Faith (Islamic Fic)

By MarwaaMalik

188K 9.5K 2.6K

"When two opposites are put together, will they repel or attract?" Iman Salah is a very religious girl with t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Author Note *Important*
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71

chapter 59

1.8K 121 54
By MarwaaMalik

~Iman's P.O.V~

  Ayman's and mine relationship was already on rocks because of the whole Youssef thing. Ayman held me responsible for anything Youssef does. He was very upset that he couldn't have it his way in that situation and I was able to convince Uncle Adam to be on mine and Youssef's side against him, so I can't even imagine going into another war with him so soon on something he was reluctant about to begin with.

  I haven't even thought of Mazen's reaction yet. He was both my fiancé and my boss, which meant I needed to take his permission as my future husband and I needed to give him a reason for quitting as my boss, both of which I had no idea how he would take.

  The few times I actually opened the subject of me having a proper job with him he always talked so lightly about it saying a woman doesn't need to do any kind of stressful job and what was wrong with a part time job that took away your free time but didn't put any kind of pressures on you. When I argue a little too much he would always change the subject.

  The two men who I needed permission from were more than traditional in the way they look at a woman's career or work. A woman's place is her house with her husband and responsibility.

  In the stress state my mind was in right now, I hadn't noticed my phone peeping with a notification message from that 'KIK' app for about ten minutes.

  Sighing, I allowed my mind some rest as I had a mild headache from all of that thinking and picked up my phone reading Zayn's message;

  Z: Heard you were more than amazing in the interview and earned an exclusive internship. Congrats :D

  Zayn was too sweet. He was supportive and always encouraging which made it even harder facing all those challenges from the people around me.

  I: Thank you for guiding me to 'Khayan'. The offer is beyond my expectation, hopefully I would be able to accept it.

 Sighing, I kind of knew what his next message would be. I didn't even know why I threw shades on the subject like that. Maybe because I just felt comfortable talking to Zayn. He was much like Yasmin in the sense of being open minded and always so positive about everything. He didn't have a strict and old fashioned mindset which I admired about him.

  Z: Why wouldn't you accept it? Didn't you tell me 'Khayan' was one of your dream jobs?

  Z: If you think the offer was a favor to me, you are wrong. I can't even tell Khany what to do. You earned it all by yourself, promise.

  Z: I know you would do great there. You have to take it.

  The messages came one after the other without even leaving any time for me to reply. It was cute how he was concerned about my career as if it was his own.

  I: It's my family. They aren't so on board with the idea of me working a full time job.

 Z: Why though? You are so passionate about what you do. When I saw you in the bookclub discussion you were really glowing. Your dedication and hard work in college isn't just for a small book store I assume.

  Z: I know you are like the woman of the house from what Youssef tells me but I also know you could balance both jobs perfectly.

  A boost of confidence rushed through my body making me even more excited about the internship. I already knew I was cable of balancing my personal duties with my brothers and eventually my duties as a wife someday with my work but Zayn's encouraging words just made a little difference in my self-confidence.

  I'm even more determined to get what I want now. Zayn was right, why should I give up something I'm very much driven to and so passionate about just to be a house wife when I'm more than cable of doing both.

  Only thinking about working in 'Khayan' gives me a little rush of excitement and happiness. The kind of happiness that gives you goosebumps and puts you in a state of day dreaming.

  In situations like this, I always run to my guardian angel. He always rescues me and make me concur the obstacles facing my determined target.


  After calling Uncle Adam for about an hour where I may have seemed a little desperate, he finally agreed to help me. At first he was a little hesitant saying I'm going to have to quit or take a long break in a short while as I would be preparing my wedding. Something I wasn't even nearly half excited about as this opportunity but of course I didn't want to disappoint my very excited uncle and tell him that.

  He was more excited about my marriage and more worried about Mazen's thoughts of the subject than I was. All I wanted was to do what I love. Mazen on the other hand, my feelings for him wasn't as assured as my feeling

  Uncle Adam arranged for a dinner in his house to discuss the issue on hand with the men in a neutral atmosphere. I had my hopes high that Uncle Adam would know how to convince both men to let me chase my dream.

  He always had my back in situations like these and I knew I could count on him.

  "The kabab is amazing Khala Lea, thank you. But I feel guilty for making you cook when you are on verge of the delivery." Mazen said with a little sympathy.

  "Oh don't worry about it. The doctor said I needed to move more, it helps the delivery or something." Auntie Lea brushed it off with a sweet smile.

  "How is Hala, Mazen?" Uncle Adam asked after swallowing whatever he was eating.

  "She's good, Alhamdulillah. But she's always crying and always hungry. Poor Amira is always cranky because of her."

  The side conversations were making me on edge. I was already very nervous about the subject and this whole dinner is just prolonging the issue we came to discuss.

  For the duration of the whole dinner I stayed quiet only smiling when someone looked at me and giving my opinion when needed. They talked about many subjects jumping from politics, to youth, to family and to the subject mine and Mazen's marriage.

  The talk was general and nothing was set of course but they talked of buying a place and the market prices. They talked about the ideal time for Mazen's family and of course the costs of having some of my family fly here.

