12. Room No. 1111

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Leah: Where is Rachel?

Jane: I don't know. What is taking her so long?

Leah: Geez, I'll go see.

Leah gets up and walks towards the bar counter. She looks around for Rachel but can't seem to find her. The lights flood in a jazz everywhere. Leah walks up and down the area but can't spot the girl in the sparkling black mask and shimmering black gown. She stands still, contemplating what to do.

Leah: Has she gone out? She might as well have told us if she wanted to.

She shrugs and orders a glass of red wine. The bartender pours her some. Leah takes it and sits on the chair at the counter, scanning the dance floor.

At that moment, two men stagger near the counter holding each other's collars as though about to strike one another in a drunken brawl. They engage in a loud argument and all of a sudden, one of the two men pushes the other over the counter. The other taken aback by the sudden attack, falls into a slump with his right hand hitting Leah's glass which was on the counter. The red wine spills onto Leah's gown at the side, near the waist.

Leah jumps up at once, shocked at the sudden onslaught. She turns towards the aggressor only to find him charging towards her in uncoordinated steps. She freezes and raises her hand up to cover her face, bracing for the worst.

Suddenly somebody grabs her wrist and pulls her away. She stumbles and finds herself enveloped in the arms of a stranger.

Gently resting Leah's head on his shoulder with his left hand, the stranger curls his fist and shoots a hard blow on to the drunken assailant.

When Leah opens her eyes, she sees a man with a grey mask looking down at her. He holds Leah's shoulders and steps back to examine her.

Stranger: Are you okay? Did you get hurt?

Leah glances at her hands and then at her dress. She looks away in embarrassment while trying to cover the stain made by the wine spill on her gown. As she struggles hopelessly, the stranger takes off his coat and wraps it around her.

Leah looks at him in surprise and gratitude. He grabs Leah's hand in his and strides backstage. As though under a spell, she follows him uncomplainingly. He then makes his way to the elevator and presses the button. While waiting for it to arrive, Leah stares at the way the stranger was holding on to her wrist.

It wasn't like her to follow someone randomly. Yet here she was, her hands held by some unknown man who was taking her to an unfamiliar place.

The elevator door pings open and they get in. The stranger presses the button for the 11th floor.

Stranger: Let's get your dress rectified. We'll go to my room if that's okay with you?

Leah nods. There was something reassuring about him.

They wait in awkward silence despite the soft music in the lift, Leah wonders if she's doing the right thing. Her thoughts flash back to the way the stranger held her so protectively in his arms. As her head lay on his chest, she could smell his fragrant soothing perfume.

The elevator door pings once more as it reaches the 11th floor and the doors open. The stranger holds takes her hand in his again and makes his way through the corridor towards a particular room.

Leah is still lost in thought, reminiscing the manner in which the stranger took off his coat and wrapped it around her.

Leah: Why is he helping me? Who is he?

The stranger takes out a key from his pocket and unlocks the door. As soon as they enter, he closes it gently. He walks briskly towards his cupboard, opens it and searches for something.

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