51. Bangtan Bomb!!!

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Hoseok: Jin hyung, for the last time, can you please stop it? I wish you had sat in the front instead of Namjoon.

Hoseok swats his hand on Jin's trembling leg and holds it firmly so as to prevent him from moving any further.

Jin: You don't understand. I'm nervous!

Hoseok: I do understand but you should also consider that we are eight people in one car. There already seems to be lack of space coupled with this stuffy atmosphere and you squirming in your seat is not helping.

Jin: Alright, alright, I'll stop. Yaah Yoongi-ah, drive slowly. What's the hurry, huh?

Yoongi: Come on, did you see that bicycle overtake us?

Jin: I don't care. Drive slowly, drive safe. You do know that the lives of seven others here is in your hands! You shouldn't take such a thing for granted, unlike some people who...

He glances at Taehyung and Jungkook solemnly, his face not hiding the signs of utter betrayal.

Jin: ...give up their hyung's life as sacrificial lamb for their sins. I am Kim Seokjin. I am no Jesus and I refuse to be nailed on the cross!

Namjoon: Hyung, calm down. You are the only one PDnim will listen to.

Jin: Aren't you the leader? Shouldn't you be the one explaining to PDnim?

Namjoon: And what would you like me to say? That Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook brought home the three girls while I was away and while they were under the supervision of you, Jin hyung?

Jin: Oh, now it's all my fault? Is that what you are trying to say?

Namjoon: It's not your fault hyung. But yeah, the facts are the facts. It all began when we- Yoongi hyung, Hobi and I weren't at home. So, it would only make sense if you explain things to-

Jin: I can't believe this. You think I'm the one to blame, right?

Namjoon: No hyung. That's not what I'm saying.

Jin: Yes, you are.

Namjoon: No, I'm not.

Jin: Well you are thinking just that.

Namjoon: How do you even know what's going on in my mind? And no, I'm not thinking any such thing.

Yoongi: Can you two stop fighting? I'm going to stop the car and drop you'll on the road if you so much as say one more word against each other.

Namjoon and Jin sulk silently in their seats. Jin resumes shaking his leg in agitation causing Hoseok to groan in displeasure. There ensues a period of silence in the car as all of them ponder what will happen once they reach the headquarters.

Leah: Guys, I'm sorry. I'm really sorry for putting you'll in this unpleasant state.

Hoseok: Hey, it's not your fault, alright?

Jane: I am the one who should apologise. I should have listened to Manager Sejin and been more careful. If only I had listened, we could have avoided this situation.

Namjoon: Stop apologizing. If it's because of what Jin hyung and I said earlier, don't worry too much about it. That's our way of fighting away stress.

Jin: Yeah, you know I love you right Namjoonah?

Namjoon lets out a small nervous laugh to which Jin joins in. However, the sound of Jin's laughter escalates and suddenly, the car turns into a laughing mess.

Hoseok: Why are we laughing? Oh God! Hahaha!

Jin: Anyway, all secrets are out. I guess there is nothing we can do about it. You guys, there is nothing else that you'll are hiding right?

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