60. Lovely-pops

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A/N: Sweet and Steamy things ahead. You are warned. 😏


Mr. Drew: I'll just stop here for a while kids. I need to get some things before we camp tonight.

Mr. Drew pulls up the bus near a gas station. He then proceeds to a hardware shop at the side.

Jimin: There's a convenience store there! I feel like getting something sweet. Can I?

Jin: I'll get it. Anyone want anything else?

Namjoon: Nah, we're good!

Jin glances to his right and finds Jungkook staring out of the window grimly. He sighs and shakes his head. He hops out of the bus and walks towards the store. Inside, he examines the various racks, picking up snacks mindlessly before putting it back down. Somehow, he felt very much at unease and couldn't seem to shrug it off.

Yoongi: Hyung, Mr. Drew is back. We need to go!

Jin: Oh! So soon? Uh, let me get these chips.

Yoongi: Is something on your mind? You seem bothered.

Jin shrugs and picks up a packet of crisps and wafers, cradling it within his left arm.

Jin: I don't know Yoongi. Let's go.

Yoongi places a hand on Jin's shoulder and squeezes it gently.

Yoongi: Sweets.

Jin: What?

Yoongi: For Jimin.

Jin: Oh, I forgot about it. Thanks for reminding.

Jin pulls out a packet of lollipops and places the items on the counter. He waits while the cashier bills it and heads back to the bus with Yoongi.

Mr. Drew drives the bus up and down the hills, edging by a spectacular canyon and finally to their destination at the other end of the island. They stop at a check post where two officers have a small chat with the native host before letting him through.

Rachel who had her eyes glued outside the window suddenly gasps aloud.

Rachel: That person!

Having got the clearance, the bus moves ahead. Rachel sticks her head out while trying to ascertain her observation, her eyes wide open and not sparing a blink. However, Jimin pulls her back and squeezes her shoulder in concern.

Jimin: Hey, don't do that.

Rachel: I think I just saw...

Jimin: What did you see?

Rachel presses her fingers to her forehead and shakes her head uncomfortably.

Rachel: Uh...n-nothing. I must be seeing things.

Jimin: Are you alright?

Jimin glances back and shifts in his seat while trying to spot what it is that Rachel might have seen. However, he feels a hand wrapping around his arm and a head resting on his shoulder gently.

Rachel: I saw something that reminded of the time I got lost at the dance event.

Jimin sighs and tucks her loose strands of hair behind her ear before kissing her softly on her forehead. He then rests his chin over her head and closes his eyes, mumbling softly.

Jimin: I'm sorry.

Rachel doesn't reply but clings to his arm even more firmly with both her hands, giving Jimin a sort of reassurance that she isn't bothered about what has passed now that she has him next to her.

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