54. Struggles

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Jane: What?!!!

Leah: Come again?

Jane: Did I just hear you say that you got the results of your interview and that you've been selected?

Rachel nods her head, still wary of their reaction.

Jane: Oh my gosh Sal! That's awesome!

Jane and Leah lunge towards their friend and grab her into a group hug.

Leah: This is amazing! We need to celebrate!

Rachel: Wait, there is more.

Jane: More? What do you mean?

Rachel: The company has given me a choice to work either at their head office in Seoul or...

Jane: Or?

Rachel: Or in New York.

Leah: So, what's the problem? You always wanted to join their head office, right? Now that I think about it, lucky you! You get to be close to Jimin this way!

Jane: Woah, that's so cool. What about us Leah? What do we do now that our friend will be going away from us?

Leah: I guess we will have to fly to Seoul often to check on her.

Rachel: Well, t-the thing is, I'm not going to work in Seoul.

A moment of silence ensues as they all look at each other.

Leah: You're not?

Rachel looks at her two friends cautiously. Taking a deep breath, she explains.

Rachel: I'm thinking of working at the New York branch. Yes, I've always wanted to work at the head office but the package they are offering at the New York quarters will give me a lot of scope to try out things that I have never done before. There'll be a lot of conferences I can attend, fan interactions, fellowship with other webtoon artists and so much more. I don't know if I'm making the right choice, but this is what my heart is telling me.

Rachel stares at her two friends, waiting for them to tell her that she has made the wrong choice. However, they smile at her warmly causing her to shoot her eyebrows in surprise.

Rachel: Why are you'll looking at me like that?

Leah: You know what Rach, I think you will do amazing regardless of the place you choose. And if New York is what you feel is good for you, then I wholeheartedly support you.

Jane: I agree. It's your choice and irrespective of what happens, we will always be there for you, cheering you through all the decisions you make.

Rachel: You'll really mean it?

Leah: Of course!

Rachel: I don't know how else to say this but thank you so much. You don't know how worried I was thinking that you'll won't approve of my decision.

Jane: Hey, you should know by now that we'd be nothing but thrilled for you.

Leah: Exactly! And on that note, let us celebrate!

Jane: Yeah, let's go tell the others too!

Leah and Jane jump off the bed excitedly but Rachel pulls them back in panic.

Rachel: Wait! I don't want anyone else to know yet.

Leah: Why? This is such a great news!

Rachel: I want to tell Jimin first.

Jane: You haven't told him yet? I'm sure he'll be happy for you.

Rachel: I hope so. I did try to tell him earlier but couldn't.

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