Epilogue: With Love Always

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"Kim Namjoon, Kim Seokjin, Min Yoongi, Jung Hoseok, Park Jimin, Kim Taehyung, Jeon Jungkook, BTS!!!"

The crowds chant aloud in succession as they await the seven members to take their place on the stage. The anticipation for the last performance was at its peak with everyone finding themselves in disbelief that the concert was coming to an end.

"ARMY, are you ready?" yells Hoseok while strutting down the main aisle.

Among the cheering crowd are three girls who throw their arms in the air in utmost excitement. It was a surreal experience for Leah, Rachel, and Jane, that they were finally able to attend a BTS Concert despite being in a close relationship with the members for almost a year.

After what seemed like an eternity of endless planning, the girls had belatedly managed to coordinate their schedules and get together since they had parted ways after their vacation to Seoul. Rachel had found herself engrossed with her work at Webtoon at NY Headquarters. Meanwhile, Leah had taken to tutoring in linguistics while Jane had settled to follow her passion for writing.

"I still can't believe I didn't have a clue!" Rachel chuckles while speaking to her two friends. "And I thought you'll are here just to see me!"

Leah and Jane had flown to New York on the pretext of meeting Rachel whom they hadn't seen for almost a year. While she was ecstatic at their arrival, which gave her a much-needed break from her hectic work schedule, she hadn't anticipated a full-fledged plan to attend a concert and meet the boys, especially when they were on their world tour. In all the conversations preceding their visit, Leah and Jane had been careful not to divulge the plan to Rachel, which added to the surprise element.

"Well, we did come all this way to see you," Leah chimes innocently.

"But not 'just you'!" teases Jane.

Right from when the concert had begun, two hours ago, until now, the three had screamed their hearts out in carnivalistic participation. It was an experience that blurred the borders of dream and reality, filling them up with feelings nothing less than awe and gratitude.

"Ah! I'm going crazy," Jane shouts to her friends despite the deafening noise all around.

"Honestly, it's a miracle I haven't passed out already!" replies Rachel.

Leah throws an arm around Jane and Rachel and pulls them closer to her. "Look how happy they are. They love doing this. I love watching them perform! Geez, I don't want it to end!"

Through spurts of energy encouraged by the cries of the crowd and the inevitable fatigue that sets in from all their performances, the seven members line up in a straight line on the stage, eyes sparkling with happiness and love, as they give their final ending speech.

As the show comes to an end, an array of mixed emotions fill the audience. The three girls are no exception to it. They watch as the singers at centerstage, zoom out of their positions and disappear behind the humongous screens.

It was the end.

Leah, Rachel, and Jane fall back on their chairs exhaustedly. It had been a long evening. They wait for the crowd to clear up as the security personnel guide the audience to the exit points. In a daze, they stare at the multitude of fans all around them.

BTS was indeed loved by scores of people.

However, it still rendered them in disbelief that they were tied to the seven members by an invisible string called fate.

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