that expedition with Peter no matter what you say." She sighs. "Emma..." I make my way to the door and she grabs my arm. "Well at least let me come with you." I smile and she nods. "Yeah let me just grab some clothes..." That's when I run to my room.

"You can take some of my clothes we don't have that much time Lacy." She laughs and nods. "Ok." I help pack up Lacy's suitcase and we drove off to the port. As soon as we get there I see Peter on a ship. He waves at us and helps up on to the ship. "Peter I know I said I would come by myself but I wanted Lacy to come with me you know because of my pregnancy." He smiles. "No worries she is more than welcome." I nod and smile.

"Ok Time to set sail." He says and makes his way to the wheel to steer the ship. I was nervous, very nervous. I know this is going to be hard but I have to be strong and not lose hope. We continued on sailing then it was night time. We were then escorted to our room. In the morning we were to go to the crash site.

Lacy and I are laying on the bed just quiet. Im just playing with my necklace wondering how my twins were doing. That's when Lacy starts to laugh breaking the silence. I sit up and gave her a weird look. "Why are you laughing?" She smiles. "You remember that party we went to our first year of college?" I nod.

"But why is that funny?" She laughs. "Doesn't this place seem familiar?" I gasp. "Oh you mean when we both woke up drunk in a room on a yacht in the middle of nowhere?" She nods and laughs. "That was some party." I nod and laugh. "Oh God Lacy you would remember that." She smiles. "Hey at least I made you laugh." I nod and held her hand.

"Thank you for being here, Im happy to know that I will be going through this difficult time with someone I love." She smiles. "I love you Emma, you are my best friend, I would do anything for you. How many times do I have to say that?" I smile. "Until the day I die." She smiles and we hug. She then caresses my belly.

"So how's our little princess doing?" I smile. "She's been moving a lot, I think she senses I'm uneasy." She sighs. "You need to relax for a bit, we can't lose this one like we lost Aaron." I nod. "Have you thought of any names?" I nod. "Rhea." She smiles. "Rhea Marie Jones," I said as a tear rolled down my cheek. She wipes the tear. "That's a beautiful name." I smile and hugged her.

"How about getting some shut eye?" She says and I nod. Lacy soon falls asleep but I couldn't. So I sneaked away from the room and walked up to the deck. I stared off into the dark sea and sighed. Why was I going through this? Why couldn't I have my happy ending with the love of my life and our little ones? That's when I felt someone walk up to me.

"Lacy I'm fine..." I say and I turn around and I see a man standing there. "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to startle you." I smiled, "it's ok." He stands next to me and smiles. "Emma right?" I smile. "Jesse?" He nods. He was the ships doctor and I had met him when we first boarded the ship. "Well what is the doctor doing up at this time?" I ask and he smiles. "Well what is a high risk pregnant woman doing up here alone and awake at this time?" I laugh and shake my head.

"Ok I see," I say and he laughs. "Hey I'm sorry that you're going through all this, it must be hard dealing with all this." I sighed and leaned back against the railing. "It is." He sighs. "Hey I know how it feels, to lose someone you love." My eyes shot open. "You do?" He nods. "My pregnant wife died, she was in a car accident." I gasp.

"I'm so sorry," he nods and smiles. "So if anyone knows how you feel it's me." I smile. "Thanks." He nods. "And Im here in case you want someone else to talk to that's not your friend." I laugh. "And of course because I'm here to take care of you in case you feel sick or the baby is in danger." I give him a soft smile.

"Thanks." I say and he gives me a big smile. "How about we go to sleep, tomorrow well later today is going to be emotional." I nod. "Night Emma." He says and walks away. I stood there a bit confused. Was he actually flirting with me? I shake my head. I don't have time for this, I need to go to sleep and prepare my heart and soul for the expedition. I went to my room and I quickly fell asleep.

It was morning which meant in a couple of hours we were going to arrive to the crash site. Time passes and we make it to the location. The small submarine is placed in the water as they make their way towards the plane. We were all up on deck waiting for the sub to get to the plane. We were all sitting in front of a tv, it was going to show us a feed of their camera.

Peter walks up to me. "Emma are you sure about this?" I nod. He sighs and nods. "Jesse, be on the look out," he says and I look at Jesse and he smiles at me. I nod and sighed. I grabbed Lacy's hand and waited for the feed to play. After what seemed like an eternity we finally get the cue to turn on the tv.

We start to see the wreckage of the plane. My heart is pounding like crazy. That's when they send a little powered robot inside the plane. I see other passengers there, my heart hurt seeing that all these people just drowned. That's when I come across two people that I recognized. "Stop!" I yelled and the robot stops and flashes the light on their faces. It was Ruby and Killian, and they were holding hands. I looked at Ruby and she looked Pregnant.

I started to cry. I looked at the screen and he was wearing my favorite shirt that I got him and his ring. He was just sitting there, dead. He drowned I couldn't believe it. I was just sobbing like crazy. I touched the tv and was just balling. "No he can't be dead!" I screamed. "It can't be him." That's when the robot takes out something from his body and it was his black leather wallet. They take out his ID and sure enough there was his picture.

