52. Surprise Vacation

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Namjoon: What? A vacation? No! We can't cancel all our plans like that!

Leah: I agree. I mean, what about all the fans? They'll be heartbroken! Shattered even!

Manager Sejin: PDnim, you know very well the amount of planning, effort and hard work that has gone into making this schedule. We can't disregard all of these factors.

Bang PD holds out his hands in an attempt to calm them down.

Bang PD: Okay, hear me out. I have analysed very well what the impact of my decision will be. Now I have to ask you to trust me and co-operate. All of you.

Jungkook: PDnim, I know that all this is because of me. But please, is there really no other way out of this situation. I'm willing to apologize publicly if that'll make things right.

Bang PD: And what will you apologize for? Let me ask you a question. Do you plan on continuing your relationship with Miss Jane here or not?

Bang PD leans forward, his hands folded on the table as he stares intently at the youngest member. The others too remain silent.

Jungkook looks at Jane before staring grimly at Bang PD.

Jungkook: Yes, I like Jane but-

Bang PD: So, for how long will you apologize? Do you truly believe what you did is wrong? And it's not just about you. What about Jimin and Taehyung? They too are in a relationship respectively. So, do all of you forget about it and continue to focus on work as you'll have been doing?

Rachel: Sir, with all due respect, I can't hold myself back from asking this but do you really have no problem with us?

Bang PD: Like I said before, I have no problem with you'll seeing each other. And as this is an honest conversation, I have to say that as soon as I learnt about you three, I had the company lawyer run background checks on you'll.

Jane: But what does that prove? You still don't know us or what we might do.

Bang PD: I know the basic for starters. You three are not from here and that you'll have come on a vacation. The rest, I'll gradually catch up. The point I'm trying to make here is that I'm not the one who is supposed to be learning about the three of you. It is the ones you are involved with.

Bang PD leans back into his chair and crosses his arms across his chest.

Bang PD: See, I don't believe in imposing restrictions on my people. Everyone is entitled to their own experiences. Also, it is not me who should get to know you better. How much do you girls know these guys here and how much do they know you'll?

Taehyung: We already know each other quite well PDnim.

Bang PD sighs at the eager faces staring at him. To him, it almost seemed like a negotiation between youth and experience with the former displaying the immature selflessness of knowing everything.

Bang PD: Why don't you take this vacation as an opportunity to talk about your future? You'll are focusing too much on the present. Not that it's bad, but the last few days didn't see you'll packed with schedules as you normally have. What about the future though? Balancing work life and a relationship can be really taxing. Most of the time, you'll will be touring overseas. And this isn't just about you guys. I'm sure the girls have their own pursuits.

The three girls glance at each other uneasily as the same thought occurs to all of them. This doesn't go unnoticed by the sharp man seated at the head of the table. He raises his eyebrow questioningly and prods them to speak out what's on their mind.

Leah: Well, the thing is, we are here on a vacation.

She turns to Taehyung for a moment before averting her gaze from him.

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