5. Wheeee!

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Rachel: Special Invite? Masked Ball?


Rachel: Lee! Don't tell me this is a joke!

The dumbfounded Leah finally speaks.

Leah: You won't believe who I just met!

Rachel: Who Lee, who? I'll believe you with all my heart and soul unlike this cold-blooded beast here.

Jane rolls her eyes at Rachel's dramatic flair.

Leah: Taehyung. Kim Taehyung.


Throwback to a few minutes before,

In the lady's washroom,

Leah: Umm, excuse me sir but this is the lady's washroom- Oh! You're the guy from the plane!

She notices that his black shirt is now covered by a blue jacket.

Stranger: Ah, we've met before. This is the lady's washroom? I'm sorry, I got confused. I'll get going then.

Leah (smiles): Well the men's washroom is on the other si-

Suddenly the door slams open and a man dressed in black formals stomps in. He walks towards Leah and pushes her roughly causing her to fall back against the wall. The stranger steps forward reflexively to help her out but the other man holds out his arm as a barrier.

Security: Sir, are you okay? She's not done anything to you right? I'm sorry, the crowd got out of control and we lost you. (Looks at Leah as she stands up) You! Don't move from there. You'll be prosecuted for stalking and harassment of a celebrity. I can't believe these fans. They're monsters! To think of even dragging people to the women's washroom-

Stranger: Oh no, she didn't do anything. It's all my fault-

Leah: Have me prosecuted for stalking and harassment? I don't know what you think you're doing barging into the lady's washroom, throwing people on the floor and speaking utter nonsense. I was just here minding my business when this dude walked right in.

Security: This is just next level of crazy. Now you're accusing the Kim Taehyung to have mindlessly strolled into the-

Leah: Kim Taehyung who?

Leah's eyes widen as she turns to look at the stranger. She cannot make out anything above his nose because of his lowered red cap.

Taehyung: That's enough! I admit it, I came here by mistake. She has done no harm to me. In fact, she didn't even know who I was till you just...

Taehyung sighs and takes off his cap. His flips his head to the side causing his bangs to fall back giving a clear view of his handsome face.

Taehyung: Can you please give us a minute.

Security: But Sir-

Taehyung: Please.

Security: Oh alright. I'll be right outside. Whenever you are ready Sir.

Throwing a death glare at Leah, he stomps off in the same manner he barged in, slamming the door after him.

Leah watches Taehyung, stupefied.

Taehyung: I don't think my saying sorry will make anything better, would it? Anyways, I apologize for everything. You see because of....

As Taehyung continues with his apology, Leah zones out into her own world.

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