1. The Invitation

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Mr. Kim Min Joo: How unlikely for us to meet here. My secretary informed me that BTS is in Beijing for their concert and I thought I just had to meet you'll personally to convey my heartfelt gratitude. I'm very glad your company accepted the offer and that you'll are willing to perform for us despite your busy schedule.

Namjoon: It's our pleasure. After all, this is for a noble cause. All the members including myself, are privileged to be a part of it.

Mr. Kim Min Joo: Very well then, the particulars of the event will be conveyed to your company representative by my secretary. Please convey my wishes to Mr. Bang Si-Hyuk. I see that you'll are quite exhausted and I apologize for requesting this meeting on such a short notice, but....

The seven members were seated across the room in two rows. Jin, Namjoon, Yoongi and Hoseok sat in the front while Jungkook, Jimin and Taehyung were seated at the back. In front of them was Mr. Kim Min Joo, a middle-aged man with a bulging tummy that was neatly concealed by his coat. He sipped on his tea every once in a while, and shone a wide, puffy cheek smile the other times.

Jimin (whispering to Taehyung): I know he is an important man, doing good things and all, but I just can't listen to him anymore. My eyes are drooping, I'm exhausted and most of all, I'm very hungry. We just finished the concert and I've not even changed my clothes. Look at Jin hyung in that toy hat! Look at you in your shades! You'll could've at least removed it for now. But then that's the least of my concerns. When can we leave?

Jimin flashes a bright smile as he meets Mr. Kim Min Joo's gaze and nods his head attentively.

Jimin (continuing to whisper to Taehyung): You know what's more annoying? Namjoon hyung. Where does he get the energy to speak so much? Geez, these are the moments when I'm grateful that I'm not the leader. Ahh, Mr. KMJ is looking this way again...

Jimin occasionally throws in a word or two of affirmation, nodding vigorously to whatever Namjoon says in the hope of concluding the conversation.

Jimin: What is the event exactly that we agreed to perform for? I remember Manager hyung briefing us about it. I nodded my head blindly because I saw you'll do it too. But now this great man is thanking us profusely and I don't even have a clue why. Do you know what this is about?

There is no reply from Taehyung.

Jimin (turning to his left): Taehyung? Tae?

Jimin nudges Taehyung sharply causing his shades to partially slide off his nose. He sees Taehyung dozing in his chair.

Jimin (hissing under his breath): Look at you! You haven't listened to a word I've said! What a scoundrel!

He pushes Taehyung indignantly and stares straight ahead. However, the disoriented Taehyung loses his balance from the sudden push and falls off his chair.

Mr. Kim Min Joo: Is everything alright? (Immediately standing up) Are you fine-

Jimin (crouching on the ground besides a baffled Taehyung): EVERYTHING'S GOOD! HE'S FINE! JUST A LITTLE DEHYDRATED! NOTHING TO WORRY ABOUT! I'LL GET HIM SOME WATER!

Namjoon, Yoongi and Hoseok glare at Jimin while Jin and Jungkook try to stifle their laughter. Looking at Jimin's face, they knew exactly what might have happened.

Mr. Kim Min Joo: SECRETARY!!! Kindly get a bottle of water for Mr. Kim Taehyung here. (Looking at Taehyung with concern) How are you feeling lad? Should I call the doctor?

Taehyung: Uh...no thank you! I'm fine.

Mr. Kim Min Joo: Very well then! I'll take your leave now. You boys have to rest well and keep your health intact for all the performances (looks pointedly at Taehyung). Your fans will be terribly worried if anything happens to any of you. Take care!

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