14. The attack

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Caution: There's use of some swear words in the chapter.

Also, it's a double update. 😊


9:22 p.m.:

Captain G (yelling in his earpiece): Dammit! Where is he?!! I need to know his location! Guard 3 report, I repeat Guard 3 report!

Guard Z: We saw him last in the Parking lot Sir! I request CCTV assistance!

CCTV Officer: Roger that! Suspect has entered building through the south block service stairway. Camera 4 has been damaged.

Captain G: That bastard! Warn all the guards! I want him to be caught at any cost. Tighten the security near West Wing Hall.

Guard 2 & 3: YES SIR!

The Guard teams are deployed. Some of them scan the front premises while the others position themselves on various floors of the Hotel.

Guard Z: Sir, suspect has been spotted! He is heading to the Banquet Hall where the Masked Ball is going on!

Captain G: Fuck! Don't let him get away!

Captain G bangs his fists on the table, throws back his chair and stomps out of the security room.

Captain G: Do you know what will happen if word gets out that we have an intruder in the hotel, that too when an event as important as the Masked Ball is going on?! It will be like dog feed to the damned press! Word will get out and we can get screwed big time! Worse that guy can be armed! Move your ill-forsaken asses and catch him!

Guard Z along with two men enter the ballroom. They momentarily spot the suspect and run furiously behind him. However, the crowd prohibits them from progressing.


Guard: Sir! We have a problem! (Points to the bar counter where there seems to be a commotion)

Guard Z: You'll take care of it! Send back up ASAP!

Guard: Sir!

The two guards make their way to the bar counter. It seemed as though two men were engaged in a drunken brawl. Just then, a third man enters and lands a sharp blow on one of the men as he charges towards an unsuspecting woman.


X (smirks): Today I'm going to get that bastard Kim Min Joo!

He makes his way to the Banquet Hall where the Masked Ball is going on. He scans the room for his target.

X: It's so difficult to spot that motherfucker in this place.

He grits his teeth and moves stealthily from table to table.

X: Ahh that must be the table where the board members are seated. Let's see, yes! That must be Min Joo, talking to that lady. Crap! This place is loaded with security.

Suddenly, he stops and turns around. He notices one of the guards running towards him. He glances back at his target; Kim Min Joo had finished speaking and had wandered a little away from the table, a position perfect to strike an attack.

X: Fuck this shit! I'll deal with the guard first!

He makes his way to the west corridor of the Banquet Hall. It was deserted. He quickly opens the door of the service stairways and runs up a flight of stairs. He gazes below, holding his breath in anticipation to see if the guard had followed him. He lowers his cap and slowly puts his hand in his coat pocket, feeling the sharpness of his weapon.

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