3. Stranger things

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The doors of the airplane close. The captain introduces himself again and reaffirms the destination. The air-hostesses line in their respective positions as they begin to brief the passengers of the safety instructions.

Air Hostess: Ma'am, you need to align your seat straight for the take-off.

Jane wakes up and nods at the air-hostess. She had slept for quite a long time and was now refreshed. The captain announces the plane ready for take-off. The plane is loaded with passengers, all heading to Seoul.

Rachel: I like take-off better than landing. But this time I can't wait for us to land.

Jane: I can't wait to reach either. It feels like forever but I don't want this journey to end, if you know what I mean.

Rachel (giggling): One month of eat, sleep and fun, here we come!

Leah looks at Rachel and Jane with twinkling eyes for they are just few hours away from their dream destination.

The plane takes off. Leah waits impatiently for the signal to detach the seatbelt.

After some time...


Leah unplugs her earphones and hands them over to Rachel, who seems to be lost in thought, staring outside the window.

Leah (whispering to Jane): I'm going to the loo.

Jane: Yeah okay, tell me if your pee drains into the clouds after you flush.

Leah grins as she squeezes her way between Jane and the seat in front.

Jane scans her surroundings. She wonders if she might know anyone but quickly dismisses the thought. Just because she spent practically 18 out of 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and all through the year, watching K-dramas or refreshing BlueTube, Chirper and Instabam while checking out those god-like men and women, it didn't mean that the plane would be filled with those stars.

Jane: What are you thinking about Rachel?

Rachel: I don't know, I'm just overwhelmed.

Jane: Aye Rachel! Don't worry, we will make the most of our time.

They talk for a while about what to do once they reach Seoul. Their trip wasn't a well-planned one. Of course, the three of them had always dreamt of going there someday but they had also thought it would never come true.

It all began when Rachel announced that she had been asked to answer an interview regarding her webtoon art profession for which she had to report to Naver Corporation Head Office. Leah and Jane saw the opportunity as a gold mine to whizz into their dream destination. And so, with last minute tweaking of wallets and piggy bank savings (and also a major loan from the only stable earning Rachel who was more than happy to sponsor the trip), they were on their way to Korea.

Rachel: Where on earth is Leah? Geez! I told that woman not to drink so much water.

Jane (nonchalantly): Maybe she is pooping.

Rachel chuckles as she turns back while still seated, her eyes scanning around for the familiar face of her friend.

Meanwhile in the lavatory, Leah looks at her reflection in the mirror and sets her hair in a high bun.

Leah (humming): Siganeul meomchullae...I sungani jinamyeon...There my hair looks okay...Let's go!

She twists the door handle and pushes it open.

Leah: Eopseossdeon iri doelkka neol ilheulkka...

Stranger: ...geopna geopna....

Leah looks up at the stranger in surprise. He was a tall guy, wearing a black casual shirt and red track pants. He had a matching red cap which he donned in a manner so as to cover most of his face. What she could make out was the edges of his curled-up smile and ruffled hair that stuck out from beneath the cap.

Stranger: Oh!

The stranger bows lightly and waves at Leah to let her pass through.

Leah smiles at him and walks ahead. It wasn't a surprise that there was a BTS fan in the plane. She immediately decided that she liked that guy, whoever he may have been.

Jane: So? How was it?

Leah looks at Jane, confused.

Leah: How was what?

Jane: Your experience in the loo.

Leah: You know what just happened-

Rachel: Lunch!!! They're serving us lunch. Let's eat. I'm starving!

Jane: Oh, thank God! It smells good. (Turns to Leah) You were saying?

Leah: Nothing.

After hours of sitting in the plane, the pilot finally announces the descent for landing.

Leah, Rachel and Jane clutch each other tightly.

Rachel: Geez I'm getting goose bumps on my hand!

Leah: I want to scream!

Jane: Oh shut up you both. I'm already dizzy with excitement!

The plane lands safely.

'Welcome to Seoul International Airport! This is your captain. The temperature outside is 7. It is snowing outside and quite cold. Do stay warm. We hope you enjoyed your flight with...'

Jane: Let's just wait for the others to get down first. Gosh! The queue seems unending. I didn't realise there were so many people on board. There is no point in standing behind them all.

Rachel: I agree. Let's wait, even though that's the last thing I feel like doing. It makes no sense to join the crowd.

As the passengers begin to move into the aero-bridge, Jane stands up and take out their luggage from the over-head cabin and passes it on to Leah and Rachel respectively.

Soon, the whole plane is vacated except for the three of them and some passengers up front.

Rachel: Guys let's go!

Jane leads the way followed by Leah, chattering along as they walk into the aero-bridge.

Rachel (to the air-hostesses): Thank you!

Air-hostess: Thank you ma'am! Hope you enjoyed the flight! Watch your step here...

It was too late. Rachel who had not seen the step twists her leg and stumbles forward.

Suddenly somebody grabs her arm from behind, saving her from an embarrassing fall.

"Are you alright?!!"


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