63. I Love You

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Jane tosses and turns uncomfortably in her sleep. Shivering, she clutches her blanket tightly. However, it is to no avail as she continues to feel the lack of warmth in the tent. Her mind is trapped in the vivid nightmare of earlier that day when she had been swept down the waterfall. She had felt so scared that the memories of her life played out before her eyes in distinct flashbacks. Memories of special moments and special people. Memories that she might never get to cherish again as she neared the edge of the high waterfall, gushing at full speed while she was rendered utterly helpless. She recalls trying to reach out to anything.

Anything that would not let her fall over the edge.

But each time she tried to grasp something, it disappeared. Even the water slipped through her fingers, offering her no support, rather, drowning her within its capacity.

And finally, she is thrown over.

She suddenly sits up straight, panting really hard as though she had run a mile. She looks around herself, trying to figure her surroundings. She leans forward and switches on the little lamp near her feet.

She brushes her hair back and heaves loudly, her fingers feeling the trickle of sweat edging down her forehead. Her eyes immediately search for Jungkook. However, he wasn't next to her. His blanket had been thrown to the side and his pillow had been caved in, indicating that it has probably not been long since he had left.

Jane pushes away her own blanket and turns over to the side, grabbing her previous clothes. She flips open her folded jeans and puts her hand in its pockets, one by one, trying to find a particular item. She hopes with all her heart that it hadn't got washed away by the water.

At last, she finds it. She pulls her hand out with a small smile and peeks at the precious little thing before transferring it into the only pocket of her trousers.

She then slowly steps out in search of Jungkook. The freezing night air stings her skin, sending sharp chills down her spine. She rubs her palms roughly and hugs herself, hoping to generate some warmth. Her eyes follow the line of tents in which the other members and her friends were sleeping in. She figures he wouldn't be in any of them. They all looked too peaceful and silent to be having a third person settled within.

With the moon shining brightly, Jane walks a little down the shore. She takes off her footwear and revels in the feeling of the soft, cool sand. She pans her gaze all around cautiously until she spots a small figure perched on the steep cliff.

She sighs deeply. She should have guessed Jungkook will keep his word and head over there like he had said he would.

She slowly treads over in that direction. The cliff juts out of the shore, the path to which is very narrow. The waves were crashing against its rocky sides with massive force, the water from its collision splashing all the way to the top.

Despite the commotion around him, Jungkook seemed to be sitting really peacefully all by himself, staring into the endless oceanic space. The glow of the moon fell over him like a spotlight, making him appear no less than a little prince.

Jane: You had to come here, didn't you?

Jane takes an unsteady step forward, lifting her hands to her sides in order to balance herself. She doesn't shift her eyes off the ground, as though doing so would make her lose her footing and slip into the water.

Jungkook immediately turns around and on seeing Jane, jumps to his feet.

Jungkook: Hey, what are you doing here?

He runs forward and holds her hand, guiding her to where he had been sitting.

Jane: I might as well ask you the same question. What are you doing here? Why aren't you sleeping?

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