20. BTS Dorm

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Taehyung and Jimin: Oh my God! That's you??!!!

Jane stares at them blankly.

Leah takes the paper from Tae's hand and scrutinizes the picture.

Leah: This article is about some attack that took place at the Masked Ball. Janey why are you here?

Rachel: Let me see! Oh my Gosh, it says here that BTS's Main Vocalist Jeon Jungkook was injured in the attack!

Jane (shuddering): That's why he was bleeding!

Leah and Rachel read the contents of the news article with a strenuous effort under the light of the lamp-post.

Rachel: What are you doing Jane? Wait a minute, that coat looks familiar! Isn't that Jungkook's coat? Is it his coat that you brought back to the Hotel?

Leah: Didn't you say some guy gave it to you because you were freezing near the lake? Geez, of course it doesn't make sense that you will take stuff from random people.

Amidst Rachel and Leah's bafflement regarding the unexpected turn of events, Jimin and Taehyung gaze at Jane intently.

Jimin: You know Jungkook?

Jane eyes widens as she stills. She looks up at the four faces gazing at her, waiting for her response

Leah: Well? Say something!

Jane: Umm, the thing is I kind of know him, but I also don't know him like how you may be thinking. I mean...ugh! It's difficult to explain.

Taehyung: When did you'll meet?

Jane: At the Masked Ball after the event, near the Lingeong Hoon Lake.

Jimin (rubbing his chin): And you'll do not know each other before that?

Jane: No, I've only just seen him on social media. Yesterday was the first time I met him in person.

Rachel and Leah stare at Jane intently, inspecting her face for any tell-tale signs that she might be lying.

Jane: What are you'll looking at me like that for?! I'm telling you the truth! You'll have been with me the whole time.

Leah: Exactly why you might've told us this EARLIER!!!

Taehyung leans towards Jimin and whispers softly.

Taehyung: Is it only me or do you also feel Jungkookah has been acting very weird after the attack? You think there is something more going on?

Jimin: That's what I was telling you yesterday. Look at how he is trying to shield her here!

He waves the paper in front of Taehyung.

Jimin: He doesn't even care that he is injured and that he is exposed to the media. Jungkookie is not like that, he is quite shy in public.

Rachel: How did you'll meet Jane?

Jane pauses for a long time before replying slowly.

Jane: I was near the lake all by myself when I saw Jungkook injured. I don't know how he found me.

She takes the paper from Jimin and runs her fingers over the picture as she recalls the previous night.

A group of passers-by gather at a spot near them. Taehyung and Jimin lift their masks up their face.

Rachel: I think it will be better if we discuss this some place private. There are too many people around.

Taehyung: Yeah, I agree. Besides none of us have eaten anything and it's quite late.

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