27. Friendly match or more?

48 5 1

After Rachel and Jimin leave,

Jin: Okay so where should we go? Is there any place you'd like to see Jane?

Jane: I don't mind going anywhere. I don't think you'll get to go out often due to your busy schedules, so why don't we go somewhere you'll would like?

Jin: Waah! Now there's a perfect girlfriend Jungkook! So thoughtful and sweet!

Jin: Hyung! We're just friends, nothing else!

Jin: Yeah yeah I heard you. Anyways let's go to Zinger Gaming Arena! They've opened it recently and I've heard that it's awesome there.

Jungkook: I've heard about it too. Is that okay with you Jane?

Jane: I'm cool with it.

The three of them head to Zinger Gaming Arena which is quite a distance away. Jungkook parks the car in the basement and the three of them take the elevator to the thirteenth floor of the building.

Jin (rubbing his hands): I'm excited!

With a ping, the elevator doors open and the three of them step into a dimly lit corridor. There was a door nearby with an entry sign. Jungkook opens the door and holds it for Jin and Jane to enter. The room is flooded with multicoloured lights. There was loud music playing in the background. The three of them obtain their gaming passes which is valid for a few hours.

Jane walks around scrutinizing the different items around. There were gaming stations, bowling alleys, billiards tables and lots more. There was even a lavish bar at the corner. Instinctively she heads over to the Basketball section.

Jungkook: Let's have a challenge on who scores more?

Jane: Okay.

Jin: Jane, I need to tell you that my Jungkookie is a pro at such games.

Jane (smiling): We'll see about that.

The two of them slide their gaming passes. The timer begins ticking back from 180 seconds. The two of them begin aiming the balls and shooting them. One by one they keep throwing the balls. Jin cheers for both of them from behind. He moves his head from left to right to left again as he tries to keep up with the balls making their way inside the baskets.

Jin: 5, 4, 3, 2 and 1! Time's up!

Jin stands behind Jungkook to check his score.

Jin: Wow! 74! I think this is your highest so far!

Jungkook and Jin peer behind Jane to check her score.

Jin: Yo! Are you Michael Jordan?

Jungkook gapes at Jane's score of 112. Jane laughs at their reaction.

Jane: I used to play basketball in school.

Jin: That explains it. You should play with Yoongi then. He loves basketball!

Jungkook pouts.

Jungkook: Let's play bowling.

Jane: I don't know to bowl.

Jungkook and Jin stare at Jane.

Jin: Really?

Jungkook: You don't know to bowl?

Jane: Nope.

Jungkook: I'll teach you. Come.

Jin, Jungkook and Jane head to the bowling alley.

Jungkook: So, first things first, you need to know that there are ten pins and the aim is to try to knock all of them or at least most of them.

Jin: Yah Jungkookssi, even a five-year-old knows that much.

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