19. A good time Pt. 2

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After Namjoon, Yoongi and Hoseok leave to the airport, Jimin and Taehyung hail a cab and head off to Yeohiji Botanical Garden together.

Jimin: Why does he want to go there today out of all days. Geez!

Jimin: Where should I drop you off?

Taehyung: The book store. You know, the one near the park.

Jimin: Okay.

Jimin: He's hiding something. I can sense it. I know him too well.

Jimin and Taehyung sit in silence for the rest of the trip, formulating ways to prevent getting caught by the other as they head to the same destination.

Taehyung fits his mask on his face and gets off the car at a distance. He pretends to walk in the direction of the book store as he doesn't want to risk Jimin finding about his real intention of coming to the place. After the car moves out of sight, he shifts his route and makes his way to the garden.

Taehyung: Ahh, it's quite sunny today. Geez! It'll take me some time to reach. I wonder if Leah came? I hope I don't make her wait too long!

Taehyung strides towards the garden briskly. He checks his watch; the time is quarter past 12:00 p.m.

Taehyung: If only I didn't get down so far away. Where do I find her now?

He makes his way to the entrance of the Garden, pays the admission fee and walks inside. He looks around everywhere keenly.

Taehyung: I hope I won't run into Jimin. It'll be so awkward.

He continues walking around in search of Leah till he reaches an orchard. He leans against one of the trees to catch his breath.

Taehyung: Oh!

Sitting still like a statue on a wooden bench in the orchard was Leah. She held a cup of juice in her left hand while her right hand was raised in the air. Taehyung watches intently as a butterfly kept fluttering around her hand. She was waiting for it to lay on her palm.

Taehyung muses at the sight and chuckles affectionately.

The butterfly continues to hover around her palm until it finally settles down. A small joyous smile forms on Leah's lips and her eyes shine with excitement like that of a little kid. She tilts her head and lowers her hand slowly to attain a closer view of the butterfly but her loosely tied hair falls on her face. She tries to blow it away but to no avail.

Suddenly, she feels a warm hand tuck her hair behind her ear.

Leah looks up slowly to see Taehyung standing beside her. He pulls down his mask and rests it at his neck.

Taehyung: I thought I wouldn't find you!

Leah: Why, I was here all along waiting for you, Kim Taehyung. I was convinced you wouldn't turn up.

Taehyung's eyes twinkle as he admires Leah's face that is drawn into a happy grin.

Leah: Oh! The butterfly flew away!

Her eyes trace the path of the butterfly in the air. Taehyung places his hand on Leah's empty palm and squeezes it lightly.

Taehyung: It may have flown away but I see a beautiful one before me.

Leah tightens her hold on Taehyung's hand and gets up.

Leah (laughing): Someone's being really cheesy.

Taehyung's lips curl into a pout and his cheeks puff up.

Leah (giggling): This butterfly that you see is attracted to a really pretty flower. Will the flower not show her around the garden?

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