2. Three flying chicks

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A/N: Although I'd love to use the concept of Y/N, I won't be able to since this story revolves around three separate individuals. Please feel free to relate to any character. Thanks for reading! (^_^)


Leah, Rachel and Jane are very excited as the day had finally come. They had been waiting for it since a long time; their most cherished 'Trip to South Korea'. They clutch each other in disbelief that the next day at this time, they would be in a different country, amidst different people, smelling the scent of snow and cherry blossoms and chasing their dreams in a different time zone.

Leah: Aaaaahhhhhhhhhh! This is driving me crazy! I can't tell you how excited I am!

Rachel: Shut up. Just because you are done packing your bag, you are not allowing us to do so. What a devil!

Jane: Guys, you should always follow my list. Okay, so both of you check these things off if you feel they are in your bag....

Leah: Are you serious?! This is the tenth time you are repeating it! Even if I want to, I won't be able forget the list for the rest of my life.

Rachel ignores Leah and looks at Jane with a grateful smile.

Rachel: Thanks Jane! Leah can you pass me the sunscreen?

Leah: You idiot! You are going to Korea in the WINTER!!! The only sun you'll get is Busan! Hahaha!!!

Rachel (bemused): So not funny. Who laughs at their own jokes?

Jane (giggling): Upping your pun game eh? Anyways, everything is ready. Let's go to sleep, I'm very tired.

Rachel: I'm dead tired too. I need my precious sleep. Good night my loves!

Leah (settling in with the others): Good night!

After a moment,

Leah: Guys, you do know this is my first time on an airplane, what if I feel sick?

Jane: Relax Lee, you'll be fine. I'm sure it is your anxiety playing on you.

Rachel: I'm unable to fall asleep. What if my interview doesn't go well? What if I don't get selected?

Jane: Rae, if there's any webtoon artist greater than you then...

Rachel: Then?

Jane: Umm...then to hell with them. Just trust yourself. Our vacation and your interview happening together, it's a sign.

Leah: Sign?

Jane: It's a sign that things are meant to be the way they are. Go on and get some sleep now. We all need to be well rested before tomorrow, don't we?

Leah: I hate it when you talk like that. Goes above my head to comprehend your 'signs, signals, fate, destiny...' nonsense. Anyways, I'm signing off.

With loud yawns, the three girls manage to sleep amidst all the excitement.


The next day, in the airplane:

Rachel: OMG! We're flying! We're REALLY, FINALLY on our way to Seoul!!!

While Rachel gapes outside the window, beside her Leah sulks in her seat.

Leah: What's bothering me is this sloth of a Jane. Does she even know how to spell 'fun'? It's embarrassing to see the drool sliding off her mouth in such undignified manner.

Jane: ...mumble...mumble...

Rachel: Let her be. By the way...

Leah turns to face Rachel whose eyes were twinkling wickedly.

Leah: Yeah?

Rachel: I deleted my search history. And I suggest you do the same.

Leah (confused): Why?

Rachel: Imagine someone happens to just find your phone and collapses when they read 'Park Seo-joon hot body, Markson romantic moments...'.

Leah (grinning): Oh shush! You can't blame me when all of them are just treats and candies to my soul.

'This is your captain speaking. We have now arrived at Beijing. We will be stopping here momentarily for the passengers to get down. Those who are travelling to Seoul, kindly remain seated. We will take-off shortly after the boarding of other members.'

Rachel looks around and admires the various mechanical birds parked at the hangar. Leah unbuckles her seat belt and walks towards the Lavatory.

Air Hostess: Ma'am you need to remain seated. The lavatory can be used only while we are in the air. I apologise for the inconvenience.

Leah: (walking back to her seat, sulking) This is outrageous. I need to go to the loo. They aren't allowing me.

Rachel: I told you not to drink so much water! In fact, you were even lecturing me for not refilling my body's fluids. Now see!

Leah sits quietly but not for long. She prods gently at the sleeping Jane.

Leah: Jane... wake up...Jane...You've slept enough...Get up now!

Jane swats her hand.

Leah gives up and plugs in her earphones to listen to some music. In all the hassle, the sleeping Jane, the ear plugged Leah and the window-watcher Rachel are oblivious to the entry of the new passengers.

Jane sleepily peeps through her eyelashes. She sees the shuffling images of seven people in a blur, but then closes her eyes and lays her head on Leah's shoulder, pressing it down like a comfortable pillow.



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