11. Encounter

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Leah shows her invite at the entrance and after passing through security, they are shown the way to the ball room.

It is a dimly lit room, with multi-colored spotlights moving all around. There are circular tables with chairs set for the guests. Each table is decorated with silk tablecloths and ribbons.

At the center is a large stage with a huge screen at the back.

Soon, the room begins to fill with guests and VIPs. Women in shimmering gowns and men in neat suits, both donning delicate masks, make their way in lavish style.

Jane, Leah and Rachel are guided to their table by an attendant. As they settle down, the guests at the adjoining table murmur something. Leah and Rachel smile.

Jane: What did they say?

Rachel: They were complementing our masks and gowns.

Jane: Oh! I still haven't come to terms with the fact that we're in a high-profile social event.

Leah: Look! On the stage!

Occupying their positions were seven men in shimmering outfits. A wave of cheer rings aloud as the music begins. The BTS members break into their performance while the guests watch in a frenzy. The multi-colored spotlights add to the toxic effect.

Rachel: Wow! Look at all of them! (Joins the fan chant with the crowd) Kim Namjoon, Kim Seokjin...

Leah: Min Yoongi, Jung Hoseok...

Jane: Park Jimin, Kim Taehyung, Jeon Jungkook, BTS!!!!

They laugh and sway to the groove of the music, fangirling to the maximum as the seven idols move in perfect synchronization.

Jane: Thank God for these masks! I feel I can be myself behind them.

After the end of their first performance, the BTS members go backstage and the screen shifts its display to the girl group THRICE who occupy the stage for their performance.

Later, the Master of Ceremonies takes to the podium and addresses the gathering.

He bows and wishes the audience a warm welcome. He then goes on to introduce the campaign aimed at eradicating Cancer in Child Victims which is accompanied by the display of a video on the screen.

The MC invites a set of dignitaries on the stage and honors them with bouquets of flowers. Following the formal programme, the MC announces the performance by the sensation- HEXO.

The audience retaliate with cheers and waving hands.

Leah: Wohoo! I can't believe we are getting to see such performances!

Rachel: This is like the best thing that could have ever happened to us! Geez, the lighting is so flashy that I can't see them clearly.

Jane: That's the whole purpose! You see, the fleeting lights are to add to the anticipation!

As their performance comes to the end, the audience bellows with a string of applause.

The HEXO members go backstage and the MC once again occupies the center-stage.

MC: As you all know, 'Children of the Rising Sun Organisation' and 'Ribbon of Hope – Korea' has taken up this noble cause of uplifting the victims of cancer through the extensive campaigns. They intend to raise awareness as well as contribute to the expenses incurred by the victims of this unfortunate yet dangerous disease. To make this event more meaningful, You and I have come forward to play our part in rendering hope into the lives of those children and their families, and extend support to the doctors and other medical professionals, who work untiringly everyday so that the children may see another tomorrow.

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