Chapter 64- Ophelia's POV

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"They here yet?" Cassie says coming out of her room, "Oh, I thought you were someone else." She looks at me and frowns in disgust sort of.

"I'll be around when you come off whatever high horse you've been riding recently. I live down the hallway incase you want to stop by for an apology." I snap at her.

"Suck an egg."

"That's the best you've got?" I say, crossing my arms across my chest and raising one of my eyebrows.

She doesn't say anything. I turn around and walk into the living room. Freddie is pacing back and forth in front of the front door, Theo has found his flower crown and is sitting on the counter watching Dad add some corn into the chowder that we are having for dinner. Annie is lying on top of the coffee table muttering to herself, her arms spread out.

"They're here! Mum! Mum! Get out here!" Freddie shouts staring at his phone.

"Goodness Fred, it won't kill anyone if I'm not in the room when they get upstairs." Mum says coming out of her room and into the kitchen. She hugs Dad from behind and kisses his shoulder.

"Are you just going to stand there with your tongue hanging out of your mouth or are you going downstairs to unlock the shop for them?" I say to my brother.

He shoots me a look but pulls open the front door and runs down the stairs.

"I can't believe that I'm going to be feeding Angelina Johnson tonight." Mum grumbles.

Dad turns from the oven to face her, Theo adds a few spices into the chowder when he's not looking and smiles really big like he's proud of himself, "Promise me that you'll be on your best behaviour." Dad says to Mum with a smile. Mum goes to swat his arm but Dad catches her hand and kisses her knuckles instead, "That's not very good behaviour LeStrange."

"Weasley I swear to god," Mum says back to him but she's smiling all the same.

We can hear people coming up the stairs, Cass comes around the corner and sits in the big chair watching Annie who is now counting her fingers for some reason, still lying on the coffee table.

Theo dumps a few more spices into the chowder before hopping off the counter.

The door opens, Freddie comes in first, his face as red as his hair. Then comes who I can only assume is Evie, she's holding onto Fred's hand, looking very flustered.

"Angelina. How lovely it is to see you again." Mum says to the older woman, a forced smile on her face.

Angelina hands her coat to Fred who hangs it up by the door, "Violet! Thank you for having us! We are so happy that Evie and..." She glances at Dad for a second, "and Fred found each other. By the sounds of things they make quite a little couple."

Mum's jaw tightens, Dad looks horribly uncomfortable. "This is my husband, Spencer, and our son Benjamin. And Evie of course." Angelina says introducing everyone to everyone. Angelina and her husband Spencer step into the flat more and I swear Mum looks like she's going to toss her out onto the street.

"Lovely to meet you all," Mum says through her teeth. I don't think Mum has ever said lovely before in her life but it seems to be her word of choice for tonight. "My twins, Cassiopeia and Ophelia," Mum points to each of us respectfully. Cassie nods and smiles.

"Really lovely to meet you!" I say loudly, stepping towards them and shoving my hand out for a handshake, "It's so lovely for you to come to our home for this lovely meal that my lovely parents have made on this lovely evening!" I say shaking each of their hands. I can feel Mum and Freddie shooting me death glares but I can't help but smile at myself. I make eye contact with Dad and he's smiling too.

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