39. Presents

44 2 0

Hoseok: Kim Ji Woo?! Why? When did she ask you out?

Jungkook: Hyung?! How could you agree? What were you even thinking?

Jin, Jimin and Jungkook go on to berate Taehyung, outraged that he made a decision on his own especially one that makes sure he is not available on his own birthday, foiling all the plans that they had in store for him.

Jin: Yaah! Aren't we all going to the fashion event the very next day? Won't you be meeting her then? Why has she asked you out on your birthday? And couldn't you refuse?

Jimin: I mean, geez! She tries to dig her hands into Taehyung at every opportunity she gets and this naive headed cuckoo doesn't seem to understand that! Tae, tell her you cannot make it on your birthday. Got it?

While the others throw in suggestions on how to evade Kim Ji Woo's date offer, Taehyung watches Leah as she turns away from him. He could make out that she was terribly upset. Her face didn't hide it. He felt helpless. He didn't know what to do or say.

Taehyung: Listen, guys. I... I really can't refuse her now. She pleaded me to spare just one day. Just. One. Day.

Jungkook (scowling): And that day happens to be your birthday.

Taehyung ignores Jungkook and goes on.

Taehyung: Besides, she had asked me a long time ago. Almost two weeks back.

Jimin: She planned it well in advance!

Namjoon: I think if Taehyung gave his word to her, then he should go. We cannot stop him. We'll just have a post birthday celebration some day later.

Namjoon smiles at Taehyung with understanding. Taehyung returns it gratefully. However, when his gaze turns back to Leah, he senses her discomfort which sort of reciprocates his own feelings of uneasiness at the awkward situation.

Yoongi: Anyway, let's go now. It's past 1:00 am. We might want to catch up on some sleep. (Yawns loudly) Or let's just settle down here for the night. I'm fine with anything.

Jin: Let's go home. We might get a cold staying out so late despite all this warm clothing. Come on everyone, move your butts.

Reluctant to leave the beautiful scenery, they make their way down the hill and towards the place the cars had been parked.

Rachel: Oh look, some of the stalls are closing up.

Namjoon: Yeah and the crowd has disappeared too.

As they engage in some mindless talk, Taehyung walks over to Leah and gently touches her wrist. She freezes momentarily but then lifts her hand away from him.

Taehyung: Leah?

He looks over at Leah who seemed to be stomping off at an amazing speed, trying her best to avoid him.

Taehyung reaches out to grab her wrist, more deliberately this time.

Leah: What?

Taehyung is taken aback by the irritated tone in her voice although he was expecting it.

Taehyung: Are you mad at me?

Leah stops and turns to face Taehyung with a wide smile that doesn't touch her eyes.

Leah: Of course not. Why would I be? There is no reason for me to whine about something so trivial as my boyfriend going out with his friend on his birthday. Especially when that friend is someone who is eyeing him. I mean, isn't that totally normal? Pfft, I could not be any more bothered.

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