7. Lucky or not?

143 8 9

Jane stares from their hands that were held in a brief handshake to his face. She couldn't make out much other than the three major points:

1. He was quite tall.

2. His favourite colour must be black considering he's completely dressed in black except for his pants that were grey.

3. He has the most beautiful eyes in the world.

Stranger: Let's geddit!

They make their way to the starting line armed with their gaming guns and darts. They were to play 3 rounds comprising of 5 sets each.

First Jane takes aim and shoots. The dart whizzes and hits the target, a red and white circular board.

Jane: 8 points.

The Stranger hints a thumbs up. He goes second and scores 9 points.

In this manner, they simultaneously take turns shooting the board.

By the end of Round 1, the scores stand:

The stranger - 45

Jane – 43

Stranger (surprised): Not bad, you're pretty good at this.

Jane looks at him and smiles. She loved challenges and would never back down from them.

Jane: Round 2?

Stranger (nodding): Okay.

Stall man: Remember, the one who scores the highest gets this teddy bear!

The stranger initiates the second round. He takes aim and shoots the dart onto a whopping bulls-eye. He lifts the gun to his lips and pretends to blow the smoke off it.

Jane laughs at his dramatic feat and steadies herself to take aim. She is quite ready as compared to the first round.

After Round 2, the scores are:

The stranger - 45 (Total = 89)

Jane – 44 (Total = 87)

Jane grits her teeth in annoyance as her rival attains the lead on her with 2 points. She takes a deep breath and composes herself, blocking out all the background noise so as to concentrate for the last round which would determine the winner. She was in no way going to allow the stranger to win the match. She could feel her luck brewing in her gut, which she also concluded could be the result of hunger.

In the (final) Round 3, the stranger obtains a score of 41.


The stranger – 130

Stall man (seeming very amused by the match): Ah Lady, your score is 34 right now. You need to shoot a perfect 10 to defeat him.

Jane lets out a snicker. She was confident of victory especially now that she was only a shot away from it. Pursing her lips in total engrossment, she slowly lifts her gun, her mind quickly calculating all the valuable information she had learned from Counter Strike and PUBG, and tightens the grip on the trigger with her finger.


Leah snatches the gun from Jane's hand and shoves it in the hands of the stunned stall man.

Jane: Wait Lee-

Leah (yelling at the top of her lungs): JUST COME!!!!!!

As Leah drags Jane away, she turns to look at the stranger apologetically who was too startled to react.

With LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora