47. New Year's Bash

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Taehyung: Did you have to come so far?

Taehyung glances at Leah who shivers out of cold. He removes his coat and wraps it around her before pulling her close to his side.

Taehyung: Take off your heels.

Leah: Why?

Taehyung: Just take them off.

Leah: Hey, I can walk just fine.

Taehyung: No, you can't. I can see you struggling. Wear my shoes instead.

Leah: Taehyung I can't possibly make you walk bare feet. I'm fine really.

Taehyung: Are you going to take off your heels or not?

Leah looks up at Taehyung's face that had a firm resolve on it. She sighs and lifts her hand to his cheek.

Leah: Please let's not argue anymore. I'm tired.

Taehyung's gaze softens and he lifts his arm around Leah's neck.

Taehyung: Oh, we are not arguing.

With that he swoops Leah off her feet and carries her in his arms before planting kisses at her neck.

Taehyung: I'm just making sure that you don't trip on this slippery road and fall for me.

Taehyung's words cause Leah to giggle aloud.

Leah: What a flirt you are Kim Taehyung. I'm afraid that it's too late. I'm literally head over heels for you.

Leah throws her arm around Taehyung's neck as she stares at his handsome face.

Taehyung: Enjoying the view?

Leah: Yup. It's mesmerizing.

Taehyung: Well, hold on till we reach the car.

Taehyung carries Leah back to the venue where the fashion event was being held. There were a few people standing on the stairs, presumably exiting the building as it was quite late in the night.

At a distance away, he puts Leah down so that they don't attract unnecessary attention. They make their way to the car park. Taehyung opens the door for Leah and she takes a seat. He then jogs over to the other side and gets in the driver's seat. He pulls out of the parking lot and drives off.

They reach back to the dorm in utter silence and make their way into the house quietly. It seemed as though everyone had settled down for the night. Leah glances at the clock. It was a quarter to two. She decides to have a quick shower before getting into bed.

She grabs her clothes and hops towards the bathroom. However, Taehyung blocks the way quickly.

Leah: What?

Taehyung: Can I join you?

Leah laughs and pats his chest.

Leah: Of course.

Taehyung's eyes light up.

Taehyung: Really?

Leah: No. Move aside pretty boy. I'm feeling really cold.

Taehyung wraps his arms around Leah.

Taehyung: I can keep you warm. Sleep with me tonight.

Leah chokes at his words.

Leah: Uh...sleep?

Taehyung grins and pushes his hair back with a flip of his head.

Taehyung: Well I just meant you lying in bed with me but if you want more, I'm definitely ready for it.

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