I fell to the floor and that's Jesse and Lacy picked me up. Jesse then picks me up in his arms and takes me to a bed. I was just crying like crazy. "Emma calm down," Lacy says trying to calm me down. "I can't," and that's when I started to feel a sharp pain in my stomach. I look down and I'm bleeding. "No!" I screamed and Jesse gasps.

I grab Jesse's hand. "Jesse please dont let me lose this baby." He nods. "I need to take her under." He says and they take me to his medical lab. There were two nurses and him on the boat so they started to treat me. As they were treating me I couldn't help but be heart broken for two reasons, one because he's actually dead and two because it seems that he was going to have a child with Ruby, with RUBY! This was just too much for me.

After an hour they controlled my bleeding and I was laying on one of their beds. "Emma, you need to stay in absolute bed rest until the baby arrives." I shake my head. "I can't I have twins, I have a job." Lacy scoffs. "You know I can very well help you with that." "But.." "Emma I will be hard on you, if you don't want to lose this baby you will listen to me understood?" I laid there quietly and nodded. "Yes doctor." He smiles.

"Good, we should be arriving to port in the early morning so you need to rest up until then," he says as he caresses my cheek. I smile. "Thanks." He smiles and walks away. I look back at Lacy and she's just speechless. "What the hell was that?" "He's just helping me." "That was more than his duty as a doctor." I stayed quiet and started to cry. "Killian's gone, Lacy, he's gone."

She goes and hugs me. "I know, I'm sorry." "And the worst part is that he was holding hands with Ruby." She sighs. "And I don't know about you but Ruby looked pregnant." She stays quiet. "You knew?" She nods. "I have a friend in Killian's company and she told me she heard him talking with Ruby about that when she was walking by his office." I gasp.

"Yeah this was when he left to New York to go to London, Im sorry Emma I didn't want to tell you or him, I wanted you to save your marriage, that's why when you were planning on divorcing him I didn't want you too. I wanted you to think about it first. And plus knowing how Ruby is it probably wasn't Killian's." I sighed.

"It's ok." She nods. "I guess it's too late to save my marriage." She sighs. "I died and came back to life and now it seems that it's Killian turn to die but he doesn't get a chance to come back to life," I say and continued to cry. "Lacy I can't do this, raise my little ones alone, I can't." She sits on the bed and grabs my hand.

"You are the strongest woman out there, you have gone through so much yet you are still here, fighting, not giving up. You can do this, I will help you, I will always be here for you and my little ones, think about them when you want to give up." I continued to cry. "Killian was a great man, an amazing father, his story shouldn't have ended like this but life is like this. Messy and unexpected." I nod. "Cherish the memories you made with him but don't dwell on his death forever, yes grieve but don't stay there." I nod.

"I won't Lacy, I loved him well I still do but I won't give up. He wouldn't want me to give up on life." She smiles and nods. "See, how about you rest, I'll get everything packed so I can stay here with you." I nod. She walked away and I stayed alone in the room. I caressed my belly. I guess you won't meet your father little Rhea, he didn't even know you existed. I will never forgive myself for that, but I know for a fact that he loves you just like he loves your brother and sister.

That's when I felt a kick. I smiled and continued to cry. I was going to be strong for them, they are my reason to live. They will all know how much their daddy loved them. I don't know how I'm going to tell them that their daddy is never coming home. That was the only thing I dreaded. That's when Jesse walks into the room.

"You ok?" I nod. "Thanks for helping me." He nods and starts to inject something into my IV. "I know you're not going to rest on your own will so I will make you rest." I laughed and scoffed. "I'm sorry Emma, I'm sorry that Killian is dead." I nod. "Thanks." He nods. "Now go to sleep." I nod. He caresses my cheek and with that sleep takes over my body and I knock out.

Peter's POV
"Poor Emma, she had no clue that, that wasn't Killian but good job on making those mannequins look like my daughter and Killian," he says to Mr. Gold. "I told you I always have a magic touch when it comes to these things." That's when Jesse walks by. "Jesse must not know anything about this, it seems that he's gotten an interest in Emma." I gasp. "Really?" He nods. "I saw him flirting with her last night and by the way he treated her today he likes her." I smile.

"This is brilliant, push Jesse to be with Emma more. Assign him to be with her back home and what not. But he must not know that this isn't real. Oh God I can already see Killian's heartbroken face. This will only torture Killian more when he finds out that Emma is moving on with another man," Gold says and I nod.

"Poor soul, Jesse is so innocent and pure, typical doctor. Well at least he will eventually have Emma in his arms because Killian will never be with Emma for as long as he lives." Gold says and I nod. "So you recorded everything that happened today?" Gold asks and I nod. "Great after you drop them off make your way back to the island." I nod. He walks away and flies away in his helicopter.

I felt bad at first for doing this but it was so exciting. Emma will get over Killian, Jesse is an amazing guy. They will live happily ever after while Killian is suffering on this island for the rest of his life.

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