46. Fight for love

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Disclaimer: There will be mild use of swear words, a little angst and some smut (not intense). Read at your own risk/interest/pleasure.

Also, grab the popcorn! 😉

"I'm sure you've heard of me. I'm Kim Ji Woo."

Leah gapes at the lady in shock. She was quite taken aback by the fact that the lady she wanted to meet and confront was unexpectedly sitting right in front of her.

Leah's eyes examine her outstretched hand and then her face. She had to admit, the lady was a stunner. Her being resonated poignance and grace of lady-like behaviour. The slight inclination of her head, her symmetrically straight posture and the angle of her hand laid out in front were all so meticulously planned to highlight her best features.

Leah shifts in her seat uncomfortably, intimidated by the beautiful lady. She slowly takes the lady's hand in hers who shakes it firmly.

Leah: Uhm...Hi!

Kim Ji Woo: So, you're the one Taehyung's been talking to me about.

She smiles widely and Leah could swear she sensed something amiss with her tone. However, she chooses to ignore it.

Leah: I've heard about you too. You've got quite a buzz going on with MnM Fashion store.

Kim Ji Woo: Ahh, yes. I know you've already been to my store before. How did you find it? Did it...suit your taste? Pardon me if I may sound a bit discourteous but you don't seem to be one of those people who would enjoy the store's unique apparel. What I mean to say is, bold clothing doesn't seem to be your style. You appear to me as one who's unsure of your clothing preference.

Leah furrows her eyebrows at Kim Ji Woo's remark.

Leah: Excuse me? What do you know about my choices and preferences?

Although the lady in front of her had a smile etched on her face, her manner of speaking was definitely insulting.

Kim Ji Woo: Oh, I didn't mean to come off as impolite. I was just trying to state an observation. For instance, you don't seem to be comfortable in your own outfit right now and the way you are slouching your shoulders shows that you're feeling quite out of place here. I wonder why?

Leah looks down and notices her fingers were unintentionally holding on to the slit in her dress to prevent it from exposing her leg. She hadn't even realised she was slouching and immediately sits up straight in her seat.

Leah: I don't think the way I dress up or my personal habits are any of your concern. I'm happy with the way I am and how I chose to be. I don't need you telling me what I need or need not do.

Kim Ji Woo smirks, obviously taking pleasure in Leah's annoyance.

Kim Ji Woo: There there dear, I was just trying to help you. You may be happy and satisfied living in your own bubble but I suggest you to snap out of it and see the world for what it is. Your inadequacy will reflect poorly on you and those around you.

She glances over at Taehyung who was still in conversation with the three men. Leah turns to look at him. Their eyes momentarily meet and he gives her a small smile.

Leah: My inadequacy? You're saying Taehyung is ashamed of me?

Kim Ji Woo: I've known him for three years now. He's never run up to me so much as he has after he met you.

Leah grits her teeth angrily. The woman was beginning to piss her off with her stupid smile that she cleverly employed to hide off her taunts and sarcastic remarks. What was her problem?

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