17. A good time

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Leah, Rachel and Jane descend from the bus onto the pavement, trying to figure out which way is the Yeohiji Botanical Garden.

Leah: It is this way, less than a mile from here. We can just go walking, yeah?

Jane: Yup. Let's go!

They head over in the direction of the garden while admiring their surroundings. A hundred meters before the huge entry gates lay stalls on either side selling local merchandise as well as street food.

Jane: Wow! Look at all this color.

She reaches for the camera inside her backpack and engrosses herself in taking some pictures.

Jane: Let's buy some food here for lunch after our sightseeing schedule in the garden.

Rachel and Leah look at each other guiltily. They wonder how to tell Jane about their secret meeting with Jimin and Taehyung. Will she be upset? Will she be okay?

Jane: Why are you'll looking like that? Let's go!

Leah (whispering to Rachel): Rach, what's the plan?

Rachel: I don't know Leah. I was told to come to this Botanical Garden and that he would meet me inside.

Leah: Same here. Geez! To think we were both asked to come to the same place. Do you think Jimin told Tae about you or the other way around; Tae told Jimin about me?

Rachel: I don't think so. I mean, why would they tell each other? Or they might have...

Jane: Will you two old ladies catch up? Okay, stay where you are...that's right...now smile....1, 2, and 3!

Rachel and Leah jog up to Jane. They pay the entry fee at the ticket counter and proceed inside nervously. Jane chatters on and on, but the other two are on a look out for Taehyung and Jimin.

Jane: Wow! This place is so pretty! I mean, although most trees are quite bare here, they still look aesthetic. Isn't that a cherry blossom tree?! Oh, these tiny flowers!

Rachel (mumbling): Yeah, yeah...

Rachel and Leah can't seem to concentrate on what Jane is saying. On the other hand, Jane is oblivious to Rachel and Leah's secret.

They wander ahead, admiring the scenery. At the greenhouse nursery, they pause for some time.

Leah: Rachel, let's tell Jane.

Rachel: Yeah, I can't go ahead carrying this baggage of worry.

Leah: Me too. Jane, wait up! There is something you need to know.

Rachel nudges Leah.

Leah: We want to tell you something.

Jane glances around, continuing to click pictures while nodding for them to go on.

Jane: What's up?

Rachel: Yesterday...

Rachel pauses as she fidgets with her fingers nervously.

Jane: Yeah?

Rachel: Jimin, he asked me if I could come to Yeohiji Botanical Garden today.

Leah: And coincidentally Taehyung also asked me the same

Rachel: And we both said yes.

Leah: And that's why we are here now.

Rachel: You can kill us all you want but I, and I'm sure Leah too just couldn't refuse.

Jane looks at them dumbfounded.

Jane: Are you'll saying that you'll came here for a date?

Rachel: Well it's not a date. I mean, we barely know each other and he just happened to ask me to come here.

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