25. The unofficial date

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Rachel looks up from her phone and sees that Leah is fast asleep.

Rachel: They both must have been tired.

She turns off the bedside lamp.

Rachel: I'm not feeling sleepy as of now. Let me just play some more of this game and then I'll go to bed. Geez, it's almost midnight. What an unhealthy addiction! I've got to uninstall it, but let me first finish this level.

Rachel takes her chair to the balcony and sits under the moonlight with her phone. After some time, she begins to yawn. She stretches her arms and legs and closes her eyes. She thinks about the previous night and cringes at her drunken spectacle.

Rachel: Ah, I really need to sleep.

She takes her phone once again and scrolls through her social media.

Suddenly she gets a notification.

Unknown number: Hi Rachel!

Rachel stares at the message with knitted eyebrows as she wonders who is messaging her so late in the night.

Unknown number: This is Jimin.

Suddenly, Rachel is wide awake. All traces of sleep seemed to have vanished and she is alert.

Jimin: I know it's pretty late and you'll probably read this in the morning, but do you want to have lunch with me?

Rachel stares at her phone in disbelief. Park Jimin was texting her? She immediately taps on his message and types her reply.

Rachel: Hey! Sure, let's have lunch tomorrow :)

She hits 'Send' and waits with a pounding heart.

Jimin: You are awake?

Rachel: Yup. I'm not able to sleep. The others are sleeping though. How did you get my number?

Jimin: Leah gave it to me. Didn't she tell you?

Rachel: No. She might as well have told me.

Jimin: So, tomorrow at Parkview Hotel? 12:00 pm?

Rachel: I'm cool. But there's just one problem.

Jimin: Yeah?

Rachel begins to type but then deletes it.

Rachel: Can I call you?

Jimin: Of course.

The next moment, Rachel's phone flashes with Jimin's call. She receives it on the first ring.

Rachel: Hey!

Jimin: Hey!

Rachel can almost hear Jimin smiling on the phone and grins.

Jimin: So, what's the problem?

Rachel: Since Leah is going out with Taehyung tomorrow-

Jimin: Wait a minute, Taehyung and Leah are also going out?

Rachel: Yeah, they're going to Times Square Mall.

Jimin: Oh, and?

Rachel: And I told Jane that I'll be with her the whole day tomorrow.

Jimin: Oh.

Rachel: I don't want to leave her alone because the last time I did, some maniac was trying to harm her. I know I sound crazy and it's not likely that anything like that will happen again but I just don't want to leave her alone.

With LoveTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon