Life Never goes as Planned

By alexannam16

93.1K 6.6K 3.9K

Other than being an amazing Fashion Designer at Fashion Avenue Institute, Emma Swan is a very closed off woma... More

Promotions and Interns
The Welcome
Night Time Blues
First Day
Stressed Out
Fashion Show
Morning News
Lunch Date
A Favor and A Surprise
Shocking Morning
Old Habits
Unexpected Bond
A Shocking Decision
Back Home
A Surprising Visitor
Happily In Love
On Bended Knee
For Reals This Time
A Little Getaway
Back to my Normal Life
Wedding Bells
Sealing Our Love
Reception Time
Unexpected Arrival
A/N. Not an Update
A Surprise and a Heartbreak
Unbelievably Heartbroken
Could it be?
Surprising The Family
Is This Really Happening?
Little Additions
A New Opportunity
Goodbye California, Hello New York
It Can't Be All Work
Surprise Visit
Heart Broken
Asking For Forgiveness
It Happened Again
A Christmas Surprise, Part 1
A Christmas Surprise, Part 2
Hurt Once Again
Heartless Again
Not An Update
Secrets Revealed
Heartbreaking Decision
This Can't Be Happening
Trying To Survive
Too Late?
Frustrated and Confused
A Little Princess
I Deserve This
Not An Update
A Nice Evening
Shocking Revelations
She's Here
Finally Free?
Imprisoned Once Again
My New Family
Not an Update💕
Welcome Home
Finding A Way Back Home
Not An Update😘💕
Adapting To a New Life
Not An Update❤❤❤
We Made It Back Home
Not An Update😩💔
My Decision
Not An Update💕
Moving On
Not An Update!!
Anxious and Frustrated
Not an Update😍❤️🙌🏽😭
Shocking Turn of Events
Ahhhh *Dead*🔥😏
Forgiveness & Resolutions
Our Family Reunited
A Very Good Morning
Not An Update
A Special Night
Reliving Pain
This is the Story of How I died😭 (A/N) ❤️
Not Again
Season 6 Finale😭❤️
Love is a Powerful Thing
Home At Last
Together Forever
New Lives
Many Surprises
Good and Bad News
Some Secrets Remain
Growing Friendships
A Helping Hand
No More Secrets
More Secrets Revealed
Happy Holidays?
Am I the Cause?
In Reality, I'm to Blame
Today was Supposed to be Special
A Not so Jolly Christmas
Mind-Blowing Turn of Events
Too Late?
Gone Forever?
Another Chance?
A Gift
Our Little One
Home, Sweet, Home
Life Never Goes as Planned
Hi My loves!!! ❤️❤️
Hi Again My Loves!!! ⚓️🦢💕

The Social

689 47 15
By alexannam16

So I have to leave tomorrow and today is the wretched cocktail social Killian was talking about. I didn't want him to go but of course he had to, he was the one who organized well along with Ruby. I'm sitting on the bed as he's getting dressed. I see him fixing his tie and I couldn't help but be super attracted to him.

"What's wrong Emma, you're awfully quiet?" I laugh. "Nothing, just admiring the view." He chuckles. "I bet you are." I laugh and I walk up to him and wrap my arms around him. "Do you have to go?" He sighs. "Yes I do love." I pout. He turns around and smiles.

"Boy do I love seeing you in my shirts." I was wearing nothing but Killian's shirt on my body. It's big on me and reaches to my upper thighs and I honestly loved wearing them because they smelled like him. I give him a smirk. "Why don't we continue what we were doing earlier, you know..." He laughs. "Emma..." I kiss him and he smiles. "Mmmm." He says as we are kissing and that's when we hear the doorbell ring.

Killian pulls away and gasps. "That must be Ruby." I scoff. "Mommy, daddy someone's at the door." I overhear Leía scream out. "I'll get it." Killian screams and walks out the room. I sat there annoyed as can be. Damn it Ruby. I fixed my hair and walked out.

"Ruby you look amazing." I overhear Killian say. Ruby blushes. "You look handsome as always." She says and that's when I walk up to them. "He is handsome isn't he?" Ruby nods and stays quiet. Killian looks at me and gasps. "Emma go change." I scoff. "Why I mean Ruby doesn't mind, or do you Ruby?" She shakes her head.

"You're in your home, I would be dressed like that too." She laughs. Killian nods. "Oh you definitely do not dress like that, I would say shorts are more your style." Ruby nods and laughs. I squint my eyes and give them both a dirty look.

"Well time to go, I will see you when I get back my love." He says. I nod as he gives me a kiss. He walks up to kids and gives them a kiss goodbye. That's when Ruby's phone goes off. "This is Ruby." She walks towards the door and is attentively listening to the call. By the look on her face she's not liking what the person is saying. "Ok sir I will do my best, yes bye."

Killian gave her a baffled look. "What's wrong?" She sighs. "The promoter found out that Emma is here and would love if she can join us tonight?" I gasp. "Me?" Ruby nods. "You are a big deal here in the company, you were the Vice President of FA." I smile and nod. "Well Killian what do you say?" Ruby asks. He smiles. "Sure why not?" I sigh. "No I can't go who will I leave the kids with?"

Ruby sighs. "I could call and let the promoter know you won't be able to make it." Killian grabs her phone and puts it on the table. "No, we have a day care at the company I'm pretty sure they won't mind taking care of the twins." I smile at Killian. "You really want me to go?" He smiles. "Of course, why wouldn't I?" I smile and give him a kiss.

I glanced over at Ruby and she had a disgust look on her face. "Ok well I will go first so I can let the day care know, see you over there." I nod as he walked out. Ruby grabbed her phone and walked right behind him. I walk over to the kids and smiled. "Mommy is going to get ready to go to work with daddy ok, so no fighting you hear me?" They both nod.