  Throughout all these talk, I didn't even make one input in the matter making Mazen suspicious; "Iman, are you okay? You haven't said a word this whole time."

  Taking a deep breath, I looked at Uncle Adam for help. I didn't know how to open the subject without being immediately rejected.

  "Well, I think I know what's on her mind." Uncle Adam started making both Ayman and Mazen look at him with a little more interest, no doubt feeling suspicious.

  "As you both know, Iman got her degree a couple of weeks ago I think?" Uncle Adam looked at me and I nodded confirming, "Yeah, and as per always her grades are remarkable. Straight A's."

  "Ma Sha' Allah." Both men mumbled making me blush.

  "Ma Sha' Allah, so the logical next step is work."

  "She is already working." Ayman said looking at Uncle Adam and not even sparing me a glance making me nervous and scared of his reaction.

  "She wants more." Uncle Adam shrugged.

  "Isn't the library taking up your time?" Mazen was the one to raise an eyebrow at me making me a bit frustrated but I kept my mouth shut to be respectful to all the men in this room.

  "It's only a part time job, Mazen. She says she wants a real job, a career." Uncle Adam explained my need as I watched in anticipation.

  "It's more than enough. She barely has time to take care of the house, make food and look after Youssef. Plus she is getting married soon." Ayman said sternly not even acknowledging my presence next to him.

  "If she wants more work she could help around in the charity. We need all the help we could get." Mazen suggested looking at me with a smile but it only made me even angrier at how they all didn't even understand what I want.

  "The work she already does takes plenty of time. Look at how Youssef is acting because he has no one supervising him. It's her job to look after him." Ayman's tone made me feel both guilty and angry but I could do nothing but bite my tongue.

  His words meant he blamed me for all the trouble between him and Youssef. As if, me not working would help Youssef stop his rebellious stage.

   "Ayman, Youssef is acting out because he is a teenager who want to prove himself as an adult. Iman's presence with him would only make him act out more. He needs to feel like an adult, to be responsible and to be respected not treated like a spoiled child that needs punishment." Uncle Adam said calmly to Ayman making him look down as if thinking.

  "Personally, I think working is good for Iman but I would feel better knowing she works in a place I'm familiar with people I trust." Mazen added changing the subject back from Youssef to me.

  I was contemplating on whether I should answer him or bite my tongue.

  Mazen may seem like a little bit more open minded that Ayman but he wants to control my environment meaning he doesn't trust me enough to control myself. At least Ayman trusted me but thought I needed to put my efforts elsewhere.

  "How do you know the place she will work in isn't respectable?" Uncle Adam asked Mazen in a general way.

  "I didn't say it's not respectable but you know how it would be for a modest Muslim girl like Iman. And that's why I know in the book shop or the charity where it's basically a smaller representation of our community and our people Iman would be more comfortable."

  "Very well. What do you think Ayman?" Uncle Adam asked Ayman about Mazen's proposition making it hard for me to stay quiet while my dreams are being washed away like that. Uncle Adam knew exactly what I wanted, that internship in 'Khayan'. I wasn't going to settle for a volunteer work with Mazen whenever he wanted me to do it.

 "If Mazen thinks so then okay. After all she is going to be his wife in a few months." Ayman's words made me boil in the inside. He was willing to just through away the whole responsibility thing just because Mazen said I could work in his father's charity?

  "The concept of her working the same hours of a real full time job in a respectable place is there which is a great start. What would you both say if you know that Iman was offered an exclusive internship in 'Khayan' publishing? It's one of the best Islamic funded institutions in the UK."

  "How did she even get it?" Ayman asked with a raised eyebrow making me swallow hard. I knew he wouldn't like the idea of me apply for jobs behind his back.

  Uncle Adam looked at me for an answer as I didn't tell him how I got it but when he saw I was reluctant a little he took control of the conversations again, "Does it really matter, Ayman? She already got the internship which is a great opportunity only the best of our people get a chance like that."

  Mazen looked at me with a smirk of admiration. No doubt proud I got an offer like that but I could see it in his face he was a little hesitant still and I knew if he agreed Ayman would be on board.

  "I worked really hard for the past couple of years in college and I was the top of my class because I love what I do. You even say how much you like my passion in the book club and the work I do for it which was one of the reasons I was offered that internship in the first place. They heard of the Book Club and saw how dedicated and passionate I was."

  It was the first time in this evening I even opened my mouth and interrupting the men but I felt I needed to defend what I want. I couldn't just let them take away that opportunity like that for significant reasons.

  Mazen and Ayman both looked at each other contemplating their next words which would determine my future. It would either make or break my dreams.

  "If it would make you happy then you could work there." Mazen sighed with a small smile given in to me seeing how much I really wanted it and determined I was.




Hey peeps :D

Miss you all <3

What do you think of the chapter so far?

Sorry this one took a little more time and a little less Zayn even though I promised he would be here :( *poo me* but I got another idea to get to a better ending ;)

Who is team Zayn and who is team Mazen? There was a little interaction for both sides so anyone changed their mind or switched teams yet??

Vote and comment cause I love you all :*

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