30. Bonding time

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Ding Dong! Ding Dong!

Leah: Jane can you get the door?

Jane: Yeah, just a second.

Jane walks up to the door and opens it.

Bellboy: A parcel has arrived for Leah. Kindly sign here ma'am.

Jane glances at Leah who is engrossed in getting ready for their meeting with the boys that morning. She takes the pen offered by the bellboy and signs on the iPad. He smiles and stretches his arms to pass the box to Jane who thanks him.

Jane: Lee, what did you order?

Rachel: I think it's a present. See, there is a card at the top!

Leah walks up to Jane and Rachel who are examining the yellow box. She takes it from them and reads the card.

Dear Leah,

Compliments from MnM Store, Times Square Mall!
We are happy to announce that you have won the MnM Flash contest for the month of December. The photo submitted by you will be displayed on our website. To show our appreciation for your trendy apparel that appealed the members of MnM Flash Contest Jury, we present you a small token from the Designers and Staff of MnM Couture, Seoul Branch.

Kim Ji Woo

Jane: Woah!

Rachel: Would you look at that! Go on and open the box Lee, what are you waiting for?

Rachel and Jane peer from behind as Leah carefully unwraps the box and opens it. Inside, wrapped in a navy-blue satin cloth, was a white blouse with bell sleeves and a red bandana.

Leah: Oh my gosh! This is the outfit that Taehyung had selected for me. I loved it a lot but didn't purchase it because I felt it was too expensive. Geez!

Jane: Fancy you winning the contest! The stars must be on your side. Hold it up Leah so that we can see how it looks on you.

Leah giggles and folds the white blouse and the bandana inside the blue satin cloth before putting it into the box.

Rachel: Why did you do that?

Leah: In case you'll are unaware, there is only half an hour for us to reach the aquarium. Come on, let's get going. We don't want to be late, do we?

Jane: Aish, I guess you are right. Let's go!

The three of them rush downstairs and hail a taxi to Lotte World Aquarium. After a while they reach their destination.

Leah: Brr, it's so cold! My fingers are frozen.

She rubs her hands and tucks it inside her coat.

Jane: I told you to dress warm. Did you expect it to be bright and sunny at this time of the year?

Rachel puts her arm around Leah as they make their way upstairs.

Rachel: You think they've reached?

Leah: I don't know, Taehyung told us to go inside and that they would meet us there.

Jane: This place is amazing! I haven't seen such an aquarium before!

Leah: Let's get the tickets. Thank goodness there aren't many people here.

After obtaining the passes, the trio walk around the area looking at the different tanks and glass windows which held beautiful and multi-coloured sea creatures. The whole area was enveloped in a bluish-glow that reflected from the lights in the aquarium. Occasionally the light patterns would shift with the movement of the aquatic animals.

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