I went to my suitcase and took out a gorgeous black dress. I laid it out and took out some black heels with gold at the tip. I got in the shower and after that I did my hair. I got into my dress and grabbed my clutch purse. I changed Leía and put a nice dress on her and put a black shirt and a nice pair of dark jeans on Liam. I put on my heels grabbed my purse and the keys and quickly grabbed a cab.

We get there and right away someone comes and grabs Liam and Leía. "I will be taking care of them Mrs. Jones." I nod. "Thank you so much." She nods. I kneel down and give a kiss to Liam and Leía on the forehead. "Now you both behave ok, mommy and daddy will be back in a little bit." They both nod. "Love you." "Love you too mommy." They both say and smile. They walk away and I stood there and sighed.

"Mrs. Jones?" I heard someone say. I turned around and there was a man in a tuxedo. "Yes?" He smiles. "I am to escort you to the social." I smile. "Thank you." He extends his arm out and I held it. We walk down to the banquet hall and I see Killian walking down from the podium. He walks over to me and I sigh. "I guess I missed your speech." He laughs.

"Well prepare yourself because you will be addressing the guests." I gasp. "What?" "Now it is my honor to present to you all the head of design and former Vice President of FA institute, Emma Swan-Jones." Everyone clapped and I stood there scared. "Love go on." I nodded and made my way up there.

I get to the podium and stared at everyone. I laugh. "Wow well I didn't know I was going to have the honor to speak to you all today. It's a privilege to be a guest at tonight's event and I am by far blessed that my husband's company along with our institute are working incredibly well together. But enough about that. I hope you all have a wonderful time tonight, it's all about having fun and maybe a bit of business." Everyone laughs. "Good night everybody and thank you." Everyone clapped and I walked down.

I walk over to Killian and I see Ruby standing there with him. "Love you did amazing." I smile. "Really?" He nods. "Yeah Emma you did good." I nod and smile.

Time passes by and everyone is socializing and having a good time. Killian, Ruby and I are talking with some highly prestigious people. They were the CEO's of Japan's famous magazine and fashion company. Along with them we had the Australian's fashion institutes president along with us in that circle and he happened to be one of Killian's old friends.

"Killian, I haven't seen you since you worked here and I didn't know you had such a beautiful and hardworking woman working alongside you." Killian smiles. "Yes Ruby other than being beautiful she is super intelligent, she is honestly my confidant, my backbone here in the company, I don't know what I would do without her." My eyes shot open. I look at Ruby and she blushed then gave me a smirk.

"Oh Killian... I am but a friend." Killian smiles. "No you mustn't be so humble, I want people to know that you are as intelligent as you are beautiful." Everyone nodded and I was just in shock. Did he really just say that about her? I was a bit hurt and honestly a tad angry. A waiter passed by with a couple of glasses of champagne.

"Why don't we make a toast to everything that was said here." Ruby says. The waiter hands everyone a glass and I pass. "Emma aren't you going to toast with us?" I smile. "I can't drink anything." She grabs the glass. "Emma I insist." I gave her an annoyed look. "Ruby, it's ok it's just a toast." "Emma come on it won't hurt." I silently scoff and grabbed the glass. I grinned then rolled my eyes. I look up at Killian and he was giving me a weird look. I ignored it and looked back at the group.

Ruby raises her glass. "I propose a toast to everything that was said here and for our relationships and love to prosper forever more." Everyone raises their glasses and then take a sip. I took a quick sip and stood there annoyed. First Killian is making me feel inferior to Ruby and now Ruby is getting on my nerves.

I tried to fix my face and pretend like it didn't bother me. "Will you excuse me?" I said and every one nodded. I didn't watch where I was stepping and I trip and my drink falls all over Ruby's dress. Everyone gasps. "Emma what did you do?" I over hear Killian say. I gave him a weird look. "I tripped, it was an accident." It honestly was, even if I would have done it on purpose it wouldn't have happened like it just happened now.

"It's ok Killian." Ruby says trying to wipe her dress. "Apologize now." Killian says in a scolding manner. I frowned and gave him a dirty look. "Why it was on accident." He scoffs. "Then it won't hurt to say sorry, apologize now!" I gave him a dirty look. "I'm sorry Ruby." She nods. I was furious but I couldn't let other people notice. "I do apologize everyone for this, I am such a klutz." I say and start to walk away.

I look back and Killian is still worried about Ruby and totally ignores me. My heart was broken. Killian humiliated me in front of everyone and is still worried about Ruby. I walk out to the lobby area and I felt like bursting into tears. I'm losing Killian to that dumb woman. I walked up to the security guard and asked him where the day care was. He smiled and kindly offered to bring me my kids.

In a matter of minutes my two bundles of joy appear in front of me. I smile. "How was it?" I asked. "Good." They both said. Liam looked around. "Mommy where's daddy?" My eyes closed. "We have to go home." They both sighed. "I want to be with daddy." Liam says and I sigh. "We have to go back to our house, daddy is busy." I say as I stare angrily towards the banquet hall.

I called a cab and went back to Killian's place. The kids had knocked out so I had to carry both of them over my shoulders. I get to the house and laid them on the guest bed. I then went to pack everything. That's when I started to cry. I know I wasn't being so over dramatic but what Killian did hurt me. He has never treated me like that before.

I finished packing and called the airline to see if it was possible to leave tonight instead of tomorrow. I needed to be back in California. I called at to my luck they have a flight that leaves at 1am. Just enough time for the kids to sleep for two hours then head on out.

Time passes by and there we were, the twins and I waiting for our plane. They weren't to thrilled to leave without saying bye to daddy but he was to busy with his new love to worry about his wife and kids. I was scared, could this be it for us?

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