Instagram Comments

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Neymar scrolled down his Instagram happily. He likes to stalk his fans and see what they're up to. He's seen a lot of Neymessi lately and it makes him happy. He chooses to click on Leo's profile. Leo barely posts anything but Neymar still loves to lurk on his page.

He clicks on his latest picture. His face is heated and he can't stop staring at it. Why pique ?

"Calm down Neymar.. It's just a picture.." He says to himself

But then... Why is leo smiling so fondly at Pique ? Leo shouldn't do that. Neymar wants to be the only one. He wants Leo to give him all the attention.

He chooses to bitterly double tap on the picture. He doesn't know what's taking over him. But he finds himself typing out some words as well. He comments on it. He's feeling better.

Hopefully Leo realizes how badly he's hurt him. It's not that it would hurt anyone to find their lover posting pictures with their close friends. But Neymar and Leo aren't really together and he's not so confident.

He's breakable and he needs reassurance. It's not like their relationship has been settled upon. They can't even name it so what makes Neymar think that Leo owes him something like this.

His phone rings and he's taken back to the real world. He picks up without looking at who the person who's calling is.

"Hello?" He sobs quietly

He hadn't even realized that he was crying.

"Ney? Babe.. Are you crying??! What's wrong ??" Leo says

"L-leo.. I'm.. I'm fine.. A little sick.." He sniffles

"Ney. I'm coming over!"

"No! Leo don't-" leo hangs up

He chooses to take a shower. He'll look fresh and alive. And Leo will never know. Leo never has to know about his insecurities.

He thinks that it's a good idea. Except that it wasn't. He took way too long in the shower and when he returns he finds Lionel on his bed.

"Ney," he smiles

He looks at the boy up and down. There's a towel hanging low on his waist and water droplets dripping from his body. It's turning Leo on.

"Leo.. What are you doing here?" He alas blushing as he notices the way the man is looking at him

"You scared me.. I don't know.. I felt strange when I read your comment on my insta.."

"Oh.. No.. You.. Your picture.. It was ... Nice," he says quietly drifting off

"Ney.. You know I love you right ?"

"Leo.. Stop," he groans

"'No! You can't seem to get it out of your head that I'm in love with you! Can't you see? I love you! God Ney.. I love you so much.. I don't want you to ever doubt my love for you.. Okay?"

Leo pulls him down on the bed with him. He doesn't care that Neymar is wet. He just wants this boy to know just how much he cares about him.

"Ney.. You're always going to be the only one for me.. I don't want you to start having second thoughts about us every time you see me with someone else okay? I love you. You're the only one that's on my mind 24/7. God Ney.. You don't understand how badly I need.. How much I miss you when you're gone... How much I love you.. "

"You're not the only one who has fears and insecurities you know? I'm scared that you're going to find someone better than me. Someone who will treat you better and is better looking or give you more time than I ever could. But I stop myself because if one day you're going to leave me then I want to love you as much as I can right now,"

"Leo.. I'll never leave you.. I love you so much," neymar whispers

They look at each other with loving eyes and suddenly everything is okay.

"God.. Can I fuck you know cause you look really hot,"

"Leo!! " neymar blushes

"Cmon babe," lionel whispers against his lips


Sorry phone is about to die guys lol had to make this quick!

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