4. Everything alright?

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"Are you alright?!!"

Rachel steadies herself and turns around. Her eyes dart to a beautiful face etched with concern. A grey muffler hung loosely around his neck and shoulder. He was wearing big black sun glasses and his lips, pink and lush, were shaped into an 'O' as he held on to her arm.

Her eyes widen in disbelief.

Rachel: Is he who I think he is? No ways! Not in a million years. Am I dreaming? Is this true? Rachel snap out of it! Oh Lord! What do I do?

She slaps one hand over her mouth as she gawks at him.

Rachel: Breathe in, 1...2...3..., breathe out... Don't be a fool Rae, just give him a polite handshake. Or better still, just pretend that you don't know him. Yup that's right.

She stares at his hand that was holding her arm in a firm grip. The cool metal of his finger rings against her skin made a shiver run down her body.

Rachel (fighting a war in her head): Get a grip Rae. He can't hold you up forever. Stop making a fool of yourself! Just thank him politely and walk away with your two-left feet dignity intact.

Rachel (incoherently): Tha..nk...Thank you!

Jimin looks at her and smiles a boyish smile, lifting one hand and running his fingers through his hair while waving a thumbs up with the other hand.

Jimin and his six companions wave and walk past her towards the airport. They all were clad densely; jackets, caps, shades, masks etc...

Rachel stands gazing after them in awe. When she recovers, she wonders where on earth is Leah and Jane.

Air-hostess: Ma'am are you alright? You aren't hurt anywhere, are you? Do you need any help?

Rachel: Huh? Umm....I'm fine, thanks.

Rachel begins to make her way through the aero-bridge still in a daze. She reaches the terminal where the pieces of luggage are rotating on the conveyor belt.

Jane: Where were you Rae? For once I thought we lost you! What's wrong? You look weird.

Rachel grabs Jane's shoulders and shakes her.

Rachel: Am I dreaming?

Jane: Rae, I know you're excited about finally being in Korea but what is this? You look like you just met, I don't know, some idol.

Rachel gapes at Jane in astonishment. She tightens her grip on her shoulders and shakes her violently.

Rachel: How...How did you know?

Jane flaps her hands out of Rachel's grasp.

Jane: Ouch! Stop that. What is wrong with you?

Rachel: I met Park Jimin.

Jane: And I met Donald Trump.

Rachel: I'm serious! You both walked ahead leaving me behind and I slipped near the door of the airplane and guess who caught me? Park Jiiii-Miiii-Nnnn!!! J-I-M-I-N!!! He was in our plane. In fact, all of them were there; BTS was in our plane.

Jane stares at Rachel as though she has lost a screw.

Jane: Lol, are you okay? Are you positive you didn't hit your head anywhere when you tripped? We shouldn't have left you behind.

Rachel (growling): I'm telling you the truth! Where is Leah? At least she will believe me.

Jane (sighs): If I don't believe you, you think savage Lee will? And do I need to tell you where she is?

Rachel: What! She's gone to the loo again?

Jane: Haha, she's gone to freshen up a bit. At least, that's what she said. She'll be back soon.

As they wait for Leah, they hear a commotion from the far end of the hallway followed by the scurrying of some security guards.

Rachel: What is that all about?

Jane shrugs.

Jane: I don't know. What's talking Lee so long?

Rachel: I really think she's having some digestion issues. Constipation?

Jane (laughing): Maybe.

For the next fifteen minutes, the two of them wait impatiently for their friend.

Jane: Rae, you wait here with the luggage. I'll go find Lee.

Rachel: Oh look, there she is!

Walking towards them, Leah seems as though she had been struck by lightning.

Jane: What's up Lee? What took you so long? Are you okay? Anyways, you have to listen to Rachel's story. It's hilarious!

Rachel: Leah, are you okay?

But Leah doesn't respond. Instead, she holds out her hand. On her palm lies an envelope.

Jane: What is this?

Leah: Open it.

Jane takes the envelope from Leah.

Jane: Oooooooo! It is scented. Who gave it to you?

She opens the envelope and gasps in disbelief!

Jane and Rachel: WHAAAT???!!!


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