22. Innocent ones

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After Leah and Taehyung assist Jimin and Rachel to their respective rooms,

Jin (yawning): Let's go to sleep. I'm really tired. Jungkook are you coming?

Jungkook: You go on ahead, I'll join you in some time after showing Jane her room.

Jin looks from Jungkook to Jane with a wide smirk on his face.

Jin: Don't stay up for too long.

Jungkook: Aahh hyung!

Jungkook pushes Jin into his room forcefully.

Jin: Okay, Okay.... Good night Jane! Good night JK!

Jane: Good night!

Jungkook (to Jane): Are you tired?

Jane: No, not really. Why?

Jungkook: Come with me.

Jungkook indicates for Jane to follow him upstairs. He heads towards the terrace and unbolts the door. They step out into the open under the night sky. Jane stretches her hands out and twirls around, feeling the cool breeze.

Jane: Wow! It's so beautiful!

She catches Jungkook smiling at her.

Jane: What happened?

Jungkook: You look every bit like you did last night at the Lake.

Jane sighs and leans against the railing.

Jane: From where were you watching me? And why didn't you tell me about the attack? Why did you get hurt because of me?

Jungkook: It's not your fault. Stop blaming yourself. Why were you out all alone at midnight? What would have happened to you if I hadn't seen you.

Jane and Jungkook stare at each other, trying to contain their worry of what would have happened to either of them had the circumstances been unfavourable.

Jane: Thank you Jungkook. Thank you for saving me.

Jungkook smiles and looks up at the sky. She gazes at him and outlines his face against the moonlight. His black eyes seemed to reflect the light like little sparks.

Jane (pointing at the sky): You see that constellation there? That's the Ursa Major and just above it, there, is Polaris- the North Star. It is said no matter where you are, if you are facing Polaris, then it means you are facing the north direction.

Jungkook: Ah, really? Wow! That's amazing! I don't know much about stars, Jimin hyung often explains about some constellations.

Jane: That's the only constellation I know. My dad showed it to me when I was a kid. He said that as long as I knew where the north star is, I will never get lost. Now you know too.

Jungkook looks at Jane fondly. They stare ahead as the wind hovers coolly around.

Jungkook: Honestly, I'm bad at directions. But now I have something to look up to.

Just then, Taehyung and Leah join Jungkook and Jane on the terrace. They stand beside the two of them. Taehyung places his arm on Jungkook's shoulder and he smiles in return.

Leah: Jane?

Jane: Yeah?

Leah: Doesn't it feel surreal?

Jane: Uhuh. Look at the sky.

Leah: It's beautiful!

The four of them sit together and stare at the stars in the sky. The chilly air blows around but they keep each other warm in their company.

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