8. Mask it

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Rachel: Jane! You know what this means right? You can buy dresses from Korea's most famous designers! Like how much more awesome can it be? 

Leah: Geez, I so envy you!

Jane stares at her two friends and then at the voucher with excitement before flipping it over.

Jane: The voucher is applicable only till 15th December 2019. And that's tomorrow!

She lifts the voucher up to her nose as she goes through the other terms and conditions when sweet voices chime around her like Christmas bells.

Rachel: Janey, my little sweetie, you know what a great friend I've been to you right?

Leah: Shush! Obviously, you both know, as the eldest I've always done so much for you'll like that one time...

As Rachel and Leah quarrel, Jane slowly tucks the voucher under her pillow and turns off the bedside lamp.

Jane: Good night babes.

Leah and Rachel try to shake her off the bed but in vain. Jane doesn't budge and they soon give in, flopping down beside her.


The next day, they wake up early.

Jane: Okay so the Masked Ball is day after tomorrow. I think we should utilise today in making the most preparing for it. We should probably split up. I'll go to Seoul Vogue International and you'll go to Siachnoek. I heard it's a famous place for shopping. Buy whatever you need okay?

Leah: Whoa whoa whoa! Hold it right there. We're not going to the Masked Ball, are we?

Jane: Of course, we're going. Taehyung invited you, didn't he?

Rachel: There's just one problem. Taehyung invited only Leah, not us.

Jane: Then let Leah go alone. She still needs something to wear.

Leah: No. Either the three of us go together or no one goes at all.

Jane (grinning): That's settled then. Besides, I'm sure the VIP invite must allow us all entry.

Leah: Fine. (Turning to Jane) I would have loved to accompany you Jane. It's so sad that only you are allowed to go to Seoul Vogue International.

Rachel: That's okay, we will search for some nice outfits while she is away Lee.

The three of them get ready and make their way out of the hotel. Jane plans her way to the Boutique while Leah and Rachel take a bus to Siachnoek.

In the bus,

Rachel: I'm so excited for the masked ball. I can't believe Jane even thought about it.

Leah: Me too. I thought she'd tell me to hang up the invitation on my bedroom wall back home as a souvenir of our trip. You know what Rae; I'm actually feeling quite uneasy about this whole thing. I can't believe the Kim Taehyung just gave me a personal invite. Did he really mean it?

Rachel: While you're worried about that, I'm wrecking my brains over the fact that Jane and I are not even invited. What if they throw us out?

Leah: Shush! I don't think that'll happen. It's a charity event. I'll just show my pass and say that you'll are with me!

Rachel: Won't we feel out of place?

Leah: Come on! We should be happy that we are getting to experience Korea's famous groups up close. And it's not like we've never discussed about going to a BTS concert ever. Let's just enjoy this chance for what it's worth.

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