44. Care and Concern

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Leah heads back into the house dejectedly. She makes her way to Taehyung's room but stops at the doorway. She couldn't bring herself to enter it. His words ring in her ears and she lifts her hands to shun the same.

'Taehyung: I guess, you still need more time to think about what you really want.'

But Leah already knew what she wanted. However, she also knew that there was a lot of risk involved in getting what she wanted. She didn't want Taehyung to be hurt in any way. She didn't want any of the members to suffer because of her.

She makes her way to the living room and turns on the television before lying on the couch. A movie was playing and she stares at the screen. After a while she realises that she hasn't really been paying attention to the plot. She turns off the TV and sighs. She feels a deep pang in her chest and buries her face against the backrest as tears slide down her cheeks. She tries to wipe them away. No matter how hard she tried to control it, they just kept flowing unceasingly.

Tired and weary from all the crying, she falls asleep. After a while, the front door opens and the six members shuffle into the living room cheerfully until they spot Leah on the couch.

Jin: I had told her to rest in Taehyung's room. It's pretty late. I hope she had something to eat at least.

Jungkook: Hyung, I think Tae-hyung came home. I can smell his perfume. It's too strong!

Jimin immediately rushes to Taehyung's room but finds it empty. He wanders to his own room and finds Taehyung's clothes thrown on his bed.

Jimin (calling out loudly to the other members): TAEHYUNG WAS HERE!!!



Jimin joins the others downstairs. They all stare at Leah. She was the only one who knew where Taehyung might have gone.

In all the noise, Leah wakes up but pretends to be asleep as she didn't want to be confronted by the others. She knew that it would only lead to a hopeless mess of tears and sobs.

Jungkook: Leah would know where Tae-hyung is, right?

Namjoon: Let her sleep. She looks tired. Everyone let's settle down for today. You heard what manager hyung said. We may not be going to Taehyung's event tomorrow as BTS members, but we undeniably carry the name with us. Hence, remember to act in accordance with our image tomorrow.

Hoseok looks pointedly at Jimin and Jungkook.

Hoseok: Yaah, respond to the leader!

Jimin and Jungkook (stiffly): Okay!

The six of them shift to their rooms and Leah heaves a sigh of relief. Suddenly she feels a warm blanket being placed on her. She tries her best to not flinch.

Yoongi: I know that you are awake.

Leah blinks for a while, trying to adjust to the light before looking up. Yoongi's gentle smile is replaced with worry when he sees her red, puffy eyes.

Yoongi: You've been crying. It's Taehyung, isn't it?

Leah: Taehyung came home and then left. He really is mad at me. He's gone out with his friend.

Yoongi: Friend?

Leah: Kim Ji Woo.

Yoongi nods silently.

Leah: You should rest. You have an important day tomorrow.

Yoongi: So do you.

Leah: I'm not going to the fashion event.

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