10. The Preparation

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She immediately recognizes the teddy bear and picks it up. As she does so, she finds a small card beneath it.

'Well Played'

Jane quickly looks around to see if she can spot the shooter but finds no one. She stares from the card to the teddy bear and smiles to herself reminiscing the memory of her unfinished match.

While engrossed in the pleasant surprise, she is suddenly startled by two exasperated and exhausted voices.

Rachel: I'm so done with life. I am never going shopping again

Leah: I know right! I'm tired as hell.

Rachel: I must've been out of my mind to have thought I will have a successful shopping day in Korea when I couldn't even manage an average one back home.

Leah: Look, there is Jane!

Rachel: JANEY!!! Am I glad to see you!

Jane: Aye, the two of you look so dead. (She taps on the chair next to her) Let's order the food, quick.

Over a bowl of hot soup, Leah and Rachel start filling Jane in all the details that happened after they split up.

They order the main-course and continue their conversation. Rachel narrates excitedly about the masks and also tells them about the call with the Gwasabwa manager.

Rachel: So, it's going to be delivered tomorrow morning at 10:00 a.m., that too for free. Some nice customer of Mi Ran wanted one of the masks and has offered to pay for all three if I sold my designs. I wasn't sure of what to do but Mi Ran said that her customer was persistent. Finally, I agreed.

Jane: That's nice! They must've really liked your design if they are willing to bear the expenses of all three masks.

Leah: Yeah but we haven't got any dress to wear for tomorrow. What about you? What did you buy from Seoul Vogue International? Where are your shopping bags?

Jane holds up the teddy bear: Tadaa!

Rachel: What? You bought that? How was the sale? Where is the surprise?

Jane: Well the sale was good. There were many beautiful dresses...

Leah: And? What did you buy?

Jane: I got a nice gown! They will deliver it at the hotel tomorrow.

Rachel: Lucky you! We still don't have anything to wear. If I don't get a nice dress, I'm not going.

Leah: Me too.

Jane (sarcastically): Fine then! I'll go alone and have a blast!

Leah and Rachel laugh.

Rachel (rubs her belly): Ahh, when will the food be served? I'm starving!

Leah: I think the waiter is bringing it. Here he comes and...

The three girls stare at the waiter intently while hoping to magnetically draw him to their table.

Leah: ...there he goes. Geez, I was so sure he was carrying our meal.

After some time, the food arrives at their table and they devour it instantly.

Following the delicious dinner, they return to their hotel, wash up and lie in the bed.

Rachel: Guys, I am seriously not going to the Masked Ball if I don't get anything to wear.

Leah: Let us get up early tomorrow and shop for our gowns.

Jane: Hmmm...okay.

Rachel: What do you mean 'Hmmm...okay'? Say, 'Yes, I will help you'll out' with more conviction. Our life is in your hands.